Tuesday, October 19, 2021

I am so NOT a Materialistic Person

               I think I must have mentioned that Roland accepted a position at a jewelry store – supposedly local but has been training in both Eugene and Medford in addition to “visiting” in Roseburg.  He has used me as his sounding board before whenever he has been assigned to give a talk or lesson in church.  I would rather listen to it fresh than to hear him rehearse it – but I understand.  My mom did the same thing.

            Well, now he wants me to be a sounding board for his work and I am SO UNINTERESTED in the quality of diamonds or the luster of diamonds or what makes them what.  I really don’t care.  And it gets harder to listen each time he tries to practice as I become more and more uninterested.  I used to wear costume jewelry all the time – until my mission.  Haven’t worn much since. 

Roland would like to go out and make nice purchases for both Jenna and me and it’s just not practical.  I know I should be more grateful that he thinks that is the way to show me off.  But I would rather not be showed off for what is around my neck or on my finger.  Rings aren’t even a part of the ceremony that takes place within the temples that are part of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 

They’re symbols.  Funny thing is those things I am truly attached to are for sentiment and usually have no financial value.  Perhaps I should be more sentimental about jewelry given in sentiment – but I’m not.  Currently I am wearing a locket which he gave me. He always asks when I’m not wearing – which is often.  It’s expensive!  And I tend to be careless and misplace things all of the time.  I told him not to buy it or even the wedding band (number three at that) that continues to fall off my finger. 

They should be reminders of how much he loves me – but material items don’t express love to me.  They have become reminders of how our money could have been better spent. I suppose it seems callous of me.  Our communication skills are still something to behold.  At least Jenna and I get one another. 

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Triggers From Stake Conference

 I remember going to youth conference and taking notes – one or two words at a time.  When I would return to the dorms I would pull out my notes and elaborate on what I remembered based on the words.  I don’t remember things as well anymore and often the words I’ve written don’t ever get made into a sentence or paragraph. 

The Roseburg Stake has always had its stake conference two weeks after General Conference. General Conference is great as each talk is recorded and I can return to read or listen, but Stake Conference is not recorded. I have gotten so much out of the virtual conferences rather than in person sitting on hard chairs in a room very far away from the podium.  Each year I have wished the recording would have been available longer than just watching it live.  This year was especially awesome.

Only last night’s adult session and the general meeting today were broadcast.  The leadership meeting had to be attended in person and wearing masks.  I had not bothered making plans for going.  Jenna had a party to go to – I thought in Tri-City but turned out to be Roseburg and so I changed into my Sunday attire and had Roland drop me off at the church after dropping Jenna off at the roller skating party.  I’m glad I went.  It was very good as well as the adult session. 

As I took notes I noticed that some of the examples used would trigger memories from my own life and thought I would share a couple.  Many had made the comment of “being like children” as they have faith and acceptance where several adults do not.  I thought of a time when my sister-in-law related a reenactment among her two oldest children and their neighbor’s boy. 

I don’t know how recent they had learned the plan of salvation (here) but decided they would use their front door (which was missing a window pane) and crawl through the hole in order to be born.  They would play outside for a while (earth life) until it was time to come inside.  

They would then cross over to death using a different door that went into the house.  I was touched by the experience that she shared.

I thought of another trigger when another sister talked about her children having shared the gospel and inviting a boy with them to achievement days (here).  They had invited him three times in a row and two times the activity had been cancelled. I recall activities being cancelled oh so many times – not with me so much as my own kids.  It can be quite discouraging.

 When I was in primary the meetings were spread out throughout the week.  Our primary was on Thursdays right after school.  Not all wards had primary on the same day.  I remember some snowy days when announcements were made over the school intercom “such and such  a ward will not be having primary today”  I think every ward had been called for cancellation except for ours – and we often had worse days of snow!  It wasn’t until I was on my mission that I appreciated the dedication of our primary president who understood the importance upon our impressionable minds. 

There are many leaders like that – who will put their whole heart and soul into their callings for those that they serve.  There are others who choose to cancel due to circumstances such as the weather, family gatherings, work . . . whatever.  It’s not my place to judge their priorities.  I just know how much I appreciate those who allow their callings to come first.  One of the things we were taught was to not allow circumstances to interfere but to keep our focus on Christ or his example. 

I have more.  I have two pages of unorganized thoughts.  Hopefully I will be able to get those organized and share some more.

Saturday, October 9, 2021

The Fog Lifted Too Soon

 Fog has lingered in the morning, but not today.  Jenna had wanted to meet with her friends downtown so they could take pictures with a foggy background.  It ended up just me (the photographer) and her - no fog.  Here are some pics with her in her homemade costume of Trick or Treat's Sam.

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Let Our Extremely Soothing Music Put You to Sleep While You Are On Hold

              Let’s talk Men’s Wearhouse – perhaps not all locations but the one in Medford specifically.  Jenna, Roland and I had gone on an outing on September 20.  Each of us purchased clothing at one store or another – Jenna and I found items in different stores throughout the Rogue Mall.  Roland’s purchase was at the Men’s Wearhouse located at the Sky Blue Plaza. 

              There were some pairs of pants that needed custom fitting and alteration.  The pants were then to be shipped to our address in Myrtle Creek.  As it has been a few weeks since the purchase was made, Roland decided he should contact the store.  He had meant to call on Monday but never got around to it or forgot or whatever. (He had written down the names of five phone numbers to contact throughout the day).  Thus he tried to contact them the following day but there was no answer.  According to Google the location was open, but when we contacted the headquarters in California and learned that the Medford location is closed on Tuesdays.  Weird.  But okay.

              He couldn't afford to be on eternal hold with them yesterday as he was in Eugene training for a job position to open up in Roseburg.  Anyway, since he could not afford to be on eternal hold with the store, I volunteered.  They seem to play this one stanza of sleepytime music over and over again so that customer will fall asleep before the “next available representative” will get back on the line – that way if you or I are calling to complain we will forget who we are even holding for let alone what made us call. 

              The order came in and was filed under “closed” or "complete" apparently waiting for us to come get it.  And we knew that how?  It’s not as though we were contacted to say: “Hey, your pants are in.”  I’m baffled really.  I was told the pants will be sent out today.  I guess we’ll have to turn on our person detector should the pants arrive – though Bonnie will probably let us know.  But sometimes we’ll ignore Bonnie because sometimes she will just bark at the wind.

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Need This Pink Slip to Get In

              Roland had to make a trip to Roseburg the other day.  Had to go to the VA hospital to have some work done.  Prior to COVID there had been more than one option to enter and exit the campus as the space is composed of more than one building.  But since COVID – there is one way in, one way out, and guards on watch to make certain the one way driving is enforced.  Also there are teams of health screeners to take one’s temperature before one is able to park.  If the driver or those entering any building doesn’t have a temperature is given a pink slip to prove that he or she has been scanned.    

I don’t know what becomes of those who do have a temperature or a cough or flare-up or anything that might become worse if not treated – I mean, wouldn’t they still have to get in?  Isn’t that why they came?

I just stay in the car and play on my kindle and so have not had my temperature taken or received a pink slip for myself.  I’m grateful that they are taking precautions.  I wish every business in the county would take precautions. Only 65% of Oregon is vaccinated.  Until more people accept this pandemic thing as REAL, it’s NOT going to go away.    

Monday, September 27, 2021

Come Follow Me Facebook Group

         Once a month, the church holds a sacrament meeting known as “fast and testimony meeting”.  This meeting is normally held at the first Sunday of the month.  The exceptions are just prior to or after General Conference.  Conferences take place the first weekend in April and October.  The ward I reside in has always done the testimony meeting the last Sunday in March and September.  This gives members of the congregation the opportunity of standing at the pulpit to express their understanding of the gospel and to share their testimonies.

        Yesterday’s meeting was quite powerful and the Spirit was delivered in such reverent manner.  I had worn a clean mask which was no longer clean as it was filled with moist emotion. It had started before the bishop had invited the congregation to come and speak.  The sacrament hymn was "I Stand All Amazed" (here) which I have memorized because my eyes are always to blurry to see the words.  It was awesome to partake of the Spirit.

        After I returned home I had checked my facebook account.  One of the memories that popped up was concerning a fast that was held last year – also before conference.  We had been asked to fast and pray about five specific things.  I reshared the post to two different groups that I’m a part of.  One of them was the “Come Follow Me” group that I have been a part of for less than a year now.

        When I checked my notifications this morning I noticed several comments had been left on my post.  One was a sincere question about the fast and several others left their comments in response to the question.  I have always appreciated being a part of the group. This morning I was especially grateful for the support it offers so many. I don’t feel the need to add to what has already been said. I am grateful for those who took the time to address the concern my first commenter had.

        Technology can often be frustrating.  It can invite evil but it can also invite good.  So impressed to have this technology that I can use for good.  I am so thankful to all of those involved.

Saturday, September 25, 2021

At What Sacrifice? Or Whose?

         I recently learned that Brigham Young had told Ephraim Hanks to shave his face.  I have probably heard the story (here) several times but did not resonate like it does at present.  “Wear a mask”. How hard is that?  Few people enjoy being told what to do.  We all have our free agency.  Not everybody will wear a mask – or if they do, they will wear pretend masks or fail to cover both mouth and nose.


        Ephraim Hanks had free agency.  He didn’t have to shave.  He chose to obey the council.  It’s not that he needed to prove anything to others or even God.  He had to prove to himself that he was willing to obey.  This act played a huge role with his ability to lead others. 

        This article reinforces that wearing a mask is showing Christ

like love.  We wear masks in order to protect others – even those that have received the vaccination.  Asking some people to get a vaccination shot is even worse than asking them to wear a mask.  Really?  What is the big deal? 

    According to several sources (here) we could have avoided prolonging the pandemic if we had all cared about one another in the first place rather than how uncomfortable it might make for ourselves.  I don’t mean to wish bad upon these self absorbed people but sometimes I think how would they like seeing a family member in need of surgery being operated upon by a team of unmasked surgeons?  Or have their dentists breathe into their mouths while working on them?  But too bad for all those unmasked surgeons and dentists. 

        My brother purchased a book called “Would You Rather” and each day he posts a question.  A recent one was “Would you rather to be able to control the elements or go back in time?”

        I have always questioned time travel.  It’s fun to watch in movies, but what would it change really?  Different outcomes?  Better?  Worse?  There are all kinds of scenarios.  The thing is going back in time to warn others about the pandemic will not change what is going on right now.  We were already warned.  We’ve been divided.  We’re at a civil or cold war with one another.  Even at church.  There are those who still refuse to follow the prophet. 

        How hard is it to wear a mask or shave?  How hard is it to look at the staff that is stretched before us?  

I don’t understand all the pride.  For what?  Things will only get worse before they get better.  Why is it so difficult for so many to see what is right before them?  Especially when it parallels with scriptures. 

Our current situation may not be exactly like Zion’s camp or the movement of the pioneers or picking up our tents to move even further into the wilderness and crossing the ocean into the unknown.  We put our faith in God that He really does have our best interest at hand.  I would rather follow God into the unknown as I know the He does know what’s ahead – even if I don’t. 

I have seen far too many westerns, sci-fis and other movies to recognize that human leadership is often faulty. Though not always, but often, bad things happen to those that follow – maybe not all of them, but a good number of them.  For example the movie Poseidon Adventure. 


How many souls were lost?  Not all humans know what they’re doing.

        It’s mind boggling, too, that there are those who are still defending Trump.  I don’t trust a man who desecrates religion.  So many of his followers are portrayed as idiots.  I think there’s a difference between being ignorant and being stupid. Evidently I am surprised at the large amount of stupid people that exist.

        Still judging though I’m trying really hard not to.  Currently I am just shaking my head in disbelief.  I also pray a lot.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Swallowed Hills

 Each year after the smoke leaves 

the fog descends

and the hills seem to disappear 

as before

but the air is clean and moist

and breathable

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Sweet Beautiful Rain


          It has rained

                     the last two mornings. 

Sweet Beautiful Rain. 


It has pounded over the skylight 

        and has woken me up.  

I don't mind.  

It's such a pleasant sound to my ears.

The rain has cleaned the air and

swallowed up the hills –

but in a positive way –          

unlike the smoke. 

I enjoy looking at the clouds. 

The elements are awesome


Saturday, September 18, 2021

Brave or Stupid? I’m Going for the Latter

         Roland took a warehouse job with GREAT benefits – less than ten minutes away – but graveyards.  He had done that kind of work before.  He was doing that when I met him – graveyards. His body was younger and in better shape 20 years ago.  Just three days in seemed to take a toll on him and he quit.  Dang. 

He is now training for a sales job at a jewelry store.  Jewelry.  Sales.  Blech!  I was much more excited about the warehouse.  NOT excited about sales or jewelry.  But it’s his comfort zone.  To sell.  He seems excited about it I guess. 

He has felt the need for new clothes.  He has also wanted to purchase clothes for Jenna – who does enjoy shopping at the dollar store, discount stores and even second hand store.  But not for clothes.  A teenage girl who hates to go shopping.

Roland has taken Jenna by himself a few times, but neither one of them are good at finding items in her size.  That is probably what we hate most about shopping – finding cute things in smaller sizes but a limited choice in our own.  Three ugly dresses, shirts, pants or what have you.  This time Roland dragged me into it.  What we couldn’t find in the Big City of Roseburg we would surely find at the MALL in Medford.

After seven years of being away from the mall Jenna was quite thrilled with being there – especially to ride escalators.  What a dream, right?  The stores in Roseburg had not been crowded – especially the dressing rooms.  I was a bit put off that there was the option of trying on clothes when none was offered a year and a half ago when the pandemic had started in the U.S. and the cases were not as high in the state then as they are currently.

But then again we are a red county.  Citizens who vote republican and abuse their “freedoms” without understanding why we even have said freedoms.  I’ve seen more people wearing masks than not.  Thankfullly there are still some businesses who enforced the mask rules and at least one store had closed its dressing rooms.

I remember when the pandemic first happened and there was that  stay-at-home order and several businesses closed and the ones that remained open seemed to have a non-verbal “no touch” policy.  “If you touch the item, you buy the item – we cannot return it to the shelf”

Carts were wiped down for a time.  I don’t know that anyone does that anymore.  Even though we are required to wear masks the social distancing definitely not enforced.  I felt like I was being swallowed by the disease. 

I have been coughing though I don’t believe it’s a COVID cough – although after today I suppose that could be the case. However it didn’t start out that way.

The smoke comes and goes.  There were two days of sunshine and blue skies and yesterday I retrieved Bonnie’s leash and had opened the front door and saw the smoke descending over the hills and went back for my mask – not that it added great protection from the smoke but would help my breathing just a bit. 

I ended up not taking Bonnie out until later in the day when the hills reappeared and the sky was no longer murky. That was weird.  But it did leave a cough.  But there are a number of people who have COVID and I could have easily come in contact – especially today.  But neither Jenna or Roland are coughing and they venture out way more often than I do.

I should have several days of posts as I have had time to write.  The drive just hasn’t been there.  Even now.  But somehow I feel obligated to post something.  I need to come up with something profound and inspiring.  Still working on it.

Monday, September 13, 2021

One Man's Misfortune May Be Another's Form of Entertainment.

 One of the pigs got out of his/her yard and into ours.  Isn't the first time.  Could even be the same pig as last year.  I don't know.  It sounds as though they have been more trouble than what they're worth.  Neither one of these guys were particularly happy as it cost two hours of time they could have spent elsewhere.  

When you view these (some not great quality due to a dirty window) pay attention to the pigs in the background.  They seem intrigued.

not the most durable climbing shoes in my opinion

appears to be a standoff LOL

the details don't stand out so great in this
photo but the pig in the background does

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Discrimination and Other Struggles part 1

               Every essay needs a thesis statement, at least three body paragraphs and a concluding paragraph.  Jenna is now taking an English based on writing letters to solicit scholarship funds.  Her first theme currently is “Beat the Odds Scholarship”.  I looked over her first rough draft and we changed some of it.  It’s still not perfect but we knew that going in. 

One of the suggestions that her instructor has was that she should focus on overcoming disabilities or hardships that affected her life.  Jenna’s only comment was the pandemic which is definitely NOT a personal struggle.  It is still a struggle nonetheless – and the only one that either of us can think of. 

        The fact that Roland and I are college graduates has already kept Jenna from the summer program that at least one of her friends had gone to this year.  Our family way of life offers many benefits over that of most of her friends.  Many come from broken homes.  Some have ambitions and some do not.  Each student is struggling in ways that Jenna often doesn’t or just can’t relate to. 

Jenna has ALWAYS enjoyed learning.  She has ALWAYS looked forward to school.  Her greatest years thus far (I kid you not) were the years spent in middle school (I haven’t known many who have relished the “junior high” years – but she truly did).  Jenna is her own person and is not swayed by others. 

        The global pandemic is not a personal problem but is definitely an issue that has somewhat deflated her soul.  She tries so hard to remain positive but seems to be walking on broken shells on an unfriendly beach trying hard to get to the water but hasn’t reached it yet.  She said she is going to start recording the days that she doesn’t cry about some sort of frustration.  She’s been in school only three days and I’m certain that things will pick up.  Currently she is in her bare feet standing on the sand.

        Because she was taken out of school she was also taken out of the system – meaning any logins or passwords she used as a sophomore are null and void as a senior.  She has to start over.  Because one of the staff encountered COVID, all others had to quarantine – which put them behind. 

Jenna has a physical copy of her schedule, but it is not in the system to check.  It has been frustrating.  But perhaps it’s the booster that Roland thinks she needs to leave high school behind and enter into the real world. 

        When we moved into this community Jenna and I became a part of it.  We were eager to assist one another.  It was a great place to be.  Now everybody is so torn up about the economy and making everything so political that there are civil wars taking place all over the nation.  I don’t know what states and/or cities are the safest to be in right now.  Roland and I each want Jenna to succeed in whatever she does.  Question is where?  And what can we afford?

        Roland just accepted a position as a salesman at a jewelry store.  Not a job I was anxious about and still not comfortable with – although it won’t wear him out as did the warehouse position that he had attempted for three days but his body is not in the greatest shape to continue.  And he loves sales and is good at it. 

He’s currently learning his lines and I am trying to bite my tongue though I’m doing a really lousy job at using the word “snake” to describe the average salesman.  His “acting role” is putting me out even further.  If he is successful at this job and can provide an education for Jenna, great.  But my fear is he will make too much in order for her to qualify for benefits – “rumor has it that he sells engagement rings and therefore is wealthy enough to provide for his little girl”. 

        Having a representative working at a jewelry store does not a Rockefeller make.  Jenna may not appreciate that we have been financially struggling since before she was born.  We moved because of lack of finances.  She had received reduced lunch and was on the receiving end of the school charity drives.  At the time she did not see it as a setback but truly did appreciate wearing new shoes that she was given at school or whatever it was.  She and her friends will joke about it now, calling it the drive for the poor kids, which doesn’t sound nice but seems easier to accept when you realize that you are or have been one of them.

        We don’t have riches but are definitely not struggling anymore – even though Roland was let go from the online position as the school closed.  He’s really not ready to retire as he seems to have the drive to do something.  Jenna has been involved with volunteer work and earned money picking blueberries for three summers.  Her passion is now in the theatre arts.  She believes everyone needs to be entertained – especially during this time of uncertainty.  She does entertain.

        I don’t like to see my baby struggle but I realize just as this pandemic has been a growing time for me it will be her.  She just might not see that now.