Showing posts with label organization. Show all posts
Showing posts with label organization. Show all posts

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Well I am Ready to Die

                Biff and Clair have moved but failed to take all their stuff with them.  Meanwhile Jaime is moving in.  She has belongings in one shed and is going through all the stuff that was thrown in the other shed before Biff and Claire moved in.  We have organized both sheds to a degree.  Camping and tools is one.  Christmas, memorabilia and other miscellaneous items in the other.  Plus stacks of crap items belonging to Biff’s family though I think there is more on the deck than what’s in the shed.  I want it gone.

               I was so exhausted and soar yesterday.  Today was much easier.  We did 30 minutes of work and break and work again.  Yesterday was overcast and 60ish until about two.  And we stopped – at least outdoors.  Jaime went through many of her stuffed animals yesterday and is going through other bins today.  Today’s highest was 69 and we were blessed with cool winds as we worked.  I think we stopped working at 2:00 outside but still have loads to go through from what we brought in –

               Meanwhile I have discovered a few items that I had made reference to but figured got left in West Valley Utah as I didn’t remember seeing them again until this afternoon and had Jaime take some pictures that I could post.