Showing posts with label patriotic program. Show all posts
Showing posts with label patriotic program. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

A Patriotic Turn-Around – Thank You Everyone

         Several years ago, my brother Corey presented a patriotic program to the Relief Society of the ward we attended.  Great program.  One that I had tried to recreate – though it didn’t go as I had planned.

         I have the original tape that Corey had made – somewhere.  I couldn’t find it and so had to recreate one.  He said he hadn’t saved the program and so I had to recreate that as well.  Rely upon my own research instead of his.  Though I believe I had it easier.  Today we have access to several sources on the Internet.  Corey used the card catalog and spent HOURS putting the program together.

         I recorded music, though I didn’t like the quality (or lack thereof) of the recording as the volume changed with each song.  I had asked Corey if he and Joh could/would record songs for me (I still have never heard the two of them singing together) and so he created a YouTube video with most of the songs I’d be using.

         My plan was to give a brief description of the song and have the sisters guess what song I was describing, and then I would play a piece of the song.  I had handouts with lyrics to pass out at the end of my program

         I rehearsed with the tape.  I rehearsed with Corey’s video.  I was happy to go either way and couldn’t quite decide which way to go. But then a blunder that took place last week helped me decide.
         Jenna and I were in the Church parking lot.  She had wanted to shoot baskets, and I had brought my script and tape player to practice the performance.  When Jenna walked toward me, she started singing along with a song, she seemed stumped as a verse she wasn’t familiar with started to play.    I decided to rewind the tape for her so that she could hear from the beginning – and then the tape garbled.  Quite badly.

         I could have just found another tape and rerecord everything.  But I had my back up.  Or so I thought.  I figured even with Roland’s “slower-than-molasses-in-sub 0-weather” laptop, I would have Corey’s recording and instrumentals ready to click on when it was time.  It didn’t even occur to me that the Church has blocked the use of YouTube from their wi-fi.  It makes sense when I think about it.  Problem is, I didn’t think about it.

         No tape. No wi-fied YouTube.  Now what?  Pass out the handouts BEFORE the program and ask for audience participation (which was a success by the way) and play it by ear.

         It actually turned out quite well.  It was a good turnout and the sisters really seemed to enjoy themselves.  They wanted to sing.  And they kept singing.  I think they enjoyed singing more than if I had just played.

         I’m grateful that they were grateful for the time I had put in and that each enjoyed herself.  I thank Corey for the time he took also.  The sisters were impressed that he had taken that time for me.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Assisting and/or Taking Over - Being Involved

            After a successful Relief Society activity that I had inadvertently volunteered to set up, I was called to head the RS activity committee.  What committee???

            I have a few ideas to share, but some require more participation than I have been getting.  Aurelia loves the idea of doing a "Price is Right" activity as we had done in my previous ward.  See here and here hopefully (if there is no screen on the second here, try this one).

            I initially brought it up because Aurelia said that we needed to do an activity on food storage and I thought that was a fun activity - but certainly not one we can pull off with just three participants.  So that will be on hold until September at least.  Meanwhile I gave the suggestion of doing a Patriotic program.

            Several years ago (several) my brother, Corey, was asked to present a program to the RS on patriotic songs.  I don't know if he came up with his own agenda on how to present it, or if it had been suggested to him.  I know that he did his own research.

            It was back in the day before Internet and Google.  Corey used the card catalogue and spent hours upon hours checking out material at the library and recording songs.  With each piece of music he played, he presented a bit of trivia about the song itself. 

Roland wanted to change this to make it
more appealing.  Granted, it's not the
 greatest, but still from his suggestions

            It was a great program and very informative.  I kept the tape that he had put together, but have since then misplaced it.  Unfortunately his notes have been discarded and I have had to come up with my own research - which is not a bad thing. 

            With internet access it should work up faster for me than it did for Corey.  Maybe not.  I am getting input and feedback - but not from the sisters I serve, but rather Roland who is eager to jump in and tackle each project I have created for the benefit of the Relief Society.  He always wants to help with the hand-outs and the activity itself.  Roland's like that.  He wants to be involved. He's assisted in a countless amount of activities on a stake level.

            Last week he was released from his calling as Sunday School teacher and was put in as the assistant to the financial clerk - which only goes to prove that God really does have a sense of humor.  As I have had time to think about it, I truly do believe the calling was inspired and that he will grow from it and perhaps learn how to budget our money and time as well.

            He finally did come up with his own announcement (using the background he had initially suggested)