Showing posts with label study. Show all posts
Showing posts with label study. Show all posts

Thursday, March 19, 2020

The First Day of Spring

          There were several signs of spring before it the equinox made (or will make) it official.  So many trees in pink and white blossom and all the daffodils and allergies.  

Though my eyes appreciate the view from a distance, I have a hard time with spring up close as my sinuses go ballistic.  My ears tear and my nose runs.  Allergies.  I’m not sick.  I’m annoyed.  I need more moisture than the air has been providing me with lately.  Time to bring out the humidifier – which always seemed like an oddity for this part of Oregon.  But with Roland always being cold at night, the electric heat is really not agreeing with me right now.  

          It’s the heat.  It’s not a virus.  I’m not sick.  Even if I do get sick, I won’t admit it.  I’m not going to the doctor’s or hospital.  There are sick people there.  They don’t allow visitation.  I’m not going to spend my isolation in a hospital where I’m really not isolated as there will be other patients and staff in masks.  Not me.  I’m staying home.  Even if I do get sick or break a body part or puncture myself.  I will weigh it out at home with my loved ones around me.  I am NOT going to go to the hospital.

          Parent Teacher Conference was supposed to be held tomorrow and Spring break officially starts on Monday.  This morning Jenna and I did her last seminary assignment for this week.  Seminary won’t start back up until March 30.  They will try meet two days a week online but the students are on their own for the remaining three. Jenna still wants us to study each morning whether there’s seminary or not.  We are cruising through the Book of Mormon and the Come Follow Me Program.  

We are ahead of where we would be if we were meeting on Sundays for Sunday School.  Looking forward to General Conference.  We were told it would be unlike any other.  We didn’t know why then, but many have figured out why now. 

Monday, December 2, 2019

Tapering Off With "Come Follow Me"

When the “Come Follow Me” program was announced last year, it was also announced that our Sunday church meetings would go from three hours down to two but that we, as members, were still responsible for filling that third hour on our own and were provided with a manual – one per family.  Jenna and I both predicted that many, though may have started out with great intentions, would not keep on their studies on their own.

          As the program was new to all of us, I thought our family could invite others to learn with us and we could all struggle through it together.  Not that going through the scriptures is a struggle.  I had taught the youth when the Church did away with traditional manuals and so had a familiarity – the trying to learn it without instruction seemed a little more trying. 

          I felt inspired to invite families or individuals to learn with us.  Trying to squeeze dinner in at the same time was NOT a good idea as my focus was on the learning part whereas Roland seemed to be more interested in the food part. 

          Meanwhile I had purchased notebooks for those who might not have.  My intention was to sit down together and learn things at the same time – well, sort of.  Jenna and I had continued to go through the scriptures and manual first thing after we came home from church.  Roland did not participate with us as he was still at the church fulfilling his clerical calling.

          “Dinner’s ready,” he announced before we had an opportunity to study or discuss.  We hadn’t communicated how we had wanted to present ourselves.  We hadn’t prayed about who we should invite.  We had more people than we did seats at the table.  It didn’t turn out as I had hoped.  There was no discussion.

          From then on I prayed about who we should invite.  I encouraged Roland to pray about this decision in his personal prayers as well as our family prayer.  We went to the home of a widow and had a really great discussion with her.  Every other appointment we had attempted had fallen through.  Eventually so did our efforts to make connections.  Too bad.

          Jenna and I would still continue to read scriptures and go through the manual.  

          I don’t when one of the counselors in RS posted a link to Emily Freeman/David Butler videos (found here) gradually I allowed the video to replace my efforts of setting up appointments with other members.  Jenna and I would return from church and watch the videos.  Sometimes I would print out the study sheet to pass out to my primary class.  I started to slide though when it was Danny’s turn to teach. 

          If I did miss a week, I would watch the missed video the following week in addition to the current week – which I tried to do this week as I missed last week.  I realize I’ve become dependant on the videos and a lot lax on the manual.  I’m always embarrassed to find the bookmark in a spot more than six weeks back.

          On Friday I watched this video followed by the one for first and second Peter.  I took notes on the video for James.  Loved it. I always get more out of presentations if I take notes.  I did not take notes for “Peter’s” part.  I tried watching again later on.  Still, nothing resonated with me.  Yesterday morning I watched it again.  I was in the other room and did not have access to any of my notebooks.  Still nothing.

          Usually, when “Don’t Miss This” video ends, a conference address will automatically play, but yesterday it was followed by this video.  Butler/Freeman videos are not the only video resource for “come follow me” as there are several options.  I got more out of the second video “Teaching with Power”.  I rewatched it after Roland and Jenna got up as I figured Roland would sit through more of it then he does of “Don’t Miss This” – we are two different people.  Videos that usually grab me and Jenna don’t work for him and vice-versa.  He can sit through a monotone documentary.  ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ – not me.  Jenna and I prefer the animation.

          I was impressed by how much she paid attention and how many correct answers she was able to provide on the questionnaire. 

          When Sunday school started yesterday morning, I could see the questions and scriptural references all had to do with James – and I had brought my notebook.  I figured I’d be able to participate – which I did.  There was more participation yesterday than there had been the time we had met before.
          As we wrapped up James, the instructor played a couple of videos and erased the board and rewrote Peter 3:18, 19, and 4:6.  There were also three references for D&C – the last being about 35-40 verses.  I don’t even remember any emphasis being placed on those scriptures in either video – not to say it wasn’t present, I just hadn’t seen it.  In my mind, each of the three messages had been presented differently enough that the three of them together covered more ground as each of them took certain scriptures to dwell on – and there is still so much more.  And I need to reread and study better than I have done.

          I enjoy learning different points of view and what may be meaningful to someone may be overlooked by somebody else.  I enjoy connecting the pieces – or seeing the pieces presented rather so that I may make the connection. 

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Fluff and Flowers

I am a visual person

I like parables, analogies,

crashcourse videos,

mnenomics and pictures

The fluff and flowers

help me remember.

Whatever I'm trying to learn

will make more sense if

I can compare or have

an image in my mind.

Roland seems to do better

without the fluff and flowers;

he can read a wordy textbook

or listen to a person ramble

on and on during a lecture -

the more boring or over my head

the more he understands and


He has the talent to read the

wordy textbook and dummy it down

to my level.  I don't have the

talent of taking all the fluff and

turn it into 68 words instead of just five

so that he will understand.

We're two different people.