Showing posts with label conference. Show all posts
Showing posts with label conference. Show all posts

Monday, October 2, 2023

How Blessed Are We


A week ago I taught the lesson in Relief Society.  I had read and listened to the talk several times in the course of a month and it just wasn’t resonating with me. As I prayed about how I should go about teaching the lesson I felt inspired to focus on the upcoming conference and how to prepare to hear whatever message we needed to hear for ourselves.

I passed out a paper with thoughts I had collected from both the church website and Deseret News.  It starts out with how blessed we are to get to hear the words of God through our prophets and apostles and other Church leaders.  Let me emphasize other Church leaders as we heard from many that serve in other capacities.  And what a great blessing it was to hear from each of them.

General conference is a gift that each of us can benefit.  Taking notes helps one to focus – at least it does me.  I know that there were some who were disappointed not seeing Pres. Nelson for three of the sessions.  I appreciated Henry B. Eyring’s as he addressed the “servants of the Lord” – they were all servants.  And all brought “words of truth and encouragement  and greater insight guidance”  I love that.  I love that we have the opportunity to embrace conference.  I didn’t always, but feel more connected and grateful with modern technology helping us to view more freely and fully.

Pres. Nelson is almost 100 years old.  He recently had surgery and sat down for his talk.  Prophets and apostles age.  They encounter health problems.  Eventually they or their spouses are called home.  I remember watching conference when Pres. Hinckley sat alone while those he assisted were absent due to health. 

I am so grateful for modern day revelation and inspired mouth-pieces of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.  I am thankful for prayer and the guidance of the Holy Ghost.  I am grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Short and Sweet

         In the Church of Jesus Christ there is a meeting in which members of the congregation are encouraged to make their way to the stand to bear their testimonies.  This meeting takes place once a month – usually the first Sunday of each month.  General Conference also falls on the first Sunday of the month and so testimony meeting gets moved to either the last week of the month prior or to the second week (depending on the ward or stake).  In the South Umpqua ward we have held testimony meeting the week prior – except this year.

On March 26 we had stake conference – which is a geographical boundary made of up several wards

April 1 and 2 was General Conference (which is when the meetings are broadcast world wide)

April 9 Easter program

Thus our testimony meeting was not until the 16th of this month.

          I recall sitting through a many of sacrament meetings as a youth in which testimony meeting especially seemed to drag.  Either a person would make his/her way to the stand and drone on endlessly or else there was such a lull of space in between each testimony that the silence often seemed to account for a longer amount of time.

          There were several things on my mind.  Jaime had made a surprise visit.  I am so grateful to have her so close to home.  I have also grown a lot due to the “Come Follow Me” program in addition to my current living situation – becoming more tolerable I guess and feeling like I have become (and continue to become) a better person as I compare my own faults to the scriptures direction on how to improve.

          During the week I had asked for the Spirit to be with me that I might express my thoughts without detraining from the testimony’s purpose.  Bishop had announced that we keep our testimonies short and sweet – which this ward members seem to be really great at – and there are rarely lulls or distractions like some meetings of my past.

          I mentioned how the “Come Follow Me” program has assisted me with my current living situation and how grateful I have been for the examples each have given me.  I was then prompted to sit down. 

          “But I still have more to say,” I thought.

          I sat down without expressing my gratitude for Jaime and being at a close distance.  And so I am expressing it here.

Sunday, April 10, 2022

The Option of Zoom


Today is stake conference. There are several who are eager to go to the Church to attend in-person meetings that haven’t been an option for many.  In October they had encouraged it.  “Attend where you can but a zoom option will be available for those not comfortable to meet in person”

My desire to zoom vs. meeting in person has nothing to do with the pandemic or fear.  I don’t like crowds nor do I appreciate sitting in the back rafters.  For as much as I normally get out of in-person attendance, I might as well be in another building.  I am surprised there is still that option. 

Thus far I haven’t been in awe as I was with the last meeting – wishing that it could have been recorded just as general conference so that I could/can rewatch some of it.  I am grateful that I am able to review the general conference meetings. 

Have been reading posts left on the "Come Follow Me" facebook page and continue to be grateful for those who participate with such profound thoughts and insight.  Grateful for technology that allows us to share positive thoughts.

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Triggers From Stake Conference

 I remember going to youth conference and taking notes – one or two words at a time.  When I would return to the dorms I would pull out my notes and elaborate on what I remembered based on the words.  I don’t remember things as well anymore and often the words I’ve written don’t ever get made into a sentence or paragraph. 

The Roseburg Stake has always had its stake conference two weeks after General Conference. General Conference is great as each talk is recorded and I can return to read or listen, but Stake Conference is not recorded. I have gotten so much out of the virtual conferences rather than in person sitting on hard chairs in a room very far away from the podium.  Each year I have wished the recording would have been available longer than just watching it live.  This year was especially awesome.

Only last night’s adult session and the general meeting today were broadcast.  The leadership meeting had to be attended in person and wearing masks.  I had not bothered making plans for going.  Jenna had a party to go to – I thought in Tri-City but turned out to be Roseburg and so I changed into my Sunday attire and had Roland drop me off at the church after dropping Jenna off at the roller skating party.  I’m glad I went.  It was very good as well as the adult session. 

As I took notes I noticed that some of the examples used would trigger memories from my own life and thought I would share a couple.  Many had made the comment of “being like children” as they have faith and acceptance where several adults do not.  I thought of a time when my sister-in-law related a reenactment among her two oldest children and their neighbor’s boy. 

I don’t know how recent they had learned the plan of salvation (here) but decided they would use their front door (which was missing a window pane) and crawl through the hole in order to be born.  They would play outside for a while (earth life) until it was time to come inside.  

They would then cross over to death using a different door that went into the house.  I was touched by the experience that she shared.

I thought of another trigger when another sister talked about her children having shared the gospel and inviting a boy with them to achievement days (here).  They had invited him three times in a row and two times the activity had been cancelled. I recall activities being cancelled oh so many times – not with me so much as my own kids.  It can be quite discouraging.

 When I was in primary the meetings were spread out throughout the week.  Our primary was on Thursdays right after school.  Not all wards had primary on the same day.  I remember some snowy days when announcements were made over the school intercom “such and such  a ward will not be having primary today”  I think every ward had been called for cancellation except for ours – and we often had worse days of snow!  It wasn’t until I was on my mission that I appreciated the dedication of our primary president who understood the importance upon our impressionable minds. 

There are many leaders like that – who will put their whole heart and soul into their callings for those that they serve.  There are others who choose to cancel due to circumstances such as the weather, family gatherings, work . . . whatever.  It’s not my place to judge their priorities.  I just know how much I appreciate those who allow their callings to come first.  One of the things we were taught was to not allow circumstances to interfere but to keep our focus on Christ or his example. 

I have more.  I have two pages of unorganized thoughts.  Hopefully I will be able to get those organized and share some more.

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Jenna's Birthday and Easter

           Jenna likes surprises and says she would like to be surprised for her birthday.  But things started showing up in the mail that she herself had picked out.  She knew the packaged CD was Panic at the Disco.  She recognized the stickers that Roland had asked her about.  I didnt even bother telling her that her stylist had arrived and enclosed it in a CD case with a note about surprises.  I also opened her sticker package and did the same.  Then I hid her Panic at the Disco CD and wrapped the two CD cases along with a chocolate orange and a Tee Shirt that Roland had purchased.

          Im sure I could have wrapped the Hamm piggy bank that he purchased at a later time, but chose not to as she was in the house ever since we brought it home except for going to seminary (I am pressed for time as it is wrapping the bank would have lessened whatever time I gave myself to get ready) so I hid it with a note indicating where she could find her Panic at the Disco CD.

          We started yesterday morning off with Roland fixing French Toast (Jennas absolute favorite breakfast) and I asked if he remembered the vacuum cleaner bags that we once had to deal with.  Jenna thought it was weird that I would bring that up  and it was, but I needed it as a clue.  After breakfast she opened the four gifts in her bag  each a surprise.  I then told her to consider our morning conversation which she had to think about but suddenly realized and checked the closet to find a bag hanging around the vacuum.

          Is this Hamm? she cried excitedly before she had it fully out of the bag. 

          I had some money sticking out in the event that she would need it for yesterdays excursion.  It contained the final clue.

          We had tried watching conference on the big TV but YouTube wasnt working for us and we dont get the BYU channel.  We moved into the bedroom and I turned on the computer to watch from the church website.  Roland was able to pull up YouTube from the bedroom TV just before the Internet was interrupted the TV and computer played the live recording just seconds apart.

          Roland and I were on the bed and Jenna had positioned herself on the floor.  Both Jenna and I took notes.  When it ended, all three of us piled into the car (leaving poor Bonnie by her lonesome) and took Jenna to the park where she had planned to meet her friend.  Roland wanted to get her an Easter basket as we have not done much with her on Easter before (she has spent many Easters in the company of others) and also a cake for her birthday.

          While we out getting the cake, Jenna called to see if she could miss the second live session of conference and watch it later.  Her friend was late and she wanted to have more time.  I told her that was fine.  Gremlins from yesterday morning could very well have interfered with the afternoon session as well (though we could have gone to the Church to watch but were not dressed for it)  Roland returned for Jenna a half hour before Conference ended.

          Another friend came over to hang out.  Jenna felt a bit discouraged when her friend didnt seem to be in the mood for anything but give her attention to her electronic device.  Jenna and I conversed for a bit about the events of her day.  Finally she asked if I would drive her and her friend to Dollar Tree so that they could create gift bags for one another or a game of if you catch this, Ill buy it for you.  I chose to stay in the car.

          Roland made dinner and the four of us ate (five if you count Bonnie) and I wished Jenna would have eaten as well as her friend.  We sang happy birthday and allowed Jenna to blow out her candles and then Roland took the girls to yet another friends so that they could join in a flashlight Easter egg hunt a tradition that didnt take place at all last year.

          This morning Jenna saw her basket and was surprised.  Before I allowed her to explore the contents I told her that I had a fun activity for us to do which would incorporate the true meaning of Easter.  I rolled to flatten out ten biscuits and melted butter into a bowl and filled another with cinnamon and sugar.  I placed ten marshmallows on the table and told her and Roland that each marshmallow would symbolically represent Jesus Christ and that it was our job to dress him and add oil and spices to his body and wrap him in linen with more oils and spices.  We put each in a tomb (cupcake tin) and baked it and the empty rolls became the Empty Tombs because they were hallow (see here) 

          I continued with my He Lives notes creating so many that I had to turn the paper over to squeeze in the last three speakers.  Jenna had a wonderful birthday (more memorable than last year) and we are all enjoying Easter.  Even Bonnie who finally got a walk after feeling neglected yesterday.


Sunday, October 20, 2019

Walls and Bridges

          The Roseburg Stake had a blog which would refer members to stake conference.  It provided a list of speakers and the meeting agenda.  I remember the leaders referred to it in years’ past, but did not have any information for it this year.  I unfortunately did not write down the name of the speaker who gave a beautiful talk comparing physical walls and bridges to what wills us. 

          She started out her talk with a brief history of the Berlin wall which was built in 1961.  Citizens were informed that the wall was for their protection.  Whether we choose to call it protection or defense, for many the wall was a personal prison.  The wall did not come down until almost two decades later.  That is a long time to feel trapped and apart.  It isn’t healthy.

          The speaker then went on to talk about the bridge that was built between Afghanistan and Uzbekistan – a simple bridge really.  There didn’t seem anything special or sophisticated about the structure itself – and yet the bridge seemed to open many doors and provide opportunities that the bridge eventually became known as “Friendship Bridge” because it provided a way to transport things through.

          She compared this to the ministering program – how sometimes we may run into sisters who have placed walls in front of themselves and may not wish to share personal information about themselves – and that is okay.  Perhaps we can be the ones to build up the bridges that if they ever decide to move beyond the walls that they may choose to extend that bridge.  I realize I am not doing the talk justice with my notes.  I hope those that read may get the gist of the message.  Sometimes it is just the small actions that help build and support lasting friendships.

          For more information on the history of the physical wall and bridge see here, here and here or go research on your own.  I know it's just a small sample.  I wish I could have documented the entire talk - I just don'e write that quickly and my short term memory isn't great.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

There is Light

I once had an institute instructor who, after every conference, would ask the class members what we thought the theme of conference is/was.  I think this year’s theme is on listening to the guidance of the Holy Ghost and finding the light to overcome darkness – or help others to find light.

Light has so many meanings.  It is symbolic for overcoming a bad experience or finally understanding something that wasn’t understood before.

Light is illustrated through light bulbs, candles, lamps, Christmas lights, lighthouses.  Those kinds of lights are artificial.  The sun is a source of natural light.  The Son is a representation of light for us to follow. Other than leading us out of darkness, He can also lighten our burdens. 

Light can mean the opposite of dark. It can also mean the opposite of heavy.

I wear lighter clothes in the summer than in the winter.
The snow in the dessert is lighter than the snow on the coast (when there is snow on the coast).
Some breads use lighter grains than others.
I am a light sleeper
We have seen more light rains than heavy downpours.
Sometimes I’ll eat a light snack or a light meal.
I prefer a light breeze to a powerful wind.
The weight of my hair feels so light after I get a haircut.

I can lighten my hair or the color of my clothes.
I enjoy watching the light grow outside in the morning.
Myrtle Creek has only two traffic lights.
I can light birthday candles.
Sometimes strobe lights will give me headaches.
We all need exposure to the natural light.

I take comfort in light.
I take comfort in His Light.
I hope His Light shines within me that I may have a positive influence over others.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

I Don't Think it Should Feel Like Outer Darkness

Half an hour early is
still not early, not 
enough time to get a 
seaton the pew.
One hour early would
not be enough time.

You'd have to get there at
6:00 before the doors open.
You and whatever other
vultures are waiting in the
parking lot.

If you come any time after
8:00, you have to sit on the
hard folding chairs that are
smashed so near one another
that you will feel like a sardine.

It is possible for me to sit in
certain chairs for two hours,
but not those hard folding chairs
made for thin people.
Give me a recliner, or at least something
big and soft.

During morning conference, I was
standing by the wall just as much as
I was sitting down.  The second time
I got up, Roland got up also
but then he disappeared.

Jenna asked where he had gone.  I
didn't know and so went to
look for him.  I found him out
in the foyer, sitting in a comfortable
red chair.  I knew he
wasn't feeling great and asked if
he wanted to leave.

He said all of the talks
sounded the same.  I don't
think all of them did.  But I
haven't felt the misery he
is feeling since we lived in
Salt Lake.

Probably when I was that
miserable, I thought all the
talks sounded alike and would
much rather be in bed than on
a hard folding chair looking
at a screen because
we are too far away to see
the actual speaker.
We might as well be
on the stage, furthest from the 
speakers.  That is where
Jenna wanted to sit.  Not me.

We sat on the stage last year and
it was dark.  When I stood up, I
thought I would trip as I tried to
adjust myself around the seats.  I
wonder if we could be allowed to
sit on the seats behind the podium.
(There are two stages I guess; one
in the chapel - though we don't really
call it a stage; the stage is in the 
cultral hall opposite of where the
speaker stands. I would be willing 
to speak if that
could be the only way for me
to get a more comfortable seat. 

When I am watching
General Conference on
the screen at home, I get more out of
it than if I am at the conference center and
the speaker is the size of
a dot.  For the most part there are
fewer distractions at home and so
I can concentrate better on
the speakers' messages.  
 Not always.