
Not Having Success With Blackboard Collaboration

                  I had an English class on paragraphing during my second mod - which was a great introduction to my class on English composition.     I am happy that this is last week of my third mod.   Love my instructor, but don't care for all the rules that apply to informal writing.                So I have been working on the same assignment for four weeks now.   I could pick one of three topics.   I chose soft skills - again, but had forced myself the view it from a different angle - so it wouldn't seem redundant with two other classes that I took. Instead of being part of a team of employees working together, I decided to approach my assignment from the customer's point of view.             My main gripe is proper communication between...

New Beginnings: Welcoming Jenna

            I looked online to find sources and give credit to the creator of last night's activity. I found one on pinterest dated March 2011 but there's one on sugardoodle dated 2008 and I would guess even more with early dates.  Though it's gone through many tweaks (as with the young women's, new beginnings, and personal progress themselves) even plausible that it was created before internet access.  Bless those that have shared their ideas through posts and other internet sources.  I commend you, but as I am unable to find the original source, I will not be referring  other sites with this particular post.             We had to have Jenna at her school by 5:00, though the concert wasn't scheduled to start until 5:30.  Her instructor had advised the class to dress up - girls wear dresses and boys wear ties.  I guess there was some ques...

Thank you for being such a fine example

                Krystal and Hank both attend our ward.   Neither one of them is a baptized member.   Krystal is ten and has been homeschooled up until now;   she loves primary.   She started attending with her grandma and cousin. She loves socialization.   She fits right in.   She loves to be there. Hard to believe that she is not a member.   She drinks the gospel up like it's water - which in a way . . . She LOVES primary.     Hank was a different story. He was a rebel and it showed.   I don't know the full story, but I get the impression that he's been passed off one relative to another for at least a couple of years.   When he came to stay with his Aunt Ronnie, she had only one rule: he had to attend church with her every Sunday.     Ronnie has been a member of the Church for less than two years.   She's a go-getter...

College Wear Wednesdays

                    The students who attend Coffenberry Middle School have been encouraged to wear College shirts so that they can start thinking about the future and start planning for secondary education. We're not too familiar with the colleges here in Oregon.   Oregon Ducks seem to be the most popular in this county.   But it was Beavers who had assisted Jenna and others in an engineering camp that was offered.           Jenna's familiarity lies within Utah.   She wants shirts from BYU and University of Utah - and so I asked my kids if they could assist with her desire.   Jeanie sent a boxload of College wear, mostly U of U shirts, but Jaime said there was one from BYU, one from Weber State.   Plus she has one from Duke University that we had purchased before Labor Day weekend so that ...

Sometimes we have to go off course to make Dreams Happen

                For math class this week, we (the students) are required to post a discussion about our dream job.   I think all throughout the course we are required.   We are also required to take ourselves in optional directions.   I know it's a good thing to keep an open mind.   Sometimes our direction is thrown off course.   Sometimes we realize the dreams we're chasing are not really what we want.   Often we're not prepared for the alterations that fall into our path.   Many times we are in control.   Sometimes we're not - but we need to learn how.                 So the math discussion prompt is for me to look into my magic crystal ball and see my future in my dream job with math.   Becoming an accountant was never a dream job.   Working with numbers has always felt ...

I can't get NUMBERS out of my mind!

I hate math I think I hate math and yet I use it all the time How many minutes before I have to get up? How many hours did I sleep? What time does Jenna have to be at the bus stop? How long do I have to fix breakfast? How many eggs should I use? How much milk is left? I address a letter to my granddaughter and put it in the mailbox. I have used a lot of numbers: her house number her street number her zip code my house number my zip code Jenna's first day of seventh grade was yesterday She had wanted to spend her last free day of summer going to the Big City of Roseburg. Roland brings me my phone before we pull out of the driveway. I had forgotten to return it to my bag. There was a time when I had memorized many phone numbers all kind of different phone numbers some with area codes swimming in my head I now have phone numbers on speed dial. I now have very few numbers memorized. I drove passed the first...