I found the above photo on facebook with the caption that the most one might have seen in person from the above list is five. I have been to eight. Below I have posted memories and links to those places I have visited. from this post Statue of Liberty – never been, but I have read countless books on the history of the statue and Ellis Island. Grand Canyon – went with my family when I was 12 or 13. I don’t remember a whole lot from that trip. But I do remember driving to the North Rim with my mom, sister and Grandma. Some highlights are found in this post . Walt Disney World – honestly don’t have the desire. I’m content with Anaheim’s original Disneyland Zions – continues with same trip found on this post Space Needle – my first time was in June 1982 (see this post ) It was probably seven years later when I met up with a friend in Seattle and had gone there with her Hollywood Sign – I’m sure I had seen...