Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Laundry, Safari and Spades

           Yesterday Claire and Biff had invited Jaime and me to accompany them to WildLife Safari.  Jaime had accepted their invitation but I declined.  I figured  while they were gone I could wash some loads of clothes – not realizing that they already had theirs in both washer and dryer.


         My friend, Carolyn had asked to stop by to drop off a gift.  I invited her into the back room to play spades with Richard and me.  

We enjoyed each other’s company.  I did get my own laundry done eventually – but not until the others had returned.

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Ward Holiday Parties

                  I am told that our last bishop did not enjoy doing Christmas parties.  Forget Halloween.  I have been to some wards that have promoted Halloween and others have not.  I have been to some ward parties which offered a visit from Santa Claus and some have not.  

I understand not doing Halloween or Santa.  I do get it.  But I also understand the pleasure of being together or inviting those not of our faith to a ward activity that may offer enough light that those who don’t attend on Sundays may seek a desire to know more. 

         My mom’s ward has celebrated Christmas in lots of different ways.  I remember one time tables were set with name plates.  A host couple was selected to head each table and decorate how they saw fit. I was considered a young single at the time and invited to sit with the young single adults at what I suspected might have been the largest table. My mom and I did not sit at the same table that year – which was okay.  I saw my mom every day.  I did not always interact with those I was sitting with.

         They have brought in professional entertainment over the years.  And there was one year that we reenacted Bethlehem – which appears to be a popular tradition in that ward.  Families are invited to bring canned goods for the food bank.  This represents the taxes we have to pay to Caesar.  The nativity is presented.  There is caroling to accompany each scene.  It represents the true meaning of Christmas.  It is long. There were over two hundred people at the last one I attended.  My brother-in-law (who had also come with his family) was quite disappointed that there was no Santa Clause.

         I think the former bishop of this ward would not be opposed to having a ward Christmas party like the one offered in my mom’s ward.  I also think he would have enjoyed the one that took place yesterday afternoon.  The program was called A Christmas in Nauvoo.  

There was a theatre reading of those who may have been in Nauvoo at Christmas time – grateful for the time they had together, grateful for their lives, to have Joseph and Hyrum home from Liberty Jail, those who had endured so many sacrifices not necessarily for Christmas but reminiscing the sacrifices that had brought them all there.  It was a nice program but did not hold the interest of any of the primary youth – or even Biff and Clair who were overlooking Ally and her friend, Zac.

         I don’t think there were nearly as many that attended the Christmas dinner as those in attendance for the Halloween.  I recall many having invited so many others not of our faith.  Our former bishop's sweet wife explained his reasons as she was promoting the Halloween party this year.  She saw it from a different point of view as she watched a young sister put herself in charge. She's faced many challenges the last four years or so and our bishop's wife saw it as a project for this young sister if nothing else.  I thought that was such a cool way of looking at it.

       The Halloween party seemed to better attended than the Christmas party   More people were in town then but I know there are many out of town currently.  Our Sunday attendance seemed even more sparse than the attendance yesterday. It's more obvious in primary than the other meetings.  Half of our household remained home today along with their excuses but did manage to make it to the party yesterday.  Also disappointed that there was no Santa for Princess Ally.

         I like parties.  I understand parties.  But I also understand the not.

Saturday, December 17, 2022

That is Quite Optimistic

               Richard sends out cards almost every month.  

Before she went to college Richard used to sign each card from Richard, Karen and Jaime.  

After Jaime left, he would sign from Richard and Karen.  

After Biff and his brood moved in he started to sign all five names which became a bit much.  

The last two card were signed from the Riveras.  

But the next two cards he has lined up (MLK and Valentines) will be signed from just him and me.  

He believes Biff and Claire will be out of the house by then.  

Really?  That would be great but seems unrealistic to me.  

Does he think they will be getting so much money from relatives and so forth that they will have enough to move?  

That would be awesome, but I have my doubts.  

Would be a great way to start off the new year.  

Truthfully I think he would like them gone more than I do.  

And I would think they’d be equally excited to leave us.

Friday, December 16, 2022

Night Owls or Early Birds?


            I have always been a night owl.  Richard was working graveyard when I first met him – which made him a night owl, I guess.  He often did not get home until after the boys had gone to school.  That was then.  It feels like such a long time ago.  For he has been an early bird for most of our marriage.  And I was too – often getting up with him.

            Our roles have changed somewhat.  He is the one who stays up late (though he still gets up early when he is feeling well) and I am the one who retires before 9:00.  What’s up with that?

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Who Talks More, Karen or Richard?

           When we first got together Richard was the most outgoing and quite social.  He seemed to have clammed up when we initially moved to Oregon – hermitizing behind his computer and not engage in social activities and I was the one out making friends along with Jaime.  We took an interest in our community while Richard seemed content to not be involved.  He has become more of social than when we first arrived. We take turns, I guess – depending on the company I guess.

The treasurer invited me to the get-together/party for the library volunteers.  I have been more actively involved with the library during these last four months than the four years prior – which really isn’t a lot.  I wasn’t even planning on attending except for Jaime wanted to go and ended up going to a gathering with her own friends. But Richard (who’d be driving me as I can’t see to drive myself) wanted to go and so we went last night.

There were only ten people at the party last night and I had only met half of them.  Richard was the talker last night.  He likes the attention and validation and I was in the blending-into-the-background kind of mood.  We don’t compete for attention.  It is usually one who will be outgoing while the other holds back.  It seems we have taken turns all throughout our marriage.

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Wrapping Gifts

           After more than two weeks of keeping Ally at home they finally sent her back to school.  I suspect more just to get her out of the house than to believe that she was well enough – but Clair had wanted to wrap gifts and has asked Jaime to assist.  I did not assist as I was in the back room listening to Roland.

          Clair says she has always hated Christmas – though I don’t know if “always” is really the case or if perhaps she found something good about it when she was a child.  When she met Biff and Ally she fell in love with Ally and started to look forward to spending Christmas with her.  I didn’t see what gifts they brought but I suspect may have gone over budget – but maybe not.  They did not purchase all that is intended for Ally.  But still . . .

          When the boys were younger we always had simple Christmases.  That is what we could afford.  Of course there were three of them and only one of Ally.  We may have gone overboard on Jaime’s gifts when it was just her.  And other people would also contribute.  There were many years that we were the recipients of “sub for Santa”. 

          It’s going to be an interesting Christmas this year.

Sunday, December 11, 2022


         Richard and I picked Jaime up from school on the 6th.  A few days later Jaime and I put up the tree and finally started decorating but left oodles of space on the tree so that Ally could also decorate.  She's been running a fever, learned that she has a kidney infection among the many health problems that she has already been blessed with.  She did manage to put up a few ornaments before she returned to bed.

        On Friday we did the yard.  Well, mostly Biff, Clair and Jaime.  Richard supervised - or at least said that is what he was doing.  Jaime wrapped lights around the pine tree.  She is a mountain goat and was able to step on the rocks and unbalanced ground without slipping.  She put up some ornaments and I put up some.  Still room on the outside tree for more ornaments but we've had rain and wind in addition to the near freezing temperatures.

        Biff and Claire (though mostly Claire) put lights up on the house.  I'll have to have Jaime send me some pictures as I have been having problems retrieving pictures off my phone since our return from Disneyland.  I text them to Jaime and she messages them back to me through facebook.  I do not nor ever will have internet on my phone.

Monday, December 5, 2022

That Cough Has Got to Go

               Neither Richard nor I slept well last night

        I dont think hes slept well for the last two months

        Ive had some regular sleeps

off and on

We both take cold medicine

cough medicine

sleep medicine

and so forth

        Were driving down to Ashland tomorrow

to get Jaime and bring her home

for a month

        I want Richard to be well

        I want for both of us to sleep again.

Sunday, December 4, 2022

What May Feel Like the Duration or Released Before Your Feet are Wet

               Scouting is no longer a calling in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, but there was a time when it was – which is still a sore subject for some.  I remember when Richard had been called to be a scout leader for the primary youth.  He was told that it would be a five year calling.  I don’t think he was in for even a year before he called to be first counselor in the Elder’s quorum.

         I think it was just April of this year that Richard had been called as a Sunday School teacher for the 11-14 year-olds.  In July he was called to be the Sunday School president.  Just now he was called as first Counselor in the priesthood quorum.  Wow.  I wonder who the new Sunday School president will be?

         It’s funny how it seems there are some people stuck in callings as though it is a lifetime position and there are others that are released before they’ve had much opportunity to even be recognized as having ever served in that position.  Richard is great at accepting callings regardless of position.  He seems to serve his position longest when he has been second counselor.  Interesting.

Friday, December 2, 2022

A Time When Things Lasted

         I’ve been searching through flash drives in search for some misplaced memory pages I had designed for Jaime.  During my search I have come across scads of photos in which I see different pieces of furniture in the background.

Steven on the lap of my grandpa Ralph

        This couch for instance was reupholstered three different times.  This is how it looked as I was growing up.  The second makeover had similar flowers but in green and orange.  The final also had a green/orange theme but with birds.  It was my least favorite of the three.

same couch in background - the final makeover

        The painting above was removed when mom went into assisted living.  I heard that my niece had taken the couch.

        There is this photo which my brother had posted to his wall and wrote memories about each of the items on the knickknack shelf which remained in the house for over 40 years and still in the same condition – well, with an added feature.  Seems like a combination lock was fastened to the woodwork and remained there as no one knew the combination so that it could be removed.

Keith with Steven one Halloween; me several years earlier

        There are other memories I have as well and will share when I am more focused.

Monday, November 28, 2022

Enjoying the Ocean and her Peeps

 Our Thanksgiving still has not taken place.  

Biff and his brood mostly stay confined to their room - 

even when they are well.  

Richard and I both went to church yesterday - 

though he should have stayed home.  

Jaime spent her dinner with some members of 

our ward and brought home left overs - so that was nice.  

She left the next day to spend her weekend with 

some high school buddies.  

I am so grateful that she was able 

to enjoy her holiday.

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Thanksgiving Postponed

         I was feeling fine when I woke up on Tuesday.  I dont know what I had encountered before noon, but I had a throbbing headache just after 12:00.  Probably Richard and I should have not gone to the temple, but we did.  We left the house before 1:00 but did not get to Central Point until 2:40. Traffic was horrible.  It doesnt take that long to get to Ashland.

        We were signed up for the 3:00 session. Just after 5:00 we were on our way to Ashland to pick up Jaime.  We met her at a 7-11 and I had gone inside to get something for my headache.  Richard and Ally got sick first and then Biff and then me and Clair I think Clair may have been hit the hardest.  She looks terrible.

        Jaime has spent many a Thanksgivings feeling sick.  Ironically, she is the only one who is well.  None of the rest of us even want to eat let alone a feast.  Biff made chicken soup and I took Jaime to a friend in the ward so that she could have a real Thanksgiving not just dinner but in the presence of company that give reason to thank.

        Meanwhile there is a turkey, yams and pies waiting to be had.  Maybe early in December?