Early Reader
Before Jenna started kindergarten we would read books like “The Little Red Hen” and “Frog and Toad”. I would point to words as I read them and as words started to repeat, I would have her say them. So before school started she was able to read words such as: hen, frog, toad, red, Not I, said and he . She could not read the names of states on License plates – nor was she educated enough to decipher between state and country. The rules of the license plate game (according to Tony) are rather simple. All participants need to look for license plates from out of the state. Whoever sees and says the most is the winner. Tony would often play the game himself but would say the names out loud. Jenna decided that she would play too. “Arizona,” she’d say. “I already called Arizona.” “Idaho.” “You didn’t see Idaho.” I don’t think she did. But she insisted on it. Tony ended up giving it to her out of pity. “Wyoming!” Tony called. “G...