Orange is the First Color of Spring
When winter feels like it’s over and the roads are no longer
covered by snow and the days have been warm, UDOT jumps all over it and starts
setting up poly cones and orange barrels all over the valley – particularly on
roads that were under construction JUST A YEAR AGO. That’s how one can tell it’s spring in Utah – or at least it’s
supposed to be.
It is also a sign of agonizing weather to come. (Could it be that Mother Nature isn’t fond of
construction either) because just as soon as those roads are closed and the
walls are set up, we have rain, we have wind, we have sun – and what is at least
one day in April without snow? Sometimes
we get all the elements in one day. It’s
bad enough having to deal with the detour signs and the non-moving
traffic. April’s weather prolongs the
construction by at least a month.
But I don’t know that UDOT had anything to do with the light
snow sent our way this morning. I think
my family is responsible for this morning’s events, as we put up the trampoline
last night. We haven’t ever had a trampoline in our yard before – but we are
learning it’s just like UDOT’s poly cones or our putting up the A/C – for whenever
we put that up, we have three days to two weeks of rain.
This morning, it really was a light snow once it landed, but
a bitter freezing fall. Seriously. I can’t believe how many days we’ve had in
the last two weeks in which we needed a parka on one day but could get away
with shorts the next. It’s crazy.
And I have learned that I have now become one of those
personalities that I still often make fun of: a person who wears sandals (or flip-flops)
and a coat or jacket of some sorts.
Really? Do we think the
parka/sweater will protect our feet as well?
Jenna had wanted to cash in her birthday money and gift
cards for something she might want. It
was a nice day when Jenna and I left the house. I wore sandals over my bare
feet. While we were out the weather
changed. As we were passing a dry
cleaner, I ran in to get some pricing so that we could get several of Roland’s
ties done. I grabbed a jacket from the
car – still I had my bare feet. I rolled
my eyes at myself.
Now I have a pair of socks in my purse – which I ought to
switch out as they look pretty dorky with most anything except covered by long
pants and sneakers. But if the weather
is like it was that day or freezy cold like this morning – I’m willing to deal
with looking stupid. At least I am
prepared now. (Well to a degree, I
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