Monday, December 5, 2022

That Cough Has Got to Go

               Neither Richard nor I slept well last night

        I dont think hes slept well for the last two months

        Ive had some regular sleeps

off and on

We both take cold medicine

cough medicine

sleep medicine

and so forth

        Were driving down to Ashland tomorrow

to get Jaime and bring her home

for a month

        I want Richard to be well

        I want for both of us to sleep again.

Sunday, December 4, 2022

What May Feel Like the Duration or Released Before Your Feet are Wet

               Scouting is no longer a calling in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, but there was a time when it was – which is still a sore subject for some.  I remember when Richard had been called to be a scout leader for the primary youth.  He was told that it would be a five year calling.  I don’t think he was in for even a year before he called to be first counselor in the Elder’s quorum.

         I think it was just April of this year that Richard had been called as a Sunday School teacher for the 11-14 year-olds.  In July he was called to be the Sunday School president.  Just now he was called as first Counselor in the priesthood quorum.  Wow.  I wonder who the new Sunday School president will be?

         It’s funny how it seems there are some people stuck in callings as though it is a lifetime position and there are others that are released before they’ve had much opportunity to even be recognized as having ever served in that position.  Richard is great at accepting callings regardless of position.  He seems to serve his position longest when he has been second counselor.  Interesting.

Friday, December 2, 2022

A Time When Things Lasted

         I’ve been searching through flash drives in search for some misplaced memory pages I had designed for Jaime.  During my search I have come across scads of photos in which I see different pieces of furniture in the background.

Steven on the lap of my grandpa Ralph

        This couch for instance was reupholstered three different times.  This is how it looked as I was growing up.  The second makeover had similar flowers but in green and orange.  The final also had a green/orange theme but with birds.  It was my least favorite of the three.

same couch in background - the final makeover

        The painting above was removed when mom went into assisted living.  I heard that my niece had taken the couch.

        There is this photo which my brother had posted to his wall and wrote memories about each of the items on the knickknack shelf which remained in the house for over 40 years and still in the same condition – well, with an added feature.  Seems like a combination lock was fastened to the woodwork and remained there as no one knew the combination so that it could be removed.

Keith with Steven one Halloween; me several years earlier

        There are other memories I have as well and will share when I am more focused.

Monday, November 28, 2022

Enjoying the Ocean and her Peeps

 Our Thanksgiving still has not taken place.  

Biff and his brood mostly stay confined to their room - 

even when they are well.  

Richard and I both went to church yesterday - 

though he should have stayed home.  

Jaime spent her dinner with some members of 

our ward and brought home left overs - so that was nice.  

She left the next day to spend her weekend with 

some high school buddies.  

I am so grateful that she was able 

to enjoy her holiday.

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Thanksgiving Postponed

         I was feeling fine when I woke up on Tuesday.  I dont know what I had encountered before noon, but I had a throbbing headache just after 12:00.  Probably Richard and I should have not gone to the temple, but we did.  We left the house before 1:00 but did not get to Central Point until 2:40. Traffic was horrible.  It doesnt take that long to get to Ashland.

        We were signed up for the 3:00 session. Just after 5:00 we were on our way to Ashland to pick up Jaime.  We met her at a 7-11 and I had gone inside to get something for my headache.  Richard and Ally got sick first and then Biff and then me and Clair I think Clair may have been hit the hardest.  She looks terrible.

        Jaime has spent many a Thanksgivings feeling sick.  Ironically, she is the only one who is well.  None of the rest of us even want to eat let alone a feast.  Biff made chicken soup and I took Jaime to a friend in the ward so that she could have a real Thanksgiving not just dinner but in the presence of company that give reason to thank.

        Meanwhile there is a turkey, yams and pies waiting to be had.  Maybe early in December?

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

It's Not the Flu

 Tomorrow is Thanksgiving 

and our household is sick.

Jaime has returned for four days.

Fortunately she will be with friends

for three of them.

I need to be well by Sunday

for I am scheduled to teach RS.

Saturday, November 19, 2022


 This is us at Stewart Park.  I find it interesting that there are only five ducks and no pigeons.

Friday, November 18, 2022

What is Up with my Left Arm?


              First it was my feet

            Then it was my ears

            And now my left arm?

            Why not both arms?

            Why does my left arm

feel like it’s caught   

in a draft?

What is up with that?


It’s as if I have no blood flow. 

Why is my arm always cold?

I had three layers on my arm this morning!

My right arm seems okay.

Perhaps my left arm just 

doesn't get enough exercise

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Lost in the Sauce

 When we lived in West Valley

I rarely used covers at night

Maybe 10 times a year


Even after we moved here

And I would fall asleep on

The recliner,

Richard would cover me

But the covers would come off

Long before morning

And then we moved into a

Different house

And suddenly my toes were always


And so I would keep them


But lately it seems like I

Am covering all of me.

I think the earth is spinning

Nearer to the sun and then

To the other extreme

So far away from the sun that

Its always cold

Hard to imagine that just over

six weeks ago I was complaining

about the heat.

Ten weeks ago it was in the

Three digits in California

We had moved to Oregon for

The constancy which

We have never had.

I dont want three digits and

Then near freezing (or

Below freezing) 

At this point I dont

Think it even matters

In what state or nation

Autumn is still producing

Gorgeous colors

Thats nice.

Theres a perk.

Monday, November 14, 2022

The High Cost of Living

 When Steven was in his senior year of high school he had the opportunity of going back to New York with the high school drama department.  My mom and dad also took the opportunity of going as there was a need for chaperones.  I dont recall how much the trip costs or how many plays they were scheduled to see.  

They were gone for a week and spent more in one day than Shelly and I spent in the entire week including our excursion to Lagoon (an amusement park near Salt Lake City, Utah). 

First two pics are of Shelly and Me at a picnic area off pioneer village.  The other two were taken upon the return of the rest of our family.

Sunday, November 13, 2022

Blue Skies, Black Clouds and Fog

          Driving to Roseburg yesterday seemed almost like driving into the Twilight Zone sort of a slow strobe effect. 


disappearing scenery  

blue skies  

inviting sign  

just kidding          

dark clouds          

is that smoke or rain?      

sunny blue sky above the dark clouds         

fog again    

cold bleakness     

inviting warmth     

all within a matter of minutes   

so surreal

This is just our neighborhood.  The change
was a lot more drastic going to Roseburg. 
Bluer sky and darker clouds.

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Well That Seems Presumptuous of You

         Since they moved in Claire has just taken over where they put things and when it will get put away.  Biff just goes along with it.  They had invaded our  fridge with Ally’s medicine – even after they had hooked up their own.  After Richard and I returned home from Costco one day I took it upon myself to move the remainder of Ally’s medicine into their small fridge and told them that I needed our fridge for actual food.

Richard and I had to restack their items that they put in my brand new shed.  Exploded and unorganized.  It still is, but at least Richard was able to make some space for our things.  On the plus side we are finally able to get to the Christmas tree.  So kudos to them for that – I guess.  Still haven’t found a home for the fish tank which takes up so much room.  They don’t need to hang on to all that they brought with them.  Why did they bring it?  But I suppose we could say the same about all the stuff I have yet to sort through for myself.

The latest assumption was when Richard invited Biff to go and see some Marvel movie that I, of course, have no interest in.  Claire, upon hearing the invitation, asked if she could go or if it was just a boy thing.  Richard really didn’t mind taking her but made it clear that Ally would be staying home with me and would not be going to the movies with them.

I don’t know if Claire looks at me as incompetent – which I probably am when it comes to Ally.  I definitely do not have Claire’s gift of patience or her compassion towards Ally. Richard and I have raised our children – and we were old parents when we had Jaime.  Jaime was pretty perfect compared to most children and Ally is on a complete different end of the scale.  Richard and I are old – raised in an entirely different generation.  We don’t have the tolerance for  having to put up with Ally’s behavior behind closed doors.  Why would we want to subject ourselves to that?

Claire suggested that they take Ally to the movies and they could watch Gru in one theatre while the boys watched the Marvel movie in the other.  Ally would really like the experience  of being in the theatre.  Ally is spoiled.  Nevermind that the Marvel movie and Gru are two different lengths and would not start or end at the same time.  Richard did not give in.  Said Gru was available on our TV and Ally could watch it from the couch.

But you can’t experience theatre popcorn from the couch.  The TV is so much smaller.  Whip out the violins!  If giving Ally the theatre experience is really that important to you, then Claire and Biff need to set aside 30 – 50 dollars and take Ally to the movies themselves!  Wouldn’t it be more meaningful for them to “give” that gift to Ally instead of constantly “taking”.  Perhaps it’s an ADD thing.  Give them an inch and they want a mile. If you’re not going to allow us to discipline Ally as we see fit than don’t expect us to be present for any outburst that she may have.  And she will have them.  She has at least one meltdown a day.

 Biff and Richard ended up going to the movies by themselves.  I have heard Ally laugh.  I have seen her smile.  She had three meltdowns from the time I started this post and now posting.  I wish the weather had been more promising and I had gone to Ashland.  But Jaime did get some things accomplished and managed to enjoy herself.  So that's good.