Thank Heavens for Second Hand Stores!
Jenna is so hard on clothes – not to mention that she grows like a weed. And Jenna’s lack of caring about her appearance only adds fuel to the fire. I don’t enjoy spending money on clothes that just don’t seem to last. I don’t think it would bother me so much if Jenna would actually take care of her clothes. But hanging them up or putting them away is definitely NOT a priority. Occasionally Jenna has received hand-me-downs from various family friends or neighbors – usually something that hasn’t fit right away, but perhaps two or three years later. And there are still some things in the shed that she still has yet to grow into. But right now she’s at a stage where everything is either too big or too small or should just be thrown out so that social services doesn’t get on my case for dressing her like a waif. Savers is one such thrift stor...