
Shelton-McMurphey-Johnson House, Eugene Oregon

       Today we decided to take a ride up to Eugene and look around.   Roland checked the net before we left so that we would have a specific destination.   came out extremely small because it was taken with my cell phone        The historical landmark sits upon a hill.   Many stairs lead to the house.   It reminded Jenna and I of a veggie tale's Sock Drawer in which one feature is a reinactment of the three stooges moving a piano The initial look on their faces as they look up to see all those stairs   I couldn't find a picture that showed ALL the many stairs watching larry do all of the work        The history of the house and owners was interesting.   I took a lot of pictures - though the majority of artifacts were actually just condusive to the time period and not the house itself.   It was still very quite interesting.  ...

The Good, the Bad, the Ugly and the Beautiful

Jenna does NOT deal with change well.   She is horrible at it.   Horrible.   I don’t even remember what it was she was complaining about last night.   I told her that whatever we do, wherever we live, no matter what, there are going to be some things that we like about our current situation and some things that we don’t.   I told her to write a list of pros and cons with living in West Valley and with living in Myrtle Creek.   I didn’t suggest for her to include Kearns – after all she was only five when we had moved. There was probably more drama about that move than there was with this last one. After reviewing her lists, I decided to make some lists of my own.   Thus for this post, I have decided to share each list that was created (or started at least) Jenna’s pro list for living in West Valley 1)            school friends 2)     ...

Love the House I Live in

         Though Roland seemed anxious to purchase a house right away, I still don’t know what city I would like to make my permanent resident.   I love Myrtle Creek. Everyone’s been so friendly and it really did not take long to warm up to things.          Roland has always looked at the house itself.   My primary concern is with the neighborhood, the ward, the area itself.   The house is only secondary.   But I do love this house we’re in right now – though we are just renting and haven’t even bothered looking at a house to buy – though Roland still seems anxious to do that very thing.           School is so expensive, and if we can find a home now, Jenna will have a better chance of going to school in Oregon for a much lower cost than her brothers.   MUCH LOWER – but we have to be homeowners.   But I also believe w...