
Parable of the Talents

            Jenna decided she would give the lesson in Family Home Evening Last night.   She lined up three of her bears at the edge of the table and gave the lesson on the parable of the talents found in Matthew 25.             The lesson itself brought up fond memories as I reminisced over other times when the parable was discussed.             During a sacrament meeting in Martinsville, three of us had been assigned to talk on each of the parables found in Matthew 25.   My missionary companion had given the parable of the talents - describing three woman in detail and what talents they'd been given.   I don't recall what each of the talents were except for the one who received two talents was the only one in the ward who could do macramé and the sister who was given only one talen...

Another Day in the Life of Primary

        Jordan and Tawnya Ewing moved into the ward about eight months ago.   They have four children which make up about a fourth of the primary.   I don't think Tawnya was snagged into the primary quite as quickly as I had been. She teaches the CTR class which is the smaller of the two.   Her older three are Valiants.         I continue to look at the manual even since Danny announced her return with her/our primary class.   In the beginning I was more diligent about how I studied, but only read last week's lesson and was not prepared to teach in the event that Danny didn't show up.         When I walked into the primary room, nine chairs had been set up, but only four students were present.   Bess announced that Tawnya had not showed and I asked her if she wanted to combine the two classes.   But then Danny showed up and I volunteered to take ...

How do you feel?

           Imagine your childhood.   What did you dream about?   Becoming a firefighter? ballerina?   traveling through space?   Imagine what your interest was when you were in your teens?   Did you set goals for a particular profession?   Did you develop a talent such as dancing or playing the piano?   Did you learn skills that would steer you in the direction that you were seeking to go?   How did you get there?   What do you do?   Did you fulfill your dream?   or did you settle?               Let's just say (for example) that you may have studied the stars and dreamed about traveling through space. You studied science.   You didn't apply to work at NASA for whatever reason.   Instead, you became a teacher.   You love your students.   You love sharing your knowle...

No Elbow Room for Sardines - the last three Concepts

            I was late getting to the next class called "YW are Essential Participants".   I sat in the back - uncomfortable in the folding chairs provided.   I don't think it would have been so bad if there had been any amount of elbow room.   I felt like if I had taken notes, I would have ribbed the sister sitting next to me.              What is up with the RS chairs having to be smashed so close together that there is absolutely no breathing room?   Who's idea was that?   Don't the people who set up chairs realize that there are several overweight sisters who might enjoy having a space larger than even elbow room would allow?   I think I would have found more elbow room in a refrigerator box. I was actually quite uncomfortable about the seating arrangement for the most part.   I have made it no secret that I enjoy having space.   I...

One Concept at a Time - Temples  

            President and Sister Landon were dressed in their temple clothes.   They asked questions about how the temple made us feel, why we go to the temple, and what does the temple represent.   I was both pleased and surprised to learn that "Understand Temple Ordinances" had been Sharon's favorite.   She had her hand up to answer questions and participate.                I love to hear Pres. Landon speak.   He mentioned two of his grandchildren - cousins that are 3 and 4.   He had told us about the three-year-old before. She will often whine about whatever and say, "I can't do it.   It's too hard." (and he whines as he quotes her - which is most effective)               The four year old seemed uninvolved and quiet and often misunderstood.   It turned out tha...

One Concept at a Time - "Deception and Tools"

            Creating posts is often a feast or famine thing in my mind.   I have notes on paper but have not converted them to a copy and paste form.   The clock moves so quickly when I am on the computer - which means I will need a computer-related job so it won't feel like I'm there for eight hours.             The Relief Society was organized on March 17, 1842.   LDS churches everywhere celebrate the RS birthday sometime in March (usually the 2nd week)   Each one I've been to in the past includes dinner and a program.   The birthday dinners I have attended in Utah have always been done on a ward level.   When I was called to the activities director in the Myrtle Creek ward, I was told that the March activity is always done by the stake. (For those unfamiliar with term "ward" and "stake", see here )     ...

Turtle Power!

When Jenna returned home from school yesterday, she was in a very good mood.   She removed some of her green and added to it.   She had wanted to dress up as a Ninja Turtle ever since she saw this sign She tried to rope three of her friends into going with her.   They said they would all dress like Turtles, but only Jenna followed through The woman at the counter seemed very excited and said she wondered when someone would show up in costume - indicating to me that Jenna was probably the first. She got a free personal sized pizza Uncle Bill would have dressed up his entire family as turtles the minute the sign went up.   However, I don't think he would drive thirteen hours to get it.   I bet Bill is really quite pleased with Jenna.