Content With My 35 mph Route

          Every once in a while, instead of turning at my designated turn, I will continue on the road I’m on just to see where it goes.  Sometimes I have missed my designated turn.  Sometimes I have been rerouted by construction. Such was the case this summer.

          Sometimes there is just no way around the construction. One is doomed to hit it sometime during his or her commute.  I still have my hang-ups with railroadtracks and crossing over bridges.  But unless I take the freeway, there is just no way to avoid the train tracks. 

          I can’t take the freeway, though.  For one thing, I truly believe my car will fall apart if I attempt to make it go more than 50.  And that would have not helped with the construction situation at all – as I would still have to get off to get to mom’s street and house.

So whether intentional or not, I found an alternate route between mom’s house and mine.  I cross three sets at present. Sometimes I have to wait for the same train at two different crossings.  

I also cross three bridges.  Only one makes me freak somewhat.  The other two are small – like two cars long.  But the one that goes up and over and around – it’s winds and curls around and one cannot see to the other side while crossing.  But it beats school traffic.

The construction has finally been removed, but I still take the 35 mph route out of habit.  It works for me.  There hasn’t been much in the way of traffic and it’s been a comfortable speed for both me and my car.  No school crossing.  And no shopper’s fiasco. I do have to wait occasional pedestrians.  Not a big deal.

I’m actually happy and comfortable with the route I am currently taking.  


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