Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Wasted Time or Wasted Mind

I attended the webinar lecture

though my mind wasn't as present as
my body.
Not as though
I was seriously in the mood anyway
There were too many sounds drowning out
the lecture
First of all,
my instructor had a sore throat. 
He didn't quite sound like Darth Vader throughout
the entire lecture
There was no wheezing - but a lot of
deep throat
My neighbor's acoustics were going
and the sirens from fire department
started wailing loudly.
One of my classmate forgot
she had turned on her mike  and
failed to turn it off before she
attempted to discipline children
making noise in background.
My instructor finally muted her
and kept referring to the time which
made me laugh as he seemed
more anxious to finish the lecture
than I was. 
I should have left the lecture earlier
I suppose.
I really didn't get anything out of it.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Another Weather Report

The weather is so much different

this year as opposed to the year
we moved in. 
The temperatures were warm
but not hot. 
Spring had come early. 
I was astounded at the amount
of "spring" growth and took
lots of pictures. 
What awesomeness.

This year the fog lingers longer.
The skies are grey and murky
and the temperature has been
Bundle up. 
I mean, I guess that is what
I was doing in Utah. 
I don't want Oregon to experience
Salt Lake weather!

It snowed yesterday morning for
only five minutes or so. 
Big thick flacks that
didn't stick.
School was not cancelled though
some of the buses may have been
It wasn't for two hours though.

It seems laughable to me when
the schools are closed or buses are
delayed when there are less than
four inches of snow.
The snow is not the primary concern
It is when the roads are wet and
slick and iced over.

Roland will keep the heater on
in the car.
I rarely ever make it to my destination
with the heat on.
I never have the heat on while
returning home
I loathe wearing a coat in
the car.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Words: Tear and Tear

If ever I should see the word "tear" by itself, I think of the word that rhymes with ear (or "tir) meaning "what falls from my eye" - probably because I produce a lot of them.  But the word "tear" also rhymes with air (or "ter") which means to rip or a hole.  According to this site the word "tear" is a homograph or hetronym.  That is it is spelled the same, in some cases is pronounced the same, but has different meanings.

          I had explored five dictionary sites.  Cambridge was the only one of the five that listed t-ear (tir) first.  The definition provided was "a drop of salty liquid that flows from the eye due to pain or emotion".

          Though all five dictionaries listed similar definitions, each of the others started there definitions with t-air (ter):

                   1 - "pull or rip something apart; separate into pieces"

                   2 - "move very quickly, typical in reckless a or excited manner" 


ter               1 -  noun: damage from being torn
                   1 - verb:  the act of tearing something (Thank you Mr. Webster!)

          2 - a run of unusual success

tir       3 - a drop of clear saline fluid . . . moisture from the eye


ter               pull apart
          2 - move quickly

Oxford (this dictionary had several definitions - I am providing only four)

ter     1 - pull somethin apart; remove or make a hole with force; damage

          2 - state of uncertainty between two conflicting options or parties

tir       3 -      a dop of saline watery fluid; moisture of the eye

          4.  a shape (which combines multi dictionaries such as COBUILD, Webster and Collins to name a few)

ter     1 - puncture or rend
          2 - doubt or uncertainty

tir       3 -      salty fluid due to emotion

          I have used tear (tir) and tear (ter) as a rip or being ripped more than other definitions included.  Occasionally I have used definition 2 as well.

          There is t-air (ter) like "let's get out of here"  "He tore out of there rather quickly"  - usually the word "tear" becomes a thing that happened in the past "tore"  -  I've heard the expression "they tore out of there . . . " meaning they hurried away, but I have never heard it in the present " watch me tear . . ." or "see them tearing"

Merriam-Webster 2 - a run of unusual success gives the example "the team was on a tear"  I have no idea what that even means.   They were running fast?  I have never heard that before.

The number 2 definition of being pulled apart due to conflict I have also heard and may have used myself

"torn between staying home or spending money unnecessarily to travel"

"this addiction is tearing the family apart" - again a tense that changes TEAR

What is the first thing you think of when you see the word TEAR?

Friday, February 1, 2019

Dash GA #5 Awards

What trophies, medals, awards and certificates have you earned throughout your life?  How many have you kept?

          Well this post ought to be short and sweet.

          I think I was in the fourth grade when I was called to the main office to have my picture taken as student of the month.  I don't know what happened to the photo or certificate.  I do not remember retrieving it from the box of treasures that mom had saved.

          I had ribbons from seminary here and ribbons for my targeteer flag here.

          I won a glass bowling pin filled with m&m's.  It was my "gutter ball" trophy.  Not that it's cool to boast that I had the most gutter balls of anyone who joined the league.  It was cute though.  And I enjoyed the m&m's.  If it hadn't broken I would probably still have it.

          Other than that there are my birth, baptism, marriage certificates.  Oh, and several (between 10 and 14) papers indicating I made either the President's or Dean's list. I think that's it.  Exciting, huh?

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Last Day of January

        I finally finished the assignment I started research on Monday. It was supposed to be at least 800 words.  I had 810 to transfer to APA (that stands for American Psychological Association - common for formatting essays for colleges and often more importantly viewed by the instructor than the content) and had changed some of the wording as I was proof-reading and making certain I had and was able to add a few more words which total up to 856 - which is good, considering at least 40 of those words are really reference name and date.

      I have one problem with four parts to finish up for my assessment.  It is very time consuming and only worth 50 points.  I think it should be worth more for all the time I have to pour into it.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019


          I remember when I was on my mission, and even now, we were (or are) told to stay clear of using abbreviations or initials to describe something that unless you are a member of the Church and are already familiar with the lingo, most non-members are not going to get that RS stands for Relief Society, YW stands for young women, etc. 
          I know I have been guilty of this in my blog - abbreviating.  Occasionally I do try to explain myself or refer to sites that will.  Back then (on my mission) the top initials used were D&C meaning Doctrine and Covenants (which is not what the majority of the population will think D&C means;  even many active church members I had met would first think of Dilation and curettage) and GA for General Authority.

          I suppose I appreciate the advice more now to steer clear from using abbreviations without interjecting the full meaning at least every now and then.  Currently I am taking my last accounting class.  My last one!!!  Talk about being initial happy.  The Church never had anything on the accountants as far as initial goes . . . and yet it seems there are always more initials to be had.  What a pain in the . . .  well, you know.  GAAP, IFRS, FSA, FASB, LIFO, FIFO and now a brand new one to my ears GASB - come one people !!!!  Why, you ask, have I never defined any of these?  Really?  My brain is so confused.  When I talk about my traumatic experiences with accounting, I want the reader to feel my confusion.  When I use the initials without explanation, don't you feel confused?  And even if I defined them, I promise, it does not make any of them any more exciting.  Accountants are boring!  Okay, maybe not all accountants, but the subject certainly is.  I think reading a math text book is more exciting.

          So why I am I even majoring in this, you ask?  I was hoping to straighten up my own personal finances and I've gone to tell you, NONE of those initials apply to anybody's personal finances.  They all have to do with business.  Early on I had learned that "accounting is the language of business"  - maybe that's why I hate the term "business" so much.  Why is it that I am having so much trouble sleeping?  Seriously.  You would think this stuff should put anybody in a coma for a year at least.

          To all of my readers who haven't been familiar with any lingo I've used in regards to the Church, my apologies.  I will try to do better.  For all of my readers who may not be familiar with any of the lingo I've used in regards to the accounting classes that have caused me attitudes of frustration, welcome to my world.  It's unforgivable lingo . . . but I'm certainly not the one who came up with it.  I think it was invented by those who are in a state of comatose.   Why would you purposely wish to make yourself sound dull?

Oh, and just for the record.  YW was the only Church term that spellcheck did not recognize.  Only two of the boring accounting abbreviations were recognized.

Monday, January 28, 2019

Take a Breath When You're Upset

Good Advice.  
If something is bugging you, 
don't yell or scream.  
Leave the house, 
Take a walk.  
Clear your head.  

Take a breath.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

I was able to shed Rabbit!!!

       On July 27, 2012 I had created this post comparing my husband, his children and I to the personalities of the 100 acre wood and had dubbed myself as Rabbit because he is always so uptight.  He may have mellowed a bit from Walt Disney's animation to computerized animation used in the 2018 movie "Christopher Robin".  But as the focus was not about Rabbit but only made a brief appearance along with Owl, Kanga and Roo, it's hard to say.

          I, on the other hand, am a lot more mellow.  I haven't been uptight since moving to Oregon.  I feel free.  I don't feel trapped.  The wonders of breathing clean air.  I'm not as organized as Rabbit - though I would like to be. I still don't care for gardening - though I do eating produce fresh from the garden.  We failed at having a garden in 2018, but should be back on track this year.

          I don't know which character I would compare myself to now.  I don't think I'm even a part of that story anymore.  I have moved on. I am not only in a different chapter, but a different book as well.  We all are, I think.

          Roland is still has several traits that are like Kanga. The apron strings have finally been cut from the boys - though he will still put it on if requested.  Still a child magnet. Still the parent.

           Jenna doesn't tackle me the way she did when I nicknamed her Tigger.  She has taken on several traits of different hundred acre wood characters.  She can be playful and easy going.  We don't see Eyore a lot, but when we do, the personality is not there for long.

          We all have moved on.  We have grown.  We have made a difference.  And will continue.

Friday, January 25, 2019

Dash #786 Jenna's Beloved Dog

This is Ernie in the middle. 

I purchased him when I had worked for Snelgroves ice cream store in Salt Lake City.  He has a music box inside of him.  When wound up, he will play the tune "Teddy Bear's Picnic".  I brought Ernie into my marriage.  I think he sat on a shelf until after Jenna was born.  I would play the song for her.  She loved putting her hand on Ernie's belly when the music played.  She loved feeling the music play.

This is how Hi-Five may have appeared at one time.

strange name, I know.  I will explain how we got his name, but first allow me to back up to the day when Hi-Five joined our family.  Jenna and I had been visiting with Aunt Gertrude who often purchased items just because they were on sale.  It was rare that any family member would ever visit  and not be offered to walk away with some material object be it a sweatshirt, stuffed animal, collectible doll or rocks (see this post

We had Ernie with us, and Aunt Trudy went and got Hi-Five because she thought they both had cute faces and Ernie's face had reminded her of Hi-Five - although we hadn't picked out a name for him until much later. 

Aunt Trudy wanted Jenna to have the dog.  He had a lot more fluff at that time.  Often it was hard to see his eyes because of the fluff.  At first, Jenna didn't want anything to do with it.

This is what Jenna was wearing
the day she received Hi-Five

It was several months before she warmed up to him and then couldn't bear to live without him.  Hi-Five went EVERWHERE that she went.

Hi-Five wasn't given his name until after Jenna had learned to walk.  She has always been smart and would retrieve things from her bedroom if we mentioned them - or else she would lead me to what she couldn't retrieve (like the growth chart on her door)

I had taught her how to give a high five sign

and one day I said to her,  "Give me a high five!"

She disappeared without attempting to slap my hand. When she returned, she was carrying her beloved dog that Aunt Gertrude had given her.  She gave it to me.

"Oh, is 'High Five" the name of your dog?"

She said a few words at the time, but was really not much of a talker then.  But with a few more questions, I decided that she was in favor of calling the dog Hi-Five.  I am the one who chose the spelling.

Jenna loved that thing ragged.  I made sure it stayed clean, but it didn't always look it.  Aunt Trudy tried replacing him with another stuffed dog whom Jenna's oldest sister, Francine,  had named Graham Crackers because of his color.  Jenna called him "Crackers".  She dragged both Hi-Five and Crackers with her for a while, but did not ever love Crackers (or any other stuffed animal) as much as she loved Hi-Five.

Crackers came with a kerchief around his neck

I would allow her to take it into most stores that we would go to - except for second hand stores though many might have rejected him if he had ever been mistakenly donated.  I tried to cover up his mishaps with clothes. 

I even gave him a haircut and told Jenna that his fur would not be growing back.

You know how some mothers have to wean their children from favorite blankets? I was determined not to have that problem and had given Jenna a different blanket every day - sometimes several times during the day.  It never dawned on me that a stuffed animal would become her "security blanket"  and I don't know why.  He was never soft in my opinion.  Over the years he felt more coarse.  I would have thought he would feel scratchy to Jenna, but she really did love it very much.  Maybe even more than balls or rocks.  We had reached a point where she just couldn't sleep without him.
When we moved from Kearns to West Valley, Hi-Five ended up living in the shed.  I told Jenna he could not live in her room unless she took care of it.  He moved with us to Oregon.  Currently he resided in Jenna's room. Throughout the years, he has gotten more shabby.  He's been restuffed twice.  Roland had even purchased a heart to go inside along with the stuffing the last time.  As I told Jenna, his hair did not grow back. 

Hi-Five today January 2019

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Routine in Education

                It is so hard trying to get back into the swing of school assignments etc. after a holiday weekend or vacation.  For the last three years I have had classes at the end of the year for two weeks before the winter vacation (or Christmas) and am expected to finish the next two week after the New Year.  I'm certain it's equally hard on the instructors.  Perhaps even more so.

                So on MLK day, I was to start a new class (my last accounting class folks.  I had miscalculated before and thought this would be two more.  But I was wrong.  Hallelujah!).  Didn't do much for it on Monday as we had invited a few friends over to eat pizza and play games. The lectures don't happen until Tuesday at 6:00 MST and so I decided I would just wait before posting to my discussion.

                On Tuesday I did some research for my discussion post, but had failed to even look at the assignment - which included three videos which I could have watched.  All three together were just over two hours.  But I couldn't make the time for them on Wednesday.

                Unlike the last instructor from my last class, this one will let the class members know what is expected on the assignment, discussion and so forth and will actually go over sample problems with us.  My last instructor would show a power point and proceed to read every single slide.  Never covered the assignment or expectations.  It was boring.  I stopped watching his lectures.  What a waste - even for insomnia.

                I do seem to be having some issues with the program itself - like when I try to explore the instructor's bio, I get this:

               When I use an alternative to find said bio, I get this:

What??!? That doesn't tell me anything!

                Fortunately he introduced himself in the introductory discussion which isn't mandatory for students.  I am so grateful that I wasn't assigned my last instructor as I have had that happen before.  I've had several instructors several times in a row.  There were three instructors that I've had three times and one that I have had four times.  I hadn't even realized that until recently.  I knew I had him twice, maybe three times. 

                Thus far the class feels more like a management class rather than an accounting class.  The class will end on February 18 and then I will be left with just fun classes - although I am not entirely certain about the class I'll be taking in May.  I saw something there just a few weeks ago, but it is no longer there.  I don't know if the University changed its mind or if the class has been illuminated or what the deal is.  Thus far there are five classes which appeared in the 2016 catalog but I have not taken.  There are also four classes that I have taken that were not part of the 2016 catalog.  I did write down the name of the class and may be somewhere on my desk.  I should know by February 18.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Dash #632

Would you rather give a talk in church or bungee jump?

            I don't know if I have ever had the desire to go bungee jumping.  I remember when my brother, Patrick, did it.  I can't remember if I thought I would like to do it also.  Probably not.

            I remember when Patrick made the jump, he did it backwards. He said it was easier if he wasn't watching himself fall.  Even if I did have the desire to do it then, I definitely don't right now.  I doubt I'd be relaxed and would probably break my neck when the rubber band yanked me back to where I had fallen from

            I think it's funny that the above question compares the thrill of bungee jumping to giving talks in church.  Some people find that both are terrifying.  I rather enjoy giving talks and don't seem to have opportunity for doing it much in sacrament meeting.  I do get to speak at RS activities sometimes.  Last night I delivered a the parable of the talents with a modern twist with Gabrielle, Amy and Stephanie (see here).

            In answer to the above question:  give a talk, most definitely.

I Have Anosmia - Two Scientific Word Definitions

        Ageusia is the loss of taste functions of the tongue, particularly the inability to detect sweetness, sourness, bitterness, and saltiness. This disorder can be triggered by many factors such as nerve damage or vitamin deficiency. Ageusia is sometimes confused with anosmia – a loss of the sense of smell.*

        My sense of smell has become dulled over the years - I would guess due to allergies.  My mom's sense of smell had been dulled as both of her parents were smokers.  I would rather lose my sense of smell to allergies than an example I learned about quite recently.

        One of the science instructors in the school district was telling about a classmate she had gone to school with.  He was a jock that wanted to prove his "macho-ness" by smelling an acid - a very foolish move on his part, for when he inhaled, the acid burned the insides of each nostril and he hasn't been able to smell since that time.

        It's kind of cool to know that my loss of smell has a scientific name.
* retrieved from wikipedia