
Communication and Knowing my Child

            When Jenna was in preschool, the school district offered a course for parents to communicate with or discipline their children . . . I can't remember how it was worded.   Jenna was going through a whining stage and Roland and I both wished to assist her in overcoming.   Somewhere in my possession, I have the questionnaires as both Roland and I received our own packets of material.   Of course, I can't find them now to pull up an example except for the incentive charts found here .             The questions were presented in a manner that may have led one to believe that the questions were about the children, but with each class and questionnaire, I felt like the class was really geared toward parenting and understanding ourselves.   It was a fun class, I thought and I really enjoyed getting acquainted with the instructor and some of the ot...

You May Want to Rethink That Name on Your Trailer

        Although the definition for Express means "to convey", I often associate the word with speed or convenience" - such as in "American Express" or "Federal Express"  or even the express lane on the freeway or supermarket checkout.  I find it ironic that an "Express" would hold up the line of cars.         I couldn't take a picture of the vehicle in front of the line as I wasn't directly behind it.  It wasn't a big deal really.  Eight cars driving 20 on a 45 road is no big deal. After all, the daily traffic in Salt Lake - which accounts for more than 8 to 10 cars - is a big deal.  8 - 10 cars would be neighborhood traffic,  but not a main road.         I don't think I would have thought that much about it had I been in Salt Lake,  but 8 backed up cars is quite heavy traffic for MC - so I thought there was a bus making st...

Fill in the Blanks

My brother-in-law has been posting silly answers to questions he finds.  I have taken several of his topic post "questions" to create my own.  This will tell you a bit about me. When I was little, I used to think things that happened in movies could work out in real life - like Mary Poppins flying away on her umbrella or half chicken half mammal could be produced by a mammal diligently sitting on the egg.   I don't know it was so much gullibility on my part as it was hopefulness. I think the best place to sit on a bus is near the driver.   In Salt Lake, Jenna and I enjoyed talking with some of the morning route drivers.   It wasn't always an option as front seats are reserved for wheelchairs and those who don't/can't move around as well as the average person.   On long trips I'll sit in the back - generally from Fairbourne to Kayla's house, there was no other choice but the back. That was fine as it was a great distance.   I am a ...

Health, Happiness and Approximate Conversation

          Just before we got in the car to come home from church, Jenna had asked me what was wrong.   Evidently, I was wearing an expression of sadness or despair.   Perhaps I should not use quotes as I don't fully remember the conversation, but I'm going to use quotations anyway.   This is only an approximation.           Jenna (playfully joking):   "Are you sad because you don't have choir practice?"           Me (sarcastically;   keep in mind that I DO NOT have a great singing voice and would rather eat than practice):   "Oh, yes.   That must be it"             Jenna: "What's wrong?"           At that exact moment in time, I was dreading money spent wastefully - but I don't wish to share my thoughts with ...

Ward Pot Luck and Games

            Our ward does a potluck lunch every second Wednesday.   Afterward, there is a group of us who stay to play games.   A counselor in the Relief Society is so good to send out reminders.   We usually have a really good attendance, but not always.             The other day I decided that I wouldn't leave the house until about 12:30 or so which would put me there around clean up and I would get to play games with whoever was staying (as there are probably only 20% will stay for games) but my computer was being temperamental and kept freezing before I could finish my assignment.   And so I decided to turn it off and go to the luncheon.             Wow.   Happy to have made that decision.   There were eight of us.   Holy cow.   I don't remember there ever being that few....

Those Are HUGE Pants

            The young women of the ward have been making pajama bottoms.   I don't know why Jenna picked out to mismatched designs.   Well, it is her personality.   The pants looked too big for me.   I was right.   They may be Jenna's correct length, but they have fallen off my waist twice already, and I am bigger around the middle than she is.             The last part of the pajama bottoms was to pull a draw string through - which I had started, but stopped at the seam that joined the front and the back together.   I couldn't push th safety pin through the stitch.   Just as well.   The draw sting had been measured for Jenna's belly and not my own - therefore it would have been too small to tie.   I figured I could still wear them to bed.   I hadn't taken into consideration that they might fell down whenever I g...

Olde English Village

Before leaving the park, each of us participated in panning for treasure - which had its perks I suppose.   Jenna seemed to enjoy it anyway.      I think I enjoyed the English Village the most - perhaps I was just intrigued by the detail of the authentic looking town.      Aside from eating and taking pictures, I don't recall doing anything special.   Mostly took pictures and waited for Jenna as she rode the ice mountain first by herself and then with Ashley.   They also went on the "Challenge of Mandor" a target shooting ride.    As Jenna has enjoyed doing that on video game, I thought she would enjoy the actual ride.   I think they went on that twice also.      I think perhaps most of the pictures I took were at Olde English Village.   I was in awe of how many I was able to get without a crowd of strangers in the photo.   Jenna took pictures of every ...