
More Homonyms

Ate is the past tense of Eat.  I Like to eat food.  I Ate food yesterday.  Eight is the number that falls between 7 and 9. There is a joke that says 7,8,9  but there is a play on words instead of saying Eight (8) you are saying Ate Pain  means sore or achy.  A  pane  is a panel of glass used in windows. I feel  pain  when I step on a broken  pane . A Bell is a thing that I ring to get someone's attention.  A Bail is a temporary release of someone in jail - usually for a payment.  A Bale of hay is the same as a bundle.  I can also have a bale of money to pay my friend's bail when he was thrown in jail for ringing his bell too loudly. A chute is a slide for laundry or garbage - an easy way to send from one floor to another without having to carry it down.  To shoot is light a cannon or send fireworks in the sky.  I may also shoot or release an arrow toward a certain target. ...

Humid and Windy

                It’s been quite an unusual summer – not that I’m complaining.   I’M NOT!   I am definitely not .   I love this weather.   It has been a bit unpredictable, but really nice overall.             Often the wind blows and so the outside temperature hasn’t often felt as hot as what it is.   Or else it will be overly humid, which I have not experienced a lot in this state, but had with I lived in Virginia.             The humidity has kept the kept the fire conditions moderate which is a GREAT improvement from the smoke we had two years ago.             Earlier I posted pictures of clouds.   Roland was taking a nap and I didn’t want to wake him, so rather than use my camera, I had taken pics with ...



Allow Me To Back Up a Bit . . .

           We had made arrangements with a local photographer to take some head shots of Jenna; we had planned to meet at Millsite on Monday morning.   We arrived at the park about 8:45 to find it packed with Bible Camp participants.   We texted the photographer to let her know and that we were headed to another park.   She took several shots before we parted ways . . . well, sort of.   Each of us was headed to the library but arrived at different times.           We assisted with the children’s reading program before Jenna and I left to return home. After six we drove to the blueberry farm as I believed Evelyn was expecting us.   We were told we could stay and pick and probably we should have stayed an hour at least, but we left and said we’d return the next morning.           Neither Jenna nor I were in a hurry to go home and so sto...

Dash #161The Proposal

          There was never a formal proposal on Roland’s part.   He said that he would get me a ring when he could afford one.   I told him that the ring was not important and he could just buy one from a vending machine.   So one day he presented me with a golden colored plastic band made of connecting hearts.   It was cute but made my finger turn green.   Eventually, I lost it.   I felt bad for sentimental reasons.            Before the end of the year, Roland had purchased a simple gold band with a small diamond.   It was perfect.   When I had my tubular pregnancy, I had to remove all jewelry.   I was pretty out of it and had not bothered to put it back on – or maybe by that point, it needed to be adjusted.   I don’t know why I had left it in my jewelry box.   One of the boys had lost his keys and someone had found them and used them to break into our house.   My...

I Haven’t Heard that Word for Three or Four Years

      I vaguely  remember the facebook comments that were made after Devin Durrant’s talk given during the Sunday afternoon session in the October 2015 General Conference.   It was the first general conference we had watched after moving to Oregon.   I don’t know how focused I was on his talk.   I remember he used the word “Ponderize” though  I didn’t realize how often.   22 times according to this website.   Okay . . .           I remember I had facebook friends who really liked the idea behind the word as it offered some sort of empowerment – 20% memorization and 80% pondering.   And then I had facebook friends who were overly irritated with the new made-up word.   How dare someone introduce as non-existing word into conference!   Would it be a trend?   I was indifferent and really didn’t care about the word one way or the other – although I may have leaned s...

Out With the Old . . .

I vaguely remember the toaster oven that my mom had purchased.   I thought it was a neat device for making things crisp.   One year, after being dissatisfied with the way the reheated pizza crust came out in the microwave, I had asked Roland for a toaster oven. The particular modle he had purchased was far more sophisticated than my mom’s had been.   I believe there were five settings to reheat, toast, broil and actually cook food.   But not an entire meal for three people.   I didn’t dislike the toaster oven, but it wasn’t as fast as I believed my mom’s had been.   I had thought the waiting time had been longer than the microwave but not much more than an actual toaster.   I now believe it is equivalent to an actual oven.   Perhaps there is less wattage involved.   I don’t know.   My main desire for the toaster oven was to toast things that were too fat or messy for the actual toaster – but without the wait of an actual oven. ...