Monday, January 9, 2012

Now this is a book I would really like for my collection

One of Jenna’s favorite places to go is the library.  When we lived in our first house, we would often walk to the library.  But as there is so much congestion between our house and the library where we currently live, we don’t have the option of walking to the library anymore. 

          There have been times when I have gone to the library without Jenna.  Often it will be in search of reference books to answer a question that she has asked either that morning or some time during the week.

          Last year I found myself in the poetry section and had checked out a beautiful book called R is for Rhyme by Judy Young.  Unfortunately Jenna does not share my love for poetry right now.  She gets bored with it.  Even the rhymes which she so often does verbally.  She just doesn’t seem to care for reading or writing in rhyme.

          Between January and April the library puts award nominee books on display and encourages children to read the books and vote for them.  Jenna likes what she reads for the most part.  There have been only a few that are just okay or that she doesn’t like at all.  Last year we read three books that included poetry.  All three were given an “okay” or “I don’t like” vote.

Just recently we found one called Mirror Mirror by Marilyn Singer, beautifully illustrated by Josee Masse.  The poetry used in this book is called Reverso – which I have never heard of before.  But it is awesome.  Jenna likes it because of the fairy tale themes but doesn’t understand the beauty of just how these verses are written.

This is an example the author uses to explain it:

                             A cat                              Incomplete:
                             without                           A chair
                             a chair:                           without
                             Incomplete.                     a cat.

Except that the verses on every other page are written from a tale’s character’s point of view.  There aren’t an exact number of lines involved.  It is just the order in which it is written – top line becomes bottom and bottom line becomes top and is read with new meaning.  Only the punctuation is changed. 

My favorites are spoken by Jack first and then the giant – or the witch to Hansel and then Gretel to Hansel.  I haven’t tried Reverso myself yet.  It looks quite challenging.  And I thank Marilyn Singer for sharing.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

We do not Throw Books at our Friends!

          My church calling at this time is in the nursery.  Currently we live in a mostly geriatric ward, and thus our nursery is not really big.  Five children is the most we’ve ever had – and that was with visitors.

          Andrea is an only child. She is quiet.  Doesn’t do much interaction with the other children.  Mostly just stands back and observes.  Sometimes she cries for mommy and daddy – but not too often.  She is easy to watch.
          Aden – no relation to Andrea.  They just happen to have similar names. He was our oldest child in our nursery and has started sunbeams just this year.  He is the youngest of four children at home.  Also very quiet.  But than so is his mom.  Aden plays quietly – occasionally says a word or two, but not much verbally.
          For a while that is all that we had.  And then Mason’s family started coming regularly.  What a handful.  Spent most of the time crying – or else he would try bullying the other two.  And Andrea is the one who always got hurt – not on purpose necessarily.  She would just happen to be in the way.

          Mason came for a while and then started staying home with dad.  We see him on occasion, but not so much anymore.

          Faith’s family moved in mid September.  She is the youngest of six.  Just a wee bit spoiled – not so much by mom and dad but from at least four of the five sibs – most of all her brother, who adores her.  For a month Faith cried whenever mom or dad would leave.  We played music for her.  That seemed to calm her down.  She LOVES singing time. 

          After a month she got used to us.  She decided that she would push buttons of each child and leader.  She would decide (and still does) that she would want to play with the toy that Aden was playing with.  She would take it away and smile – not that she really actually wanted to play with it – she just wants power – and she wants everyone in nursery to KNOW that she has power.  She doesn’t.  She just thinks she does.     

          On the last week in November we were introduced to our new challenge – who was/is louder and bigger than Mason and Faith combined – a new challenge for Faith – but I really think with this new power struggle that is taking place HOPE is going to win.  Hope and Faith – can you believe it?  They are both two and thus far neither one seems to live up to her name. 

           I have told Faith NOT to push Hope’s buttons – Hope is twice her size and could sit on her and squash her.  Actually, out of all the children, Faith is the smallest and weighs practically nothing.  Mason and Hope are both solid – and become heavier when kicking and screaming.

          Hope is an only child – she has never had to share toys.  Sweet, innocent Andrea was riding on a horse and Hope shoved her off – though we have two other horses.  Poor Andrea.  Hope had hurt her intentionally – whereas the pain caused by Mason has always been unintentional.  And Hope is so big and strong that the leaders may get hurt if she continues to struggle.

          Hope and Mason have not met one another – though I doubt Hope would even notice.  I can just visualize the two of them pushing and punching each other and having to quickly move Andrea to the other side of the room – while Faith continues to smile in her mischievous way. 

          Look forward to watching their personalities develop. Hopefully we can help them to understand why friends are important. Heaven help ALL of us – especially Andrea – who’s really just an innocent by stander – literally.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Jenna loves to assist

          Jenna loves to clean the church and do volunteer work at the storehouse.  She actually makes a game of it and will stock items on the shelves while I pull merchandise from the warehouse.  Theoretically she’s not allowed in the warehouse for safety reasons.

          When Roland and I have gone to the warehouse, he always wants to do the freezer and sends me in the refrigerator to put out fruit, vegetables and dairy products while he does the meats. 

          We all three went out to the storehouse this morning.  Roland went into the freezer and I pulled boxes for Jenna to open and put away.  She’s most comfortable with the bottom two shelves – though she can reach the third one from the floor.  But there is no way she can do the top right now.  Often it is a stretch for me.

          She is usually happily singing away as she stocks – often putting smiles on those around her.  Only she wasn’t singing today.  And she found something that she found she liked better than stocking shelves.  Opening and breaking boxes down.

          At first the idea did not thrill me – after all she could puncture herself.  But she was careful.  And I actually found myself taking advantage of it.  I don’t like breaking down boxes.  I would stack cans on the top two shelves and hand her boxes to break down.  And then I would return to the warehouse to pull more merchandise and dispose of the used boxes.  Most of the time I went back to the warehouse, I saw Roland looking more like Frosty the Snowman each time.

          Jenna felt a bit cheated and wanted to know just how cold the freezer was.  And while I wasn’t looking, Roland took her back there with him and let her assist.  She felt so grown up!  I think that’s why she likes going there, actually.
          She and Roland are now making cookies.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Artificial Trees: Pros and Cons

         New Years day (for me) has always been the day for taking down the tree – I am usually sad about seeing the holidays come to an end.  This season we put our tree up quite early.  Jenna insisted we put it up the day after Thanksgiving.  I don’t think I’ve ever decorated quite that early before.

          It was a nice day.  The tree was in the shed.  Hauling it out would be no problem as there wasn’t any snow build up in the way of the doors or in the path I would trudge.  I was grateful for Jenna’s enthusiasm and brought in all the decorations for her to choose what and where they would go.

          The first artificial tree I remember was in a box.  I don’t actually remember it on display.  It was one of those very old silver ones that came with a color wheel – folks could plug in the wheel of four colors and the tree would appear to magically change colors as the wheel turned.  A thing of the past.  Quite lame by today’s standards.

          I remember going to the tree lot when I was a kid.  My brother and I always wanted a flocked tree.  Flocked trees were cool.  And you could actually buy them pre flocked or pay extra to have it done.  It was rare that we had a green tree – but I do remember having them.

          We would get home from the tree lot and it seemed like dad ALWAYS had to make an adjustment – cutting down its size to either fit it into the stand or trimming the top in order to get the star on top.  It would never be even, and we always had 15 - 20 books around the stand so that it wouldn’t topple over.

          I don’t remember ever having an artificial tree when dad was alive.  I remember sap and pine needles and watering the tree – trying to prevent it from drying out and rarely succeeding.  I remember pricking myself when attaching or trying to remove ornaments and I remember finding pine needles buried in the carpet long after the tree was taken down (apparently we had quite a pathetic vacuum cleaner)

Mom and I decided to try the artificial tree.  They looked pretty real.  No books, no pine needles – but no fresh pine smell either.  But would you believe – mom and I are Ethel and Lucy when we attempt any project.  We ended up using books – and though we didn’t notice at first, the tree would fray a bit when we were decorating and undecorating.  We still had pine needles on the carpet!  On the plus side there was no sap or dry sticker.  The synthetic seemed to vacuum up much more easily.

My husband and I have had artificial trees.  Our first was actually a display tree for a winter scene.  Talk about your pathetic Charlie Brown types! Our most current tree came with lights.  Now some people enjoy adding their own strands of lights.  I personally enjoy the convenience of not having to.  It’s a plus not to have to untangle and fiddle with strands of lights.

When hanging ornaments, there are no pine needles to pick up.  No more stabbing ourselves with pine needles. We can hang ornaments with ease – and can actually make the branches work to our benefit – for example if the ornament is fragile, we can twist the branch to secure the ornament in place.  Try that with a real tree! 
My husband is great at putting things together.  No more books!  And we haven’t had any false needles end up on the floor either.

Okay, it has to be stored year after year- and dug out of storage.  But sometimes there’s a convenience that goes with it.  This year, for example, we decorated early (in my opinion) and didn’t have to wait for Christmas tree lots or spending money on fresh trees or transporting the tree home (which can actually be a bigger hassle than storage – depending on the vehicle used)

So there you have it.  Artificial trees last longer and overall are way easier to maintain.  That’s my opinion. 

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

My Brothers: Quiet Strength

I have two brothers.  Patrick is two years younger than I.  Corey is nine years younger.  Both brothers are quite knowledgeable in the gospel.  Both are quiet.  Both are very forgiving of others.  Both pocess qualities very much like our dad. Both attend Church meetings each week – but each is on a mission that’s entirely different from the other

          The eldest of the two currently serves as second counselor in the bishopric. Patrick is diligent and responsible.  Keeps confidences.  He’s organized.  GREAT father! Coveted husband. A good guy whom people respect.  Did I mention quiet?

          I am actually closer to Corey than I am to Patrick.  Corey is an actor.  When he appears on stage it isn’t known how quiet he is when he’s not performing.  Corey is very diligent and responsible.  He keeps confidences.  He is very organized.  People respect him. People admire him. When he’s not performing, Corey is pretty quiet.

          Corey attends two meetings on Sunday.  He does not hold a calling.  He doesn’t participate in class.  He doesn’t bear his testimony – not allowed anyway.  But he does have one. Recently he attended a conference for the LDS gay and lesbian community and did have the opportunity to bear his testimony there.  And he bears testimony in his Blog as well.  He’s a great example.

          I learn so much from my brothers’ examples.  Neither gets uptight with situations at hand.  It is what it is.  They are very compassionate and forgiving.  They don’t get mad at other people.  Mistakes happen.  There is always allowance.  I need to hang around my brothers more. 

          I’ve tried letting go of that grudge thing – it hasn’t always worked.  I know I am a lot happier when I can let it go and move on. Though I don’t always let go.  It eats at me.  I’m not saying my brothers aren’t ever bothered – but they are a lot more forgiving than I – especially Patrick.

          Corey usually resorts to writing letters.  He will wait a few days before mailing or confronting.  More times than not he’s gotten over whatever it was and ends up just throwing the letter away.   But there have been times the letter was mailed.  And for the most part that seems to produce positive results as well (or at least that how it appears to me)

          Corey is a lot more eloquent with words than I.  For the most part I don’t have that gift – especially verbally. So often my words are misconstrued.  I don’t know if it’s the delivery or my approach or what.   But there have been hurt feelings – whereas Corey’s anger doesn’t always transfer – even verbally.  He is pretty calm at explaining himself and often gets the other person to see his point of view – even if not agreed with – he just has a better way of presenting himself.
          I get upset or frustrated.  I often cry.  I wish one could lose weight through tears.  I’m sure I’d be wearing the same size as Metal’s Barbie.

          I love my brothers.  I love their example.  I will continue to strive to be more like them.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

What I'm Grateful for A-Z

My brother added to his Blog a Thanksgiving list in alphabetical order.  He adapted it from somebody else’s Blog – and now I am doing the same.

A       Agency        I am grateful for the opportunity to make choices. And for the freedoms that others have (and continue still) sacrificed so that I may enjoy my freedoms.

B        Brothers      I have always been closer to the younger one of the two – but both have been examples to me.  Both are active in Church.  One currently serves in the bishopric while the other will never have a calling – yet he serves in another capacity.  Each are on a quite a different journey.  Both remind me of my dad.

C       camera        I have always been grateful for the opportunity to preserve memories through photos and film

D       dad             what a great example of gratitude and prayer, humility and quiet strength – not just mine but the way my husband is to all children

E        Education    I received a fairly decent education in my youth.  Now there are charter schools, dual immersion programs, smart boards and the Internet – none of which exsisted when I was a youth.  I am grateful for the opportunities that my daughter has and will have at furthering her education.

F        foundations   I am grateful for the solidness of many friendships and my faith and religion and for the organization of things in my life

G       God             A knowledge of deity.  Being able to feel His presence.  All good things come from God.  G for goodness as well

H       Hospitality     I’m grateful to others for their assistance and also when I am in a position to help others.

I         imagination and invention – sometimes I think they work hand in hand. 

J        my daughter’s name starts with J.  I have enjoyed watching her grow – making discoveries, listening to her sing.  She truly is a miracle in our lives.  That is a post in itself.
K       knowledge   I’m grateful for the opportunities we have to learn and the availability for research and materials right at our fingertips.

L        light            It helps me see and find things – both physically and metaphorically

M       Music          I enjoy all kinds really, Christmas, children’s, contemporary Christian.  I enjoy vocals and instrumentals alike.  The world gets too quiet when there is no music

N       nurturing    I praise those that are able to provide guidance for those around them – to cater to individual needs without taking away from another.

O       Organization         I like knowing I can go to any ward (a geographical boundary for the Church) I will learn the same message and lessons and unity. 

P        paper          that’s where thoughts start – what my artistic daughter draws on.  Something more personal than the computer provides.  Homework, notes, letters, instruction . . .  ideas (for me) start out on paper

Q       quilt            I have a good friend who made a quilt for my husband and me over ten years ago – actually he’s made a number of quilts for children and grandchildren . . . quilts have a metaphorical meaning, too.  Patching pieces together – the fabric of our lives

R       my husband’s name starts with an R.  He shares many personality traits with my mother.  But he is a one of a kind gem like my dad was.  He’s extraverted – whereas dad and my brothers are introverted.  But they are all gems.

S        Sacrifice      I am grateful for those who are willing to give up something to benefit someone else.  I am grateful to those who came before me (pioneers) who risked so much to give us a better future.

T        teachers      educators by profession as well as those who are fine examples or are just blessed with the eloquence of words that help me understand or give my daughter their time

U       Understanding      I don’t always understand the explanations – but I am grateful when I do and I am grateful for the times that we can work things out through our understanding

V       Vacations    I used to travel with my family during the summer.  We most often went to Yellowstone or Disneyland.  I’ve not had many vacations with my current family for financial reasons. Vacations are just memories for me now.

W       written words       so many gifted authors and bloggers and shared life experiences and entertainment too.  I enjoy reading and I have always loved to write.

X       X marks the spot  I’m grateful for untangible treasures like knowledge, faith, wisdom, service . . . my husband and I are NOT blessed with financial treasures.  But we are rich in so many other ways.

Y       youth          I love rediscovering things through their eyes. I love their honesty and simplicity.

Z        Zion            or at least the idea of Zion

Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year’s Eve

          Every year Jenna’s goal is to stay up until Midnight.  To stay up until Midnight would make her so much more mature than she already is.  Only grown-ups stay up past midnight.  Oh, the joys of getting older.

          Each year Jenna has conked out around 10:00 or so – not to mention Roland and I – who have somehow turned into old fogies who fall asleep before nine.  This year I actually made it to Midnight.  Jenna was asleep at 11:30.  Face down on the couch.  It was actually quite amusing.

          Roland came in to send her off to bed.  I asked my grumpy little girl, “Would you like to me to wake you in half an hour to wish you happy New Year?”  She mumbled and plopped in bed.  I smiled and turned to my Blog.

          Not much of a goal setter – nor do I admit to making New Year’s Resolutions.  In the past it’s always been NOT to complain.  But somehow I end up complaining about something.  And yet I know negative people are not pleasant to be around.  And so I am trying to change that.

          My goal this time around is to show gratitude.  Instead of complaining about our cracker box sized house to show that I’m grateful to have a roof overhead.  Instead of complaining about the lack of water pressure, be grateful that I have clean water to drink. Instead of complaining about the dent in the car,  I AM very grateful that it passed inspection and that we have transportation.
          Perhaps writing it down and posting my words to a Blog, I will be more inclined to keep that goal.  Perhaps I’ll need reminders.  After all, who wants to read negative posts?

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Introduction: Beneath the Wraps

          I had once heard a story of a racist who was sent to a burn center for her condition.  Life had dealt her a bum deal.  She was in constant pain. She was bitter. And she made it no secret about how she felt.  She quickly gained a reputation in the burn center because of her ill mannered behavior.

          All the patients wore bandages – some more than others...  They were all burn victims.  None was able to escape his or her circumstances due to race, religion, or possession of money. They all had to be treated.

In time this women was befriended by another patient who was certainly in far worse shape than she – he looked like a mummy as he appeared to be covered with bandages from head to toe.  And yet he had such a great outlook on life.  He taught her how to cope, to listen, and to live.  She enjoyed their visits together and would look forward to the next time they would talk. She had developed a love for her new friend. Perhaps she saw him as a father figure.
          After a few months the man’s bandages were removed. It wasn’t until then that the woman realized that the man was a different race than she.  She was confused.  All of her life she had been taught to hate, or fear, or resist or whatever – for whatever reason.  And yet this man had been so kind to her.  He had taught her.  He had been her friend.  Would she really give all that up just because she was a racist?

So often we refuse to listen to the thoughts or ideas of another because his or her beliefs are not the same as our own.  So often we place judgments upon appearance.  So often we assume that an individual is represented by his or her entire race or even a name and therefore must possess certain character trait. 

          A name? Really?  Have we become such a petty society that we would actually treat another differently based upon his or her name? How many people choose their names?  Honestly?  Oh, there’re a small handful that have their names legally changed for whatever reason – but most everybody I know did not pick out the name he or she was given – either first or last.

          Nicknames are different.  They are earned playfully or maliciously based upon one character trait or a piece of personality – but nicknames still do not define a person’s entire being.  And being related to an individual might account for some personality attributes – but being related does not take away from one’s individualism.

I often enjoy reading the introduction to different Blogs – why the title of the Blog is so named and how it relates to the Blogger.  My Blogger name comes from the story that I just shared. At this point I don’t want just anybody looking at it.  I don’t want to invite the entire public – but I don’t necessarily want to make it a secret either. 

 My brother has an anonymous blog.  It’s quite profound and well written.  There is actually a large handful of people who are aware of his real identity. A neighbor had read some of his posts and had asked my mom, “Does Corey have a Blog?”  Not that my mom was the right person to question – as she didn’t even know what a Blog was.  Mom is the one who told me about Corey’s Blog – which in turn introduced me into the Blogging world.

I notice the Blogs that I seem to enjoy most have started out as a therapeutic method for the Blogger – at least in Corey’s case it did. After a couple of years he came to terms that made him feel that he didn’t need to Blog anymore – but he gained many followers in the meantime who weren’t anxious about seeing Corey take flight.  He’s part of a support group.  They need to read his words.  I need to read them.  He is so good at explaining things and has such an awesome gift with words, it would be a shame to all of us if the Blog were to go away.

I am not near as gifted with words – though I have had many people advice me to start my own blog because “I could really help people”. I suppose that each of us is titled to his or her own opinion. Perhaps some posts may be profound – others may not have meaning – just opinions.  My opinion.  And some will be written for my own therapeutic needs. So there you go. 

I don’t have permission from anybody to use his or her real name in my Blog – though I don’t guess many of them would care either way.  It’s not that I’m trying to keep my Blog a secret.  In actuality I would like to be discovered.  But I want to introduce myself and my subjects subtly – and there may be some who will figure me out and many more that will never know even when and if my identity is revealed.

I actually have a rather common name – too common.  But for the sake of my Blog I will be known as LaTiesha Cannon – no particular reason.  I just like the sound. My husband is Roland and our daughter is Jenna.  All other associations will be introduced as I go.  Have fun with it or ignore it completely. But please be respectful.  Thanks.