Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Random Things - Then and Now

25 Random Things Created in 2009

1. I Love having caller ID
2. My faith is often waivered
3. I enjoy rediscovering things through my five-year-old’s eyes 

4. I have called the authorities on suspicious people seeming to be lurking around
    my neighbors’ yards. One turned out to be a meter reader.
5. Fall is my favorite season with temperatures 60 – 70 degrees 

6. I speak Spanish almost as well as my husband does –
    I mean Spanglish
7. I don’t care for country music, but admire many performers of country music
8. Served a mission in the Virginia Roanoke mission; my first three areas are now in
    three different mission boundaries
9. I have always liked peanut butter
10 I love to scrapbook
11 More than half of my music collection is Christmas songs
12 I remember rotary phones, phonographs (or record players), and a time when all
     cars didn’t have seatbelts – let alone mandatory car seats
13 I believe that spell check is one of our greatest inventions yet
14 I enjoy cuddling when I’m awake; when I am asleep I want my OWN space
     – thank you very much
15 I’m very opinionated – it’s a characteristic that needs definite improvement
16 I enjoy collecting photographs of people that I love
17 I have two stepdaughters that none of us know
18 I have yet to make friends with a vacuum cleaner. 

19 I hate e-mail messages that request you forward to a certain number of friends –
     including the one who sent it. How stupid is that?
20 I would rather do the dishes than cook the meal – which works out great in my       
21 I really DON’T like waiting – especially in God’s due time
22 I don’t like needing money – I would like the world to go back to the law of
23 I enjoy being around positive people for the most part
24 I enjoy laughing
25 This has taken a very long time (with many interruptions) to fill out 

And this year:

1.         I Still enjoy having caller ID - I love being able to program names and  
       numbers into my phone so that I know who is calling

2.         My faith is stronger now than it was eight years ago
3.         I enjoy listening to Jenna sing; I admire her enthusiasm

4.         I have called the authorities on suspicious people - I called WVPD many times about drug house across the street - which, according to my son, is still a drug house.

5.         The only thing I don't enjoy about fall (autumn) are political elections that take place every other year and campaign posters that clutter up my view of nature.

6.         I have never mastered a second language - not even accounting.  But that is the one I am currently working on.

7.         My favorite music is pop, 70's, 80's and Contemporary Christian

8.         I've been back to visit members living in Virginia only one time;  I am currently facebook friends with only a few that I had served with.

9.         I still enjoy peanut butter - especially when combined with chocolate

10.       I still preserve memories and take lots of pictures.  But most of it is digital and rarely ever makes it out of the computer.

11.       I usually listen to whatever music that Jenna listens to

12.       I have changed ribbon in a manual typewriter;  I remember inserting a two-toned ribbon that was black and red.

13.       LOVE spell check.

14.       I sleep in an upright position;  Roland has to be flat.

15.       I have improved.  Still have a ways to go.  But I have grown in Oregon.  I'm not so uptight.

16.       I've taken thousands of pictures.  My most current pictures include the children's reading program and festival

17.       I deal with death pretty well

18.       Love the vacuum cleaner almost as well as the dirt/dust I am trying to get rid  of.

19.       still applies.  I don't forward and I don't tag for others to forward or play.

20.       I often get the privilege of cooking or helping to cook and have Jenna put clean dishes away;  more often than not I generally do  dishes by myself.  I think it's totally awesome when Roland does it.

21        Not good at waiting; will probably never master that one. (see here)

22.       I still don't like needing money - but somehow I think it's easier in a rural area than a big city

23        I have met many pleasant people

24        Still enjoy laughing

25        Wasn't as long - possibly because it was a different time of the day.

Monday, July 31, 2017

I'm Grateful That My Plans Didn't Work Out

                I had made contact with different family members about my plans of sending Jenna to Utah by herself to visit family and we would pick her up in August.  It had been a thought is all.  It's not that I was trying to get rid of her during the summer.  I just know that she's been homesick for her brothers and cousins and probably a week would not be enough for her.
         She did want to march in the parade at the end of last month and this month - only this month didn't work out for anybody in the group except for Jenna.  We manned the booth instead.  Jenna and I had been assigned for the very first shift, and then she got recruited to stay (see here).  Her actions certainly helped with funds but even better (in my opinion) was that it gave her  a confidence that she has somehow kept hidden for many years.  She enjoyed doing it, and she enjoyed being needed.

          She did taper off that last day however, palling around with a group of kids - which was also good for her.  In addition, we assist at the library every Monday (at least for the summer) with the summer reading program, and she enjoys that.  She enjoys the children - which surprised me.  Other than her cousins (and sometimes even the boys have been exceptions) she has never shown an interest in children - especially really little ones.  But she has often told me how much she misses Devin and Ally - and she didn't even get to spend that much time with them.  I'm happy to hear that she misses them.  I really would have liked to spend more time with them myself.  But it doesn't feel like it was meant to be.

          Uncle Ted will be buried on Tuesday.  I wished I could be with the family again.  But I knew before we left to move out here than it would be highly doubtful for us to go back. I didn't know the return back to Utah would be so hard on me.

          I miss seeing my family.  At the same time I am truly excited to watch Jenna grow and gain new confidences.  I'm glad this summer has been working out to be a positive experience.

Camp Fire in the Primary Room

          I was really impressed with the primary yesterday listening to their sweet voices sounding more like 30 children and not just less than 10.  The amount of awesome volume has impressed visitors as it often sounds like there are more than there are.

          Our pianist teaches a Sunday school class as well as playing piano, and so she is often late getting in.  We chose to sing "I am a Child of God" a cappella.  It was beautiful - especially when Lily started off on her rendition - not taking away from the traditional version - but rather adding more beauty to the song.

          Emily was a pill about giving her talk today.  After much prompting and a sad little girl who would not speak, the primary presidency asked the children to stack their chairs.  We still had 40 minutes left.  What?

          The presidency then brought out blankets and a false campfire to set up in the middle and had the children set around the campfire while telling pioneer facts, sharing stories, and singing pioneer songs that the children (nor I) were familiar with, but sang as though it were a part of their daily routine.  I was quite impressed.


Sunday, July 30, 2017

More Cryptogram Quotes

 This first one I was unable to do by myself.  I turned to the back and gave Jenna the page number and problem number and told her to give me a word.  I figured it out after that.  I was able to figure out the rest on my own.

Colors fade, temples crumble, empires fall, but wise words endure.

Sometimes when people are generous in small, barely perceptible ways, it can change someone's life foever.

Success, for some people, depends on becoming well known; for others, it depends on never being found out.

Things are lost only when you're looking where they aren't.

Politicians are the same all over the world.  They are always promising to build bridges even where there are no rivers.

Cleaning your house, while your kids are still growing, is like shoveling the walk before it stops snowing - Phyllis Diller

Good communication is as stimulating as black coffee and just as hard to sleep after - Anne Morrow Linbergh

There is a right way and a wrong way to do everything, and the wrong way is to keep trying to make everyone else do it the right way.

A true fact that is difficult to learn is that the time to save money is when you have some.

The trouble with jogging is that by the time you realize that you're not in shape for it, it's too far to walk back - Franklin P. Jones

People cannot understand their true character until they have run out of gas, purchased something on the instalment plan, and raised an adolescent.

There isn't a child  who hasn't gone out into the brave new world who eventually doesn't return to the old homestead carrying a bundle of dirty clothers - Art Buchwald

I doubt the world holds for anyone a more soul-stirring surprise than the first adventure with ice cream. - Heywood Brown

The arts are a better barometer of what is happening in our world than the stock market or the debates in Congress.

Use what talents you have.  The woods would be very silent if no birds sang other than those that sang best.

Golf isn't so much a game as a passionate faith that you can hit it a mile next time.

It takes eighty-three muscles to frown and only fourteen to smile.  No wonder grouchy people are always tired.

The most inspiring people are those least obsessed with their own happiness, especially those who stride confidently across the globe to create, change, or rest from life what they will.

Diet: a short period of starvation preceding a gain of five pounds.

 A homeowner is someone who is always on the way to hardware store.

A weed is only a plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered.

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Silly Parade

I do hope not to offend anyone in Myrtle Creek by calling their parade silly.  It's just that I am used to bands and floats (see here) and spacing and not everything clumped together.  I certainly did take a lot of pictures - but not as many as I had the first year we lived here.  We did not even attend last year.

The Friends of Myrtle Creek had marched in the Rodeo parade (see here) on the 17th and had planned on walking in today's parade, but with manning the booths and lack of availability, it felt like their were too few to accomplish our desire - so we opted out.  

I don't think the parade started on time.  Roland made certain we had ice cream as we had two years ago.

The parade stared out with six firetrucks.  I evidently took nine pictures:

most had passengers who threw candy.  Roland got a Frisbee from one thrower:

followed by a series of monster trucks.  I took a picture of the first one:

followed by five others.  I did take a picture of this rig pulling two monster cars only because Roland had made a comment about the expense of one pulling the expense of the other.

Six more monster trucks passed before I took this picture:

I stopped counting between this and the last two show off cars:

Next came Miss Douglas County:

Followed by a series of classic cars.  I may have gotten all of them.

And here's what followed the classic cars:

This last truck was pulling a trailer.  I guess these next two would be considered the floats?

Both had been issued trophies.  I wonder if the Friends of the Myrtle Creek Library would have received a trophy.  Probably.

We didn't get to see a log truck in the parade as we had the first year (see here).  But we did see more walkers than in prior years.

This last truck was  followed by five more of it's kind.

Hope you enjoyed our parade.