Journal Jars
I once attended a Relief Society
enrichment meeting where we made “journal jars”. What is a “journal jar”? you may ask. It is a jar containing questions that will
hopefully provoke thought to get written answers one may record in his or her
Questions like:
“Do you remember your grandparents? What special memories do you have?”
“Did you have a favorite radio or TV
show as a child?”
“Tell about the changes you have seen
in your lifetime: society in general, technology, fashion, politics, laws,
inventions, etc.”
Jenna absolutely LOVES to explore
these questions – or my answers rather.
Often she can answer for herself, but many ask for detail on things that
she hasn’t experienced yet such as marriage, parenting, high school, dating,
The idea of the journal jar is to
record memories. But Jenna loves to use
it as a conversation piece or in place of playing games. And I like that she likes it.
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