Thursday, August 11, 2016

God Works In Mysterious Ways

            At the end of last month (July 29) I mentioned that I decided to go back to school online.  Thus far I have taken four classes.  Two I've completed and I will have finished two more by the end of next week.
            Currently I am taking an English Refinement class and a Philosophy Class called the Introduction to Logic.  My instructor LOVES philosophy.  I do not.  Fortunately it hasn't been as huge a challenge as I had predicted. I've actually gained a repoire with my instructor and have been flattered by her feedback.

            On the last day of July I posted the first assignment I had turned in for that class.  I shared it mainly for those that may be required to take the class also in hopes that my viewpoint may assist their understanding in the same way my brother and instructor helped me.

            My last assignment was on  Emotion and the Workplace.  We had an option of answering questions from one of two videos and give our opinions on the benefits of technology - and why we may or may not agree with the ideas conveyed.  My instructor said she really liked my essay for last week. 


          This week has been a bit tougher for me. The topic is fallacy reasoning.  I have turned in my assignment but do not feel as confident about my essay as the one from last week.  One of my introductory lines is that "I feel like a walking fallacy just waiting to happen" which may not be grammatically correct, but will probably make my instructor laugh.


          So far only one of my classes could actually be applied to my major.  Two of my classes have been on self-awareness - helping me define how to get along with others - not only in the work place but with life in general. Should I continue with all of my courses and don't use it any of it career wise, I realize what I have learned thus far has made me a better person whether I flourish in the workplace or continue to stay at home. I am grateful for the things I've learned thus far and pray that I may continue to thrive.

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