Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Day 3: Games, Aunt Julie and Alex

 Richards initial plan was to spend a day or two with each boy.  However we had Tony drive up from Salt Lake over Saturday and Sunday as both off for the weekend. Both work graveyard jobs and would rather spend two days with us together than just one day with each boy.  Biff and Tony are the oldest of the three.

We slept in finally.  Called the boys and asked them to meet us for lunch. Before they arrived Jai and I walked from the food parking lot to an adjoining that had a Ross.  It was cold and had started to snow.  I bought a few items for myself but we did not find anything of interest to Jaime.

 We went to MOD pizza which I had never heard of before.  Jai told us it was almost identical as to going Subway in which there are a variety of choices on display and the customer can choose what will go into it.  I chose a miniature pizza with white sauce, spinach and bacon.  It was divine.

Biff was the first to arrive but had not brought Claire or Ally as Ally was not feeling well.  In the excitement of having the grandparents and Aunt Jaime come, Allys medication had been forgotten and she is suppose to have shots twice a day.

Tony was not dressed appropriately for the weather.  He had on shorts dressed like hed be going to the gym.  None of them were wearing coats even though Rochelle had said that it had been raining in Salt Lake. There was a Target across the street from the complex that housed Mod and so after we finished eating we all went across the street and Richard bought coats for almost everyone.  (Neither Jai nor I found a coat to our liking - we both already had coats anyway; I had mine on when we had gone to Ross)

We all met back at the hotel and played games in the breakfast serving area and played one game in the lobby. Tony had brought a bunch of Disney theme games and an interactive card game called Happy Salmon that reminded Jenna of Pit - but with physical interaction.   

While we were playing games when Aunt Julie dropped by for just a few minutes.  She is the sister of the boys biological mother.  She did not stay for very long but it was fun to see her and a surprise for the majority of the family because they did not know I had invited her over.

Richard had told Tony that we would drive down to Salt Lake and take them to Olive Garden, but Rochelle thought it would be more practical to eat in Layton.  Surely they would have an Olive Garden closer than the drive back to Salt Lake.  Thank you for your thoughtfulness, Rochelle.  So after we had finished playing games, Biff returned home to check on Claire and Ally and the rest of us drove to Olive Garden where Biff later met up with us.

After the boys had gone, Jai and I dressed for the pool which was very cold and the Jacuzzi was quite crowed.  We sat at the table where we had played games and ran lines for a while.  After we finished several pages and stood up to leave, we heard a comment from the desk, Now I will never know how it ends

Jai and I decided to go upstairs to change and returned to the lobby so that our fan could hear more of the play.  The play she is doing is called Saving Grace One of the characters name is Alex which was also the name of the clerk behind the desk. He clapped after we had finished reading. That is when he told us his name. Jai and I left to turn in for the night.  We were impressed with Alexs mannerism. 

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