Saturday, April 11, 2020

Charles Wysocki

Since we have moved to Oregon, the first puzzle I remember having put together was this one by Charles Wysocki.

It had worked up rather quickly and Jenna wanted to hang the picture in her room.  It was the first time I remember having glued a puzzle.

It remained in her room until the move.  And then it broke or fell apart.  We never did finish this one as we had managed to lose a few pieces.  We still have it I think.

We have put other Charles Wysocki puzzles together - each seeming more challenging than the one before.

The last puzzle we finished was this one

and had included  some progress pictures in this post

Now we are working on one which appeared it may have been easier to put together but has somehow become more challenging. 

characters seemed further spaced on box than actual puzzle

frame by itself was a challenge

Roland did a good job putting trees together

often the puzzle pieces aren't what we think we're looking for

This puzzle piece finishes the woman's coat
and tepee frame 

the animals took a long while - especially the cows

words and building were not bad, but the roof was quite challenging

Roland is working on the sky.  Perhaps we may have it finished either today or tomorrow.

Thursday, April 9, 2020


It is very foggy outside.  Thick white air that isn’t even worth my taking a picture. 
I have enjoyed seeing fog from a distance – when the clouds have surrounded the hills 
across the way.  It isn’t as appealing when it is right in your face.  When I have 
to stay indoors due to the Covid, that is all that my eyes see.  Not that Covid 
has a color.  It’s the fog that surrounds me that descends upon us 
much like the virus.  It is ugly and haunting.  It reminds me of death. 
The breath of every bad disease and aftermath of war.    

Fog so much thicker and depressing than what
is depicted in this photo

Tomorrow is the World Wide Fast.  

Just in case the link does not work
facebook page Worldwide Fast April 10
Truly touched by all those who have joined and comments and posts.  How awesome it is to see how so many have banded together for this cause and we are all fighting the same demon rather than each other.  The fog will lift eventually - both literally and figuratively.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

In the News

                When the schools initially closed, the staff had given the students the impression that they would be back in two weeks.  Our governor then sent out the word that schools would not reopen until April 28.  I would hope not.  I would not be willing to return as an aide.  But just a few hours ago it was announced that the governor stated that all schools will be closed for the remaining of the academic year.  Now there’s a shocker.

                 Governor Brown did make the statement to have all beaches and national parks and playgrounds closed.  Anyone caught at said beaches, parks or playgrounds (thus far walking path is still available in city parks – but I expect that will change too) before the nation took a stand on closing the parks – probably a week before. 

                Corey posted several pictures he had taken of the Las Vegas strip.  There were cars in a lot of the pictures, but no people except one where there was a security guard.  Emptiness where it is normally crowded. 

                I would never have imagined living through something like this.  And yet amidst this absolute strange chaos I feel so blessed.  There are still so many things to be grateful for.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

A Little More Nature and our 2016 Oregon Calendar

My sister has been posting landscape pics to facebook.  The rule is the landscape has to be a place where she's been but cannot be in the picture.  I posted these exciting pics of my yard in this post.  Here are a couple more:  

Roland got rid of the bush

Roland chopped dead trees and I started a pile

This is in millsite.  


Jenna in photo on millsite path

spring is in bloom

I doubt I would make a calendar of my backyard photos as it was suggested.  But here are some that I had collected our first year here and made into a calendar as gifts to send to the family.  My daughter-in-law Jeanie had been upset with me because it wasn't a family calendar which would of included the boys, their wives, and babies.  No, it wasn't.  It was a calendar of Oregon.


August 2015

April 5, 2015

September 2015

Before we had moved to Tri City 

April 4, 2015

Easter Sunday 2015

July 2015

August 2015

August 19, 2015

Myrtle Creek October 2015

October 2015

April 5, 2015

Monday, April 6, 2020

Here's Hoping

          The world is different now and will continue – I would hope for the better.  Afterall we are all going through the same thing together – but apart.  Some people are using their time wisely and even grateful for the time of solitude.  Others are going stir crazy and blaming anybody who remotely looks Asian for the pandemic.  Really?  Did history Not teach you anything?  American citizens who might have ancestors who lived in China or Japan or wherever.  American citizens who have never known life other than America but because of their skin type are sent away to “camps” for the safety of “real” Americans.  That very thought makes my blood boil.  How dare we cast blame to an entire population who had as much control over the decisions of leadership they may not even be related to.  And even if they are related, so what?  If I learned that I was related to Hitler or Atilla the Hun, their decisions would have obviously had no influence whatsoever from me.

          Just so everybody in Canada and all other parts of the world (United States included) I did NOT vote for Trump.  The guy is definitely NOT eloquent with words (see here). The guy’s an idiot – offending Canadian citizens the way he did.  The media claimed he announced that US would Not be sharing medical supplies such as facial masks with our neighboring country.  I hope the citizens of Canada realize that Trump does not represent all Americans.  I know a couple of people who admit to being Trump followers, but almost everyone I have talked to mirrors the same expression that he is the worse president that the United States has ever had.  He comes across as very childish and totally lacks compassion.

          New York has more Covid cases than any other place on earth from my understanding (again, who knows what to believe?) and are OUT of supplies.  It may be that US would like to share their supplies but don’t have supplies to share. 

          My grandson was born in upper state New York.  It doesn’t appear that there were any complications.  Mom and baby seem to be doing fine.  I think my son is bored.  He still drives to work but will be working from home online.  Lots of work and schooling online.  US internet is not near as fast as other countries.  I always wonder how long we’ll last before we freeze or before the power goes out.  When everybody finally does stay at home and there is no one out to fix whatever goes wrong.

          We had picked out new flooring for the bathrooms.  Roland was worried about having toilets uninstalled at not reinstalled.  We cancelled due to cornavirus.  I’m grateful for the things that we do have.  New flooring would be nice but so unnecessary at this time.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

5 Sessions of Conference

Before the Conference Center was built in Salt Lake City, Utah, the conferences were held at the Tabernacle Center on Temple Square.  There was a running joke among the members that we would have rain that weekend because for a long time that is just the way it was.  We could have nice sunny days but each first weekend in October and April we would have rain.

I don’t know what the weather was like in Salt Lake this year, but it rained in Oregon.  Not that it mattered.  We’re stuck inside.  Well, Jenna and I did go for a walk around the neighborhood.  The only people that we saw were drivers and passengers of a few cars that had passed us.  It wasn’t a long walk.  I prefer walking in Millsite than our hilly neighborhood.  I am so out of shape.

This year conference was not broadcast from the conference center, but rather an offshoot room in the tabernacle – at least that was my understanding.  Perhaps it was the main room – though I did not notice the organ in the background.  But I didn’t realize there’d be another room large enough to maintain social distancing.

Conference was good.  It certainly had a different feel to it as there was no live audience.  I enjoyed the last session last night as well as today.  I think most of my favorite talks were from this Sunday afternoon session. 

no people milling around.  Very unusual

We started another puzzle.  More about that for a future post.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Keeping Busy

I made a dishcloth and a hat

I gave the hat to Jenna for her birthday
We started a puzzle last week

shadows indicate our 

social distancing

should be finished today

Friday, April 3, 2020

Memorable Sweet Sixteen

                                                                                                                                                            Today is Jenna’s birthday.  I heard her in the kitchen just after 4:00 a.m.  I happened to get up because of a leg cramp.  I grabbed her gift and went into the front room and talked to her for a bit before I asked to turn on the TV.  I figured Psych would be on and she loves Psych.

I went into the kitchen to fix her most favorite breakfast in the world.  I gave her three French toast and I had two and gave the remaining one to Roland along with a scrambled egg.  She went online for her virtual seminary class and they played a game of “knowing Jenna” in addition to her seminary class.  Jenna also learned that her seminary teacher left a goody outside the door for her.

At 10:30 we left the house to go to the park.  We saw two school buses with at least one passenger each.  

Were the bus drivers not told there would be no school?  And why that time of day?  What gives? I vaguely remember the announcement about bus delivering lunches.  Still 10:30 seems like an odd time.

I took my walking stick to hold up to safely distance ourselves from others.  Jenna thought it would be funny if each one of us were to hold an end and walk around the park with the stick between us. 

That is how we celebrated her birthday thus far. 

I think the pizza we cooked is now done. 

Definitely not even close to what she had planned.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

If You Are in the Service of Your Fellow Beings . . .

          As I mentioned in yesterday’s post, Jenna received an envelope with some activities.  One of the suggestions was to make energy bites – which really didn’t turn out to be as wonderful as had hoped.  But I wasn’t watching to see Jenna measure all things.  I don’t think there was as much peanut butter and honey as the recipe called for as it was really too dry to mold.  We spooned into our mouths like a cereal.  It wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t great either.  It seemed sweet enough.  We both got the impression that I enjoyed the taste more than she.

          Last night I suggested that we add flour to the mixture.  I added flour and eggs and should have added some sugar or more honey as well, but did not.  The mix came out more like drop biscuits or definite unsweetened cookies.  Roland and I did not care for them, but I noticed that Jenna had been munching on them all day.  She somehow liked it better than the previous day.  Okay.  That’s fine, I guess.

          Jenna had suggested I print coloring pages and we could color together.  I said we could do so after my meeting, but seemed to forget about the coloring pages and so did not follow through.  In our meeting we had discussed ways to serve the sisters and feeling helpless with the “no showing-up-at-doors” rule that seems to be in place.  It had been suggested to leave cards or games or something – especially to those that live alone.  But then how would they respond to touching something that has previously been touched?

 The YW counselor who’d sent Jenna (and others) her activities continued and hand delivered larger envelopes and activities for Conference. Jenna was so excited to discover a brand new set of twistable crayons and more coloring pages.  Wow.  How awesome was that.

Currently she is at her first virtual seminary class.  The instructor has sent a schedule of what is expected each day and will do two virtual classes a week.  The next one will be on Friday - which just so happens to be Jenna's birthday.

Thank you to those who go the extra mile and still take precautions.  It is such a weird time on our planet right now.  Overwhelming statistics.  I am floored.  Still grateful for many things that we do have to get us through these bizarre times.