Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Back to School . . . perhaps

                Jenna is supposed to return to school this morning.  Thus far the buses have been delayed for two hours because of the frozen roads.  Last time I got the same message (over a year ago) school ended up being canceled altogether.  It's hard being off for two weeks and try to go back to a routine - at least for me.  Roland didn't seem to have a problem with it, and Jenna has been ready to return to school since before her vacation was over.  She was dressed and ready to leave the house since 5:30 this morning.

                I checked on my class just once yesterday.  I decided to save the lectures and posting for today.  I planned to do so just after she left the house, which she hasn't done yet and may not depending on the conditions on the road.  I'm afraid she may feel abandonment today if she should stay home.  I'm half-heartedly listening to the first lecture right now and will be returning back to it several times.

                During the holiday, the school offered a fun class of sharing recipes, gratitude, pictures and new year's  resolutions.  I participated in posting to a discussion.  It was fun.  We didn't have to have stupid references for every little thought.  But now that I'm back to an actual class, I realize I have to do some research again.  Bah, humbug.  I am so not in the mood.

                Jenna and I shared a fun day yesterday.  To start the day off, we looked up the speed limit on this site and found that only 14 states and Washington DC acknowledge that there is a speed limit low enough to be 55.  I don't think DC really has to enforce the speed limit.  It's always bumper to bumper and it's hard to believe that anyone could even drive as fast as 55.  Vermont is the only state that actually recorded a speed limit lower than 55.

                Later in the day, Jenna asked both Roland and me if we would like to go for a walk with her.  I did not mind going for a walk - but a level walk, not a climb.  I told Jenna I would drive us to the park so that we could walk an actual path (no climbing) but passed the park going downtown and headed for a coffee shop to say hello to my water aerobic friends who have decided to meet once a month just to keep in touch. I parked by the coffee shop and Jenna and I walked toward the park, but took a detour and explored the area in which the train tracks run along the river.  We had never been there before but had seen the tracks from the other side of the river.  Jenna had seen a cave near the tracks and wondered if we could explore.

                My camera was being charged, but I did have my granny cell phone.  I took a boat load of pictures, not even knowing if any would turn out.  I was pleased that many came out clear.  There are many that are fuzzy.  Some look more like paintings than photographs.

south Umpqua bridge in background

the cave too narrow to walk through

south Umpqua river

treasures found along the way

                I didn't even realize until after we'd been home for several hours that  our calendar has given  January the name of "Creativity Month"  so here are my "creative" pictures:

          Perhaps I should have taken the time to drive to Canyonville yesterday to honor the 55 mph and take some packages to the post office as Roland said it was open; the one in Myrtle Creek was not.  I don't know if I am willing to drive on the roads right now.  I was planning on going to Dollar General after I go to the post office and school.  I need to pick up some chocolate covered cherries and some whipping cream.  Today is chocolate covered cherry day and Thursday is whipping cream day.

                       Happy Holidays (real or not) everybody!

Sunday, January 1, 2017

National Polar Bear Swim Day

                When we lived in Kearns, Jenna and I had taken many walks.  Often we had a destination.  One of her absolute favorite places to go was Big Lots.  Thus whenever we happen to see a Big Lots, it brings back good memories for us and we have to stop in.

Kearns Shopping Center

        We haven't experienced even half of Roseburg.  We seemed to be locked into our routine of what few places actually bring us to Roseburg. There is a Big Lots in Roseburg, but it doesn't fall into our average drive and thus has been overlooked - even non-existent until one day in November when we just happened to be taking a different route. 

        "Is that a Big Lots?"  I asked Roland.  "Can we go there?"

        We were there for gift tags specifically, but hey, as long as we were there, Jenna and I wanted to explore it all.  We started with the calendars.  Our favorite was called “Every Day’s a Holiday” 

I liked it for its size and color. Jenna liked it for the everyday activity suggestions. 

So we purchased only one calendar with the understanding that if we happened to receive a calendar for Christmas, we would hang that one in the kitchen and Jenna could hang the “Holiday” calendar in her room.  Today is “Polar Bear Swim Day”

        Polar Bear Swims have been practiced for well over a hundred years in different countries, A polar bear plunge is an event held during the winter where participants enter a body of water despite the low temperature. Keep in mind that human beings don’t have the fat and fur that polar bears have to protect them from the cold. In the United States polar bear plunges are usually held to raise money for a charitable organization. In Canada polar bear swims are usually held on New Year's Day to celebrate the new year.  For more information on this day, click here

        As mentioned in prior posts, Jenna and I have both experienced illnesses during the holiday.  I told her even if we had access to the freezing water, taking the plunge would be very bad idea. Plus it's Sunday and so we would not be doing that even if we were healthy.  Jenna did say she took a semi-cold shower to compensate.

        We played games with Roland last night.  We missed most of the fireworks, but when Jenna opened the door to look outside, she discovered something that she found even more exciting.  Snow.  A very light wet snow, but snow nevertheless.

        Okay, so she didn’t get her polar bear swim day.  I think she may have enjoyed the snow even more than a polar swim.  She actually enjoyed the slips and falls as she moved her snowman from the bottom to the top of the hill.  She laughed a lot.  I am so happy that she had so much fun.  

       Tomorrow is 55 MPH day – whatever that means.  

 The only road I know of that uses 55 MPH is I5 truck lane – which is the lane I generally stay in if I have to be driving I5.  But I’m not willing to drive it just to celebrate 55 mph day.  

We’ll have to Google, write poems, draw signs or find some other way to celebrate.

Saturday, December 31, 2016

Another Project

          Two days after Christmas, I put Jenna to work in her room with the condition that we would take many breaks (I was also doing household chores - washing the kitchen and doing laundry.)  I asked Jenna if she wanted both of us to color in the book I gave her.  But she realized that pictures were printed on each side of the page - which would interfere with cutting out - so we started making photocopies, and I realized that I would have another project of scanning book material in order to preserve it, but would have to wait until Jenna headed back to school.

          First break: we started coloring what few pages we had scanned.  Roland even joined for one picture during his break.  We started coloring before reading any of the stories, and Jenna wondered aloud if it might make a difference.  After I had grown weary of coloring, I read through some of the stories.  Simple, repeating thoughts.  

Jenna colored this page

Roland colored this page



        I realized that Jenna could turn her colored flannel board figures over to her nieces.  We have two turning two in August.  That will give us plenty of time to put the stories and figures together.  After we have completed that, we can start on our annual holiday ornament for next year.  I recently found a recipe that we can use to make ornaments.  I would specifically like to make some candy canes as I think they will be easy and have a symbolic story to go with them.

Playing Games

                As I mentioned, there seemed to be a game theme going on . . . and of course what Christmas does not come with duplicate gifts?  As I have mentioned on a few posts, we left West Valley and came to Oregon ahead of schedule.  We left behind so many games.  We even had two games of Sequence - 

one of Richard's favorites, and I hadn't brought either.  When Jenna and I saw Sequence at  a 2nd hand store, we purchased it for Roland - unaware that Tony and Rochelle would also be sending a Sequence game.  Perhaps it is our lot in life to have two.

                Biff and Jen had sent two games that seemed pretty identical - 5 second rule for Jenna which comes with a 5 second timer and a deck of card with a topic on each side and the player (or team) has five seconds to name three items that fall into that category. 

Name five has a longer timer as player has to come up with five names to match category.  They're pretty fun.

Of course Jenna skunks us at almost every game.  Her favorite is to "play Steve Harvey" as she hosts "The Family Feud" cards from Ester and Liz

                Jenna also received a box of cards and dice and Randy and Carrie sent us a book for card games and tricks. 

                we have also played a version of "War" with the Minion cards that Jenna received.

Awesome Gifts

                After the book sale had started last month, I was drawn to two books in particular.  One was a hard bound and the other softbound.  The softbound was an art book that outlined some popular artists and gave a synopsis of their style and background perhaps . . . I hadn't actually investigated through it thoroughly.  The book was in great condition and a subject I knew Roland would be familiar with.  

          The hard bound had originally been published in 1963, but I purchased the 18th edition published in 1971.  Same pictures and cover as the original edition I would imagine.  I wondered if one of my granddaughters might like it, but as  I viewed the many naked pictures inside, I thought of Jenna who loves to color.  So I purchased it for her. 

          In each book I had written my reason for giving the book.  I'd forgotten that Jenna has not learned to read cursive. 

        I have tried to teach her and she did manage to get through most of it.  Jenna generally expresses pleasure about each gift she receives. I'm very grateful for Jenna's enthusiasm about all of her gifts. 

          I made the DVDs to Jenna from Roland, but signed just my name to the Bop-it.  I think that and the binoculars were her absolutely favorite gifts.  She actually seemed the most excited having opened the binoculars, but she has spent more time with the Bop-it than any other gift. Her high score right now is 72.   

          Roland LOVED his book and had actually spent a few hours going through it on Christmas day. I am so pleased to have given him something which he truly enjoys.  I'm happy that both like the gifts from me.

          I was surprised by the gifts that were from Jenna and Roland.  Each was a surprise except for one.  I had picked out the CD when I was with Roland and purchased it right then.  I put it under the tree unwrapped, but Jenna wrapped it.   

           I had actually picked out the slippers and shirt, but had forgotten about them and was surprised that they had been purchased.  Especially the slippers which I have lived in since Christmas day.  The soul has  "Let's Stay In" printed on the bottom.  The biggest surprise was Jenna's favorite.  My favorite candy bar is Twix.  I had no idea that it was sold by the yard.  Have not opened yet as I have had way too much sugar and need a break from the sweets.

Friday, December 30, 2016

Christmas Services

            Our bishop read passages of scripture and would pause for a hymn to fit with the scripture.  It reminded me of the many times our family joined Birds for their annual Christmas pageant.  For the longest time, I had played Mary as I was the only girl. The narrator would read passages of scripture and Peggy would direct the cast on what to do, and we would sing carols to fit in with the setting.  Over the years some things were added, like Samuel the Lamanite and his prophecies.  But that wasn't until after my niece had taken over the role of Mary. 

            I enjoyed playing Mary and was not at all humble about having been replaced as other families had been invited to participate.  Ellen became bored with playing Mary and was ecstatic when the opportunity was given to another.

            I'd been coughing since Friday, and though the cough seemed more controlled, I wasn't able to sing.  But I beamed as Jenna sang every song - or attempted to at least (there were a few that were not as familiar for her)  I enjoy going to Church on Christmas.

            Normally when Church ends, so many people head towards the door and out to the parking lot, it doesn't leave much opportunity for those who would like to visit.  But on Christmas, it seemed to be the opposite: a lot of lingering and wishing each other well. 

Christmas Weather

        I'm sure there must have been a few Christmases without snow before 2009.   I just can't recall any until that year.  It was our first year living in West Valley.  Tony was engaged and had come home from Fort Knox to spend Christmas with us.  No snow on the ground!  It was awesome, actually.  I took pictures of Jenna wearing brand new outfits from Grandma Lucy.  Without a coat, she stood next to the outside tree.   

        I took many pictures of the outdoor weather because it was just so foreign to me to have that much sunshine and warmth for December and no cold air biting at us or having snow on the ground.  That is actually the only year I remember not having snow . . . until last year.  But even then we had experienced a little bit of snow - not as much as we're used to, but an outrageous amount for Myrtle Creek.

        This Christmas the weather reminded me of our Christmas of 2009.  In Oregon it did . . . I would have hated the weather had I been back in Utah.  Our family had wanted us to return to Utah for Christmas.  It would have been great as we had time off, but we can't afford to fly and driving in harsh weather just didn't make sense to us.  Oh, the weather has been great in Myrtle Creek, but not on the roads between MC and SLC.  I don't know how much snow or when the last record was - but I remember the snowstorms all too well.  I am so grateful I didn't have to be a part of it this year.

        From what I understand, instead of holding regular classes at Coffenberry, the teachers had offered sign-up sheets for students to enjoy certain activities on the last day of school.  Jenna didn't  seem to express her normal enthusiasm.  She just wasn't feeling well.  As the day progressed, so did her lack of enthusiasm.  After she returned home, she balled herself upon the couch for a while.  Gradually she moved from the couch to the bed and then to the bathroom where she heaved into the toilet - even when there was nothing left.  She realized that she was dehydrated.  That actually put a damper on both of our plans.

        She had an absolutely great attitude about it:  "Well, at least I'm sick during vacation and not during school."

        Roland would harp on her to stay in bed and take medicine and drink plenty of liquid.  She gradually overcame the dehydration but displayed symptoms of a really bad cold.  A week later I shared in with her cough.  But I am a much better patient than Jenna and was actually able to stay in bed and fall asleep - at least the 23rd and part of the 24th.  And that got old and boring quickly.  Christmas was about to arrive and I wasn't being a part of it as I had wanted to be.  I have been grateful it has just been a cough and not the sinus infection I would surely have if we were back in Utah.

        We weren't the only ones sick.  Both Tony and Randy were experiencing coughs and sore throats.  BJ sounds as though he was experiencing a sinus infection of some kind, and Bill hadn't felt well either.  We had an enjoyable Christmas here.  Still not used to the weather, but I'm sure I'll adjust

Changing Traditions

            We had a great Christmas the year that Jenna had turned one.  That was the year we had spent opening gifts ALL DAY - something I had wanted to do for such a long time, but not everybody else was always in favor of doing that - at least at the same time.  We hadn't planned on doing it that year either.  It just happened to work out that way.  It was awesome!

            We had Roland's two other girls.  They had stayed over Christmas Eve night.  Christmas morning for all of us - not just certain siblings.  They were all there.  The girls had even brought with them four gifts for all of us.  The ward had done a sub-for-Santa that year and had included the girls.  We were loaded down with gifts - lots of them!  And we had scheduled ourselves to feed a brunch to the missionaries at 11:00.

            I don't remember how early we started to open the gifts.  We explained to the girls that we opened our gifts only one at a time so that we could all watch.  Pamprin wanted Tony to unwrap all of his gifts first . . . he did open one from Santa at her request.  But with eight of us opening gifts in turn, and Jenna still unsure about what to do with the gifts, it definitely took longer than I recall ever having had done on Christmas.  I knew that we had to start preparing the food, and so told whoever was playing Santa Clause that all gifts that were opened had to have Frances and Pamprin's name on them (whether to or from) so that we could enjoy our gifts from one another with them.

            I think there were one or two gifts left (that were either to or from the girls) when the missionaries arrived.  We had made up stockings for the missionaries: Elder Ma'Alona, Elder Anderson and the one we called "Elder Third Wheel" who'd be going home at the upcoming transfer.  Elder Ma'Alona had brought gifts also.  One was a box of chocolate-covered macadamia nuts.  I don't know if any of the girls got any of them or not.  Our plan was to leave right after breakfast.   

          Meanwhile, Jenna had finally gotten the hang of opening gifts and opened a present from the girls to their brothers.  After breakfast, Roland returned the girls to their mom and met the rest of us at my mom's house.  We had gone to meet my sibs and their families and exchange gifts.

            We opened presents one at a time.  We weren't at the point of drawing names yet and so it took a while to open them all.  And then we played games.  We got home just after 8:00 and opened the remaining gifts beneath our tree.  That was really so awesome, milking out the opening of gifts.  I don't know if it was actually my favorite part of Christmas or not - but did come close.

            I wanted to do something like that this year.  Because Christmas was on a Sunday this year, it was going to add a reverence to the day that isn't a part of our routine each year.  Bill and Kayla were wise and had Santa visit the kids a day early so that the presents would be opened on Saturday rather than Sunday. I asked if we could wait until after Church to open gifts  I thought that going to Sacrament meeting would add a deliciousness that I didn't want to end.  I also wanted to read or share thoughts between each present - but as Jenna and I had these stupid coughs this holiday season, I eliminated that.

            Roland suggested that we could each open just one gift before Church started.  But Jenna felt that maybe just the stockings would be enough.  They may have been if we had started later.  Jenna's excitement got her up at 2:00 am.  I sent her back to bed, but it did not work out well for her.  She ended up curled in the big chair.  I think Roland was up at 5:00  and so we watched her open the gifts that were wrapped in her stocking.

            We stopped to eat breakfast and I suggested that perhaps we could open the gifts that our sons and families had sent.  That way if they called just after we returned home, we could thank them for the specifics.  Each of them seemed to understand our love of games as all were game themed including the minions that Jenna had received from Tony's two girls. 

Christmas was great!

            The thing that I have been most grateful for this Christmas season has been Jenna's positive attitude - despite the way we both felt, despite having family so far away, she made the best of it.  She has been amazing!  I wish I had drummed up the same enthusiasm.  I did things with her just so her flame wouldn't die, but I really didn't do it with the same amount of energy; I wasn't even able to fake it.

            For example, she wanted to deliver cookies to the neighbors on Christmas Eve.  I would have liked it better if Roland had gone with her.  But even he seemed quite uptight for Roland - I suppose because his two girls were sick and perhaps he felt helpless.  He watched a lot of TV by himself.

            Anyway, I had gone with her, but lost my breath.  When we returned to the house, I went into the bathroom and spent an hour on the floor crying.  Jenna dismissed herself to go to bed at 8:00. Roland and I put the rest of the gifts out and filled the stockings before 9:00 pm.  I don't recall ever having put out gifts that early before.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Christmas Thoughts are Coming

On Christmas day I jotted some notes down, which I had planned to turn into posts.  I think I have seven thus far - perhaps only five.  But they still don't flow as I would like them to.  And it is more important that I spend time with Jenna than to post anything.  I can't believe it's this late and she is still in bed.  Usually she's at least stirring.

Oh, she's up.  She and Roland are making breakfast.  I should be getting dressed.  Perhaps after Jenna returns to school I will post again.

out the door and on our way to Church