Friday, February 7, 2014

A True Story That Makes Me Laugh


All three or my boys were in high school at the time.  (I dont remember if I had given birth to Jenna yet) They were 15, 16, and 17.  My husband often referred (and still does) to the 15 year old as Casper as he had a way of disappearing for every chore.

One night Biff and Tony were washing dishes when Randy went on one of his disappearing jaunts.  He had excused himself to get music or perhaps it was already playing his idea of music anyway.

Biff and Tony listened to Soft Jazz and oldies.  Randy listened to what kids his age would listen to I guess.  Still listens to bizarreness with no beat really.  I dont care for what he thinks of as music.  Apparently neither did his brothers.

As Biff and Tony (who are both older than Randy but only by one of two years) continued to do dishes they went into discussion about how Randy was of another generation.  I started laughing.  So they tried to correct their mistake by saying, Well, kids that are Randys age which made me laugh all the more.

You guys are all actually of the same generation and pretty close in age.  I reminded them.  Still, they were convinced that the distance between them and Randy was the same as between them and Jenna.   Shes technically the same generation also, but there is a distance between technology and current events. 

Academically, Randy and Jenna seem the brightest.  Biff has innocence and can often recognize things that the others overlook.  Tony is currently the only one with children well one daughter.  But long before he even thought of getting married, he was the only prepared for changing diapers.  Still is.  Hes the only one of my three boys who would change Jenna though Biff took a stab at it, the change was unsuccessful as he couldnt figure out how to work the diaper.

Having them believe their age is so much greater always cracks me up when I think about that night when they were doing dishes.

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