I Should Have Recognized the Signs

            For a couple of weeks my right eye has been tearing up.  It's quite annoying as it will create a fogged up view through my glasses.  I have also felt somewhat dizzy and lightheaded at times.

            The air has been so dry which I'm sure has been a contributing factor to my health today.  I had thought it was all allergy related when both eyes went balistic last Tuesday but I may have a cold underneath - or worse - the dreaded sinus infection may have weaseled its way into my life again because the air in Oregon isn't providing the moisture which brought me out here.  We may need to move closer to the ocean.

            The fire levels are back to low and moderate - at least here, but there is still a hazy sky to the west of I5 between Grants Pass and Glendale.  Where is my rain?

            Before we had moved to Oregon, we had visited in April.  We had gone to Newport on Easter Sunday.  It had rained that day.  Hard.  It was cold and wet.  I was under the impression that is what Oregon would be.  I left behind my white coat with the bears and trees thinking it would not hold up in the moisture.  I also left behind some cute red boots for the same reason. 

            Turns out I could have brought them both and used them and they would have been fine.  Too late now.  Perhaps somebody else was able to use them.  I don't believe Rochelle did though.   

            I felt fine last week.  I felt fine on Saturday.  Yesterday my throat started hurting.  I went to church but did not sing.  My throat got worse.  I tried to doctor the hurt away.  I may have made things worse for myself.

            I won't be working this week.  I feel fine as long as I'm sitting down or reclining.  But I cannot stand.  And I don't wish to share my germs with others in the event that I am contagious.  I will have to look for a new doctor however as I am quite disappointed with the medical center in Myrtle Creek.  Perhaps I could go to the one in Tri City if they're still accepting patients.  It would be even nicer if it just went away on its own.  However, I am getting to the age where it would be wise to have a routine doctor.  I don't think I've ever had a regular doctor except for my pediatrician and then my OB/GYN when I was pregnant with Jenna.

          Drinking lots of liquid.  Mostly grape juice thus far.  I need to get better. I think a Z-pack would make me feel better. 


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