
Recycled Candy

                Yesterday was bleak.   The temperature remained pretty consistent throughout the day  fluctuating   between 53 and 58.   There was a hint of moisture in the air.   I was able to breathe so much better than I have for over a week.   It has been really dry the last five months.   Dry as though I had never left Salt Lake.                     As I hadn't slept well the night prior, I slept several times during the day.   I needed to stay home and rest.   Perhaps I should have rested all day, but had left word that I would help with the library annex.           It is our fourth year to celebrate Halloween in Myrtle Creek.   Each year the city will close off a few streets downtown and everyone is invited to ...

Listen To/Follow Directions

             Yesterday I subbed for an aide at one of the elementary schools. There are at least two kindergartners in her class who have a hard time following or understanding directions.   She had me sit at a table near the back of the class and sent the two directionally challenged students to sit with me to work on the paper.   The directions were simple, really: draw a picture of a pumpkin and write the word "pumpkin" as best as you can.  Don't ask how to spell it.  Just do your best at sounding it out - which was the entire point of the exercise.   The little girl who sat by me understood what was expected of her.  She whipped out a list of words and copied the words pumpkin and costume.  She drew three amazing pumpkins and turned her paper over.  The boy was much more interested in drawing than spelling.  I asked him how pumpkin started.  He made the "p" sound and I asked him what tha...

How Great the Art of Being Able to Laugh Despite the Pain of Observation

            On March 22 of this year Corey posted to his blog for the first time in two years.   Apparently it had been due to a request made when I mentioned how much I had missed reading his posts.   But that is his most recent - nothing more.   So last night he called me to relate his "Walmart" experience - although he really was not at Walmart.   It just felt like he was.   I laughed at his misfortunes.   It was nice to go to bed with a smile on my face.   But Corey does have a knack with relating experiences and telling stories and even making announcements with an entertaining flair.   So the following is a second-hand account of the things that he related to me.             First off he had to renew something - he must have mentioned it at least three times, but I failed to understand exactly what it was that he was renewing...

That Was Weird

            Roland and I were both on our computers when the power went off and then back on.               I was trying to do my assignments.   He was at work.               The sky outside had darkened as if the power had not been fully restored.   The porch light shone on the yellow house across the street,             but that was it.   No sign of life anywhere for a minute or two.   Then there was a             brilliance in the sky.       my camera did not capture the brilliance that I saw Jenna took this from the church parking lot she said the power had gone off and on there also It was several hours before ...

I Should Have Recognized the Signs

             For a couple of weeks my right eye has been tearing up.   It's quite annoying as it will create a fogged up view through my glasses.   I have also felt somewhat dizzy and lightheaded at times.             The air has been so dry which I'm sure has been a contributing factor to my health today.   I had thought it was all allergy related when both eyes went balistic last Tuesday but I may have a cold underneath - or worse - the dreaded sinus infection may have weaseled its way into my life again because the air in Oregon isn't providing the moisture which brought me out here.   We may need to move closer to the ocean.             The fire levels are back to low and moderate - at least here, but there is still a hazy sky to the west of I5 between Grants Pass and Glendale.   Where is my rain? ...

The Power in Position

My initial post is costing more time than I am able to give for the moment anyway.  Guess this one will have to tie my readers over:             The meeting ended early today and so the bishop decided to call a few members from the congregation to come and bear their testimonies.   I smiled as I thought about how often meetings were based on impromptu due to short meetings or just lack of speakers.   In this post I mentioned the majority of youth had their favorite impromptu meeting which was sharing one's favorite hymn and a little bit about why it was/is our favorite (or one of our favorites) and then we would sing that hymn as a congregation.   I think that is something we could do in this ward with our regular pianist, but I know there several in the ward who would not be comfortable playing some hymns out of the blue that they hadn't practiced for a while.       ...

My Custom Heirloom Walking Stick

      Jenna and I first met Chris just over a year and a half ago.   We met him at Millsite Park.   Jenna and I had been walking around and Chris was looking for the perfect stick as he had a request for making a cane similar to his (see this post)       I thought that would be nice to have a custom-made cane for myself, and thought I would start collecting words that might describe me and ask him how much he charged.   Chris said he walked in Millsite all of the time.   That was the only time that I saw him.   I don't even know his last name.         When Roland was playing Friar Tuck in Hi, Ho, Robin Hood , he had stripped one of our wild junipers to make a walking stick for the character.   I decided that when he was through with it, I would adjust it to my own needs.   I would strip the wood, sand the stick and start a decoupage.   I decided to use...

Remembering Dottie

            I had purchased a package of "Strap Perfect" as it was on clearance.   Jenna and I both seem to lack in the shoulder area.   I thought we could each have three, only three had already been removed from the package.   Perhaps that is why it was on clearance.   I recall Jenna breaking one trying to get her bra off.   I kept one for my swimsuit in the event that I ever misplaced my swim shirt which I did the entire month of August.               After Jenna started going to the pool with me last year, she had a suit that didn't fit quite right.   I don't remember what it even looked like or what was wrong with it.   Dottie had brought us a suit that she used to wear and had given it to Jenna.   Dottie was always thoughtful of others.             It was in ...

Welcome the Fog

                After fire season, the misty fog and rain are always welcome signs for our thirsty part of the world.   It does impair the vision to see far ahead.   I drove in it yesterday as I had an assignment through the school.   At least the light can be seen through the fog, unlike the darkness I had to drive the day prior.   I told Roland that when we set the clocks back, I will need him to drive as I won't be able to see at the time that I've been going.   But I would do okay to leave just an hour later - I think.                 Currently, the fog covers the sky and hides everything past the neighbors' house.   Usually, it lifts by 10:00 or so.   I don't think the sun peeked through until 11:30 yesterday.   I was on recess duty and had to find my sunglasses. ...

I DO NOT Accept the Challenge . . . at least Right Now

                The RS president sent an e-mail to the sisters to remind us of some challenges given to us in Conference yesterday. I am not prepared to accept the challenge of the 10 day fast from social media.   I am taking courses online.   Sometimes YouTube videos are required - though not always.   Sometimes I will search for tutorials on my own.   Giving up facebook will not be tough as it's been somewhat pathetic or disappointing overall lately anyhow.   I need to use my email for updates regarding my classes and to view confirmation on assignments that I accept for work.   Yes.   I got a job.   I have subbed as a teacher's aide for three different schools now and have at least two more for this week.                 I remember when Jenna took the challenge.   For the most part,...


For a year I believed that my youngest granddaughter, Liz, shared her birthday with my son Tony, who is her dad.  It wasn't until I wished a "happy birthday" to both her and Tony that I was corrected.  It's true that Rochelle had gone to the hospital on his birthday, but Liz did not arrive until after midnight making her birthday November 4th instead of the 3rd. This year Rochelle has been carrying extra weight with our only grandson who was also due to make his appearance in November but decided to come a month to six weeks early.  They must have checked into the hospital late last night after Tony had called to wish Roland happy birthday.  Their baby arrived before 2:00 this morning. Recap:  Roland was born on the 3rd.  Two of his children were born on the 3rd.  Daddy daughter combo born different months on the 3rd - in fact, he and Jenna are exactly 50 1/2 years apart.  (see here ) Tony and his oldest daughter are both on the third.  A...

Another Ugly Cake . . . Happy Birthday

            Roland believes that every person should have a cake for his/her birthday.   It doesn't matter if they can have cake or want cake or don't like cake.   I believe that his motto is "No Birthday is Complete Without Cake"             Usually when Roland's birthday is coming up and people ask, "What do you want for your birthday" he doesn't ask for a cake, but rather a homemade card.   But this year was different.   I asked what he'd like for dinner and he said he wanted me to make him a birthday cake from scratch.   Okay.   How very brave of you.             I looked up a recipe under the topic "Birthday Cake" and followed the directions to this one.   (recipe at the end of her blog post before comments)   I used blue and white sprinkles as that is what we had. ...