No More Dolls!

Before Richard and I went on our Las Vegas/Gilbert excursion, his brother had mentioned that a package was on its way. It hadn’t occurred to me what he was sending. Richard had asked for the return of a doll that he had sent his mom. We didn’t know that Robert was going to send half of her doll collection. We did find homes for the first two, possibly the one in the middle. Richard wanted just one specific doll – but all of these came in addition to a boxed set of Lucy and Desi dolls as Lucy and Ricky Ricardo (which Richard had also sent his mom – in addition to a Raggedy Ann doll that did not find its way back to us. Shame. It is the only doll that I liked. Actually I do like the Ricky and Lucy dolls as they remind me of Richard and me. She is pregnant with Little Ricky. I was once pregnant with Jaime. Ric...