
No More Dolls!

            Before Richard and I went on our Las Vegas/Gilbert excursion, his brother had mentioned that a package was on its way.   It hadn’t occurred to me what he was sending.   Richard had asked for the return of a doll that he had sent his mom.   We didn’t know that Robert was going to send half of her doll collection.    We did find homes for the first two, possibly the one in the middle.   Richard wanted just one specific doll – but all of these came in addition to a boxed set of Lucy and Desi dolls as Lucy and Ricky Ricardo (which Richard had also sent his mom – in addition to a Raggedy Ann doll that did not find its way back to us.   Shame.   It is the only doll that I liked.            Actually I do like the Ricky and Lucy dolls as they remind me of Richard and me.   She is pregnant with Little Ricky.   I was once pregnant with Jaime.   Ric...

The Rains Came Down and the Floods Came Up

               Not only was yesterday St. Patrick’s Day but the 183 rd anniversary of the Relief Society.   Leaders received notification of this event as early as January.     On Sunday we were supposed to congregate together and watch the broadcast. At first it was going to be on a stake level and then it was changed to wards.   So in addition to the broadcast meeting, Diane had called a last minute meeting for the presidency as there were some things that couldn’t wait for our next scheduled meeting (which honestly I don’t believe was scheduled with a specific date).             Diane and Angie had each brought their lunch as it didn’t seem convenient for each of them to drive all the way back to their homes and back again.   Melanie had made a large pan of brownies (which could be cut into 48 if we had the turnout) and we had started presidency meeting 20 – 30 minutes after chu...

The Naughty Leprechaun

                 Richard is always in a cooking or baking mood. On Saturday night he pulled 24 cupcakes out of the oven and decided that the three of us would decorate them.  I was planning on posting this yesterday but my pictures did not come through until this morning   Our frosting, you guessed it, banana.

Putting More Fun into Fun

                 Richard likes to go bowling.   For the most part we have gone to the Nickel Bowl in Myrtle Creek.   It is a convenient 5 minute drive compared to over 20 to Ten Down in Roseburg.     But yesterday we chose to go to Roseburg – and it was fun.   New look, new appeal – at least to my eyes as I don’t believe I have ever been since before 2020.              I loved the cleverness of their “pool ball” themed bowling balls and the filters used on photos each player provides for keeping score.   So here are some of the photos displayed as we bowled.

Another Sunday

  On Friday one of the counselors had called Richard about another matter but ended up asking if he could give a talk yesterday.   The theme for the talk was to be Doctrine and Covenants section 19 as this is the reading topic for last week’s Come Follow Me.  Richard based his talk on one of Scott Woodward’s videos here *.    I really enjoyed the last speaker’s talk.   She said she had wanted to speak on Section 18, particularly 9-16 ( here ) focusing on the worth of souls.   During the course of her talk she used two different parables.   The first of these parables is found in Matthew 20:1-6.   It is one I’ve mentioned before in this post.   It doesn’t matter what hour we enter the vineyard, our worth is the same.      She also mentioned the Good Samaritan found in Luke 10.  She read some and paraphrased some – never using actual names; she is not that kind of person to point fingers – and yet I heard them...

Power of Tithing

           Tithing is definitely NOT a logical commandment.  But oh what tremendous blessings follow if we follow the promptings.           Two examples of tithing shared in Testimony meeting last week.   The first is a recent convert who upon talking with his sister learned that his niece would be turning 11 on her next birthday.   She wanted a violin.   The speaker didn’t know why she had mentioned it as she was aware of his financial struggles and so of course a violin was out of the question.           He wanted to pay tithing but did not have the finances to do so.   As he was headed out the door to go to church, he grabbed his piggy bank on an impulse.   He said he offered his tithing in all the change that the piggy bank held – about five dollars – maybe more.   It was all that he had.       ...

The Drive Home

                We left the Marino Valley at 4:00 a.m.  We managed to miss any signs of congested traffic.  The heaviest we saw was going through Pasadena – but it was on the other side.  Our side was okay – the entire way home.  How blessed we have been!   We stopped at Santa Nella.  Richard recognized the town we were in.  He pointed out Anderson’s split pea soup restaurant where we had eaten two and a half years ago when we had gone on our Disneyland (extremely hot) vacation. We saw tons of hazelnut trees during our drive And got several pictures of Mount Shasta. This was taken about four hours before we got home This was taken on the day we left Oregon and let us not forget the countless rest stops we saw