
No Such Thing as Coincidences

            Being in the primary has never been among my favorite of callings - which may be why I've been in it so long.   On Saturday there was a breakfast provided by the Relief Society for those who are visiting teachers.   While there, I was asked to teach a Relief Society lesson on this coming Sunday.   I made an impulsive decision to say yes.   I can still teach my primary class but will be missing singing/sharing time.   I'm certain that the primary leaders would much rather have me there than teaching a Relief Society lesson,   but sometimes I feel the need to be elsewhere.   On Sunday it will be in Relief Society.             On Sunday I was given the subject of my upcoming lesson.   "By Divine Design" by Elder Ronald A. Rasband.   Hey, I remember that talk.   I had actually created a blog post ( here ) about i...

Picnics in the Freeway and Swimming Downtown

            After we had moved my mom into assisted living, we gutted out her house and set aside things for ourselves and the rest for a massive yard sale.   Corey had returned from Las Vegas to claime what was his and took a lot of what had once been hers.  He said he wanted all the photos.   There were many that I wanted to scan so that I could have digital copies, but I really didn't have the room for all of the hard photographs.   Corey and Joh had more room than any of my mother's other children.             It was in September of this year that Corey and Joh came to Oregon for a brief visit.   Unfortunately, when they returned home to their house in Las Vegas, they learned that several parts of the house had received water damage due to a flood caused by a broken pipe.   They have since undergone renovation and have been forced t...