
Dash #607 Never Stop Writing

           When I was younger, I enjoyed reading poems and would often write nonsense poems just for the sake of rhyming.   It wasn’t until I was in high school and taking a creative writing class that I learned about many different types of poetry and have often attempted writing different styles.   Some styles I prefer more than others.           I wrote poems for many years.   I wrote poems and started many different story lines, but I don’t think I ever finished a single one.   My mind has mostly raced ahead of my pencil.   The word processor seemed to add an ease to writing stories and biography.   I now have the ability to add things and delete things and not worry about marring the paper in any way.             I rarely write poems anymore.   Sometimes I will work on stories with Jenna.   But mostly what I w...

Movies and Showers

           I once went to a wedding shower in which all the gifts were part of a movie theme.  I don’t have the original invitation, but I do remember the envelope was decorated with movie reels or other decorations.  I don’t remember if there was a director’s cut with instructions or if it was written on the reverse side of the ticket that the gift purchased needed to relate to the title of the movie somehow.            Mine was easy.   “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”.   I purchased a laundry basket, six white hangers and a bottle of cheer.   I figured that the laundry basket and each of the hangers could represent each dwarf – and the whole theme because Snow White was always so “cheer”ful and didn’t mind doing laundry.   She would actually sing about it. I think “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” was the only movie the bride-to-be had even heard of – let alone seen...

Acronyms and Anagrams

          I have been doing several puzzles that involve anagrams.   Anagrams are words made from the same letters.   For instance, I could take the letters E-S-S-T-A.   I can make the word “state” or “taste” from the same letters.             Acronyms are generally words made up from initials or abbreviations.   For example, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration   is more commonly known as  NASA.    Some acronyms are easy to pronounce as one word while others may not be.              The word Pemdas, for instance, is not one that I will recognize right away.  I am more familiar with “Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally” which is just a play on words that might be easier for students to remember than   “ Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, and Subtracti...

Though Fog is Clean, it Can Be Eerie

I still have not written my word post.  Let me share with you some pictures of the fog.  It lingers longer in the morning creating an illusion of no background and driving into the unknown. can you see the school? I love the fall

Day of the Dead is NOT part of Halloween

          I love the movie “Coco” and for the respect that Disney put into the movie just as those who celebrate the holiday pay respect and honor those who have gone before them.   It is a two day event of celebrating life and staying connected.   This article compares the holiday to Thanksgiving as we are grateful to those who have gone before us.   “Dia de los Muertos” should not be associated with Halloween.   There are some who have misunderstood because Day of the Dead celebration takes place the two days following Halloween.   (See here and here ).           I don’t remember having ever heard of the Day of the Dead until after Corey and Joh were married.   I don’t know if it is taught in schools every year now or if it may be taught at all.   I know it ...

So Much to Do!

Today I was going to post about “Day of the Dead” and my last sub assignment but I’m afraid it will have to wait as lately I feel like a chicken with my head cut off – though so fully flustered I had told Roland that I felt like a head with my chicken cut off.    And I suppose I can explain the phrase as well.  Just have too many projects in the fire today.  And perhaps I don’t need to post on Saturdays anyway as the blog doesn’t receive much attention on Saturdays.  I think it receives its most views on Monday. The weather has been bitter cold in the morning.  It is bitter cold only the mornings when the mountains can be seen.  This morning the fog is thicker than I have ever seen it since we have lived here and so it is not as cold and will be warmer today than has been in October.  Okay.  That’s weird. We’re going into town.   I forgot I was going to attend an activity this morning.   Good thing my alarm went off. ...

Work and Halloween

One of my goals this year was to post a specific word at least every other week.   I don’t know that I posted any words in the month of October.   I haven’t been making good use of my time and didn’t post what I had in mind for yesterday.   I had to take the car in but figured I would write my post after I returned home. While at the mechanics I received a phone call but couldn’t seem to answer it in time. I saw that it was one of the elementary schools and tried to return the call, but it didn’t go through.   I realized there was a message and listened to it.   The assignment is not until next week.   I called back to let them know that I can only work one of the two days that were mentioned. I went home and looked up available sub jobs to accept the assignment, only it wasn’t listed.   Instead, I saw a position at the middle school for yesterday – though it was passed the time posted.   I called the school to ask if someone was still n...