
Showing posts from June, 2014

Thank You Budda and Freedom Fighter

            A week after Jenna’s first art class had finished, UTA had a problem when one of its trains derailed downtown.   The same train we would have been on had we still been commuting downtown. I guess it wasn’t just UTAs problem, but anyone driving that particular path downtown.   It appears that it was covered by all of the media during some point of day.   But I hadn’t heard about it until after 6:00 p.m.   I guess by then it had become “old news” and I didn’t know anything more about it until the following day when I typed “UTA derailment” on Google.               The Tribune article was the first one that I came across.   Comments can be submitted and read at the end of the article. Many hurtful comments were made toward UTA and thus UTA passengers, but just as many had come to the defense of UTA and those ...

Two Different Art Classes

Jenna has so many interests.   She enjoys dancing, singing, telling stories, arts & crafts, drawing pictures, coloring . . . Butterfly on a sunflower my Mothers’ Day gift this year          When I was younger, my mom had me enrolled in dance lessons, piano lessons, swim lessons . . . I wanted that for Jenna.   But we could never seem to afford much.          I did find an inexpensive dance class and tumbling class through the school district.   She saw it as an opportunity to socialize and didn’t take her dance seriously but did enjoy the tumbling part.            I had her in an inferior swim class.   She learned more about swimming when she was only a year old and the two of us took a class together.   I had also enrolled her in a theatre class as I figured there was dancing and si...


Since she learned to walk, Jenna has had a habit of touching things and picking up things and examining things and trying things on.   Each year her habit seems to get worse.   It doesn’t matter where – a neighbor’s house, a good friend’s room, the gift shop or store.   Each time we have told her to look with her eyes and not her hands.   With the latest incident, I would hope that she’s learned her lesson. She is always asking me or Roland to recount the story of “The Five Chines Brothers” until finally Roland just ordered the book so she could read it for herself.   The book came in and we dropped by Deseret Book on our way to the store to purchase groceries. Roland and Jenna went into the bookstore and returned in less than a minute with book in hand.   I wouldn’t have guessed that Jenna would have had enough time to touch and play – but she did.   It wasn’t until we were shopping and eating samples that she discovered ...

Watching Trains and Taking Pictures

            Jenna had taken an art class last week. We’ve been taking TRAX of course.   It’s funny about that form of transportation.   Streetcars could be seen in downtown Salt Lake back in the late 30s.   I don’t know when the city decided to rip all the rail lines out.   So many changes have taken place through the years. For over half a century the streetcars and rails had been done away with in downtown Salt Lake. The garage that had been used to house the trolleys has since been turned into a shopping center. Meanwhile the rails have been re-dotting the Salt Lake map for the last two decades. Some existed from when the Union Pacific was built (I think) but most have been added by Utah Transit Authority. The Union Pacific Building gradually changed from cargo trains to Amtrax.   (I remember having gone to it a few times to meet my grandma) The building   is now the...

Who Would Have Thunk?

                         My shed is in disarray and I know that I have shorts in there somewhere.   I don’t know where.   I’ve been searching for a nice day in which to organize and dejunk (there are tons of items that really should be trashed)             I need a time that’s not too hot and not too cold.   Mornings are good – if I can find the ambition.   It usually takes me longer to wake up and by the time I get dressed and think of it, it is time for Jenna and I to leave.             She’s taking an art class downtown.   I’m always so hot between bus stops and the train.   The bus has been running late due to construction.   (Utah roads are ALWAYS under construction during the months that aren't winter) It ...

Ugly Ties for Fathers' Day

      A wish for my   dad and husband   on     Fathers’    Day   Here’s to all those           ties   -     my dad        always wanted           something             practical         like   socks .   I   thought giving socks   as   a   gift   was   very boring!   Even ties were boring.   And yet I managed to   give   him   at   least   one   every year.   When Jenna    and I were looking for a     gift to give to Roland,     I had suggested socks.          Jenna thought that          would be boring.   I ...

Two Hours is Too Long

On the day that my oldest nephew was married Jenna and I had lunch and played in the park with my youngest niece and her brother who used to be the youngest but another brother will be born I’m guessing in July.   Kayla’s due date is August 2 nd but she looks like she’s ready to pop any minute. We both believe that B.J. is on his side. Kayla says he moves around much more than the other two Anna and Garrett (we call him Gary) are replicas of their mother at least they LOOK like Kayla I bet their brother looks like Bill and has Bill’s personality. Hence my nickname for him – B.J. = Bill Junior Today we could not meet in the park for lunch.   This afternoon Jenna and I took a bus out to their house and took them back to the same bus stop and rode to the next TRAX station where we boarded the train Gary was especially awed by this new sensation. We took the train back to where Jenna and I had started out....

Spending Time With My Nephew and Niece

I have mentioned in earlier posts that my sister, Kayla, is expecting her third child.   Her eldest, Anna, will be four in the first week of July.   Garrett turned two in February and B.J. will be born in August. As a result, Jenna and I have been going out to assist at least a few hours each day.    This past Wednesday and Thursday we had made arrangements to meet the kids at the park nearest Jenna’s school.   There is a park closer to where they live, but the bus doesn’t go by the park, and I don’t particularly wish to cross the street with the two children in order to get to the park.   So Bill has dropped them off at the other park.   We can make the return trip on the bus without crossing the street. So on Wednesday, Bill stood in line with them to get their lunch and then he took off.   After Jenna, Anna and Gary played for a while, we got on the bus to take my niece and nephew back to their mom.   The kids were de...

Baking Soda is Fantastic!

I have actually used baking soda as a cleaner, a medicine, a laundry booster, and perhaps a third of the suggestions listed here  and here  but my absolute favorite miracle (which I did not see listed) is that in addition to grease spots and stubborn stains, it also works on scorch marks and burns. In the past, when I have burned a pot beyond recognition (usually my fire is too high) I have just thrown it away.  But the other day, I was boiling some water on high.  I excused myself to visit the bathroom and just forgot to come back.  I wish I would have done before and after pictures.  It was so truly amazing that I was able to save a pan that had been on the expensive side. I was steaming corn – which by the way turned out really succulent and tasted great – when I realized that I had forgotten to turn it down.  The bottom of my pan glowed red along with the burner.  I thought that the fire had burnt a hole through the pan and tha...