The Good, the Bad, the Ugly and the Beautiful
Jenna does NOT deal with change well. She is horrible at it. Horrible. I don’t even remember what it was she was complaining about last night. I told her that whatever we do, wherever we live, no matter what, there are going to be some things that we like about our current situation and some things that we don’t. I told her to write a list of pros and cons with living in West Valley and with living in Myrtle Creek. I didn’t suggest for her to include Kearns – after all she was only five when we had moved. There was probably more drama about that move than there was with this last one. After reviewing her lists, I decided to make some lists of my own. Thus for this post, I have decided to share each list that was created (or started at least) Jenna’s pro list for living in West Valley 1) school friends 2) ...