A Safe Place
Jenna's Utah friends have been in school for two weeks. Her first day was today. I told her not to be nervous as all of those who attend Coffenberry today will all be new to the school. 6th graders start middle school. I think she was excited and nervous. The bus picks up at 7:00 a.m. We left the house early, not quite knowing where the bus stop is. We crossed the street and waited - hoping that there would be at least one other student who would know if we were standing in the correct spot. Close enough. Fall is in the air - finally. Some trees have started to turn. For the first time we saw rain yesterday. We've been praying for rain. Rain without lightening. Our county has been in extreme fire danger since we moved here. Everybody has told us that the summers have never been as hot as this one has. I think the ...