
Showing posts from February, 2018

Remincing the Work Places of my Past

          Assignments for accounting classes are always done in Excel.   I don't have to worry about referencing or APA format, which (as I mentioned before) appears to be more important to the instructor than the content itself.   It does not help any when instructors tell us to refer to the owl   Perdue here  which for me personally is neither helpful nor received well on my part.   I, fortunately, have had an instructor, the dean of English at that, who didn't seem to be a big fan of Owl Purdue herself and sent us tutorial videos, which I think are much easier to understand. I have had to create assignments in APA form for all my non-accounting classes.   Most classes will give a topic such as          "name some types of real estate and give some examples" or           " Using the website above or another website of you...

Same Lesson, Two Different Methods for Teaching

          As mentioned in prior posts, the beginning of the year started out with a huge attendance of children in the Valiant class.   The average was from 12 to 16 students.   It seems like we were introducing ourselves every week as not everyone was acquainted with those who were either visiting or those who had recently come  back to church.           Danny would generally give the lesson and I would be there to discipline.   When Danny wasn't there to teach, I would teach and ask someone else to sit in with me.   Often I would ask Roland, but when I did the lesson on creation this year, it was Danny's mom that sat in the class with me.           I introduced the class to Sugardoodle's Passports by Melanie Day (found here ) -   as I am currently unable to open the Sugardoodle sight, I am hopefully giving credit t...

I Think I'll Take a Snow Day

        We were told that snow in this part of Oregon is really rare, and yet we've seen it every year since we've been here.  Oh, nothing like Salt Lake, mind you.  It is only one or two days - and usually just on the trees and hills,  not on the roads.  Currently, it is on the road.         The schools called to say that all schools in the district are closed.  They were supposed to take a field trip today.  Hopefully, it will get rescheduled.         I actually have more ambition today than I did yesterday - or all week rather.  Not wanting to study.  Not wanting to post.  No desire.  No emotions.  And now I think I could.  And Jenna's home.  I would rather spend time with her.         Yesterday I wrote this pathetic poem.  It sounds much better if you imagine ...

When Dreams Get Retired

          Roland has always wanted to have his own business. ALWAYS.  And I have made it absolutely no secret that business DOESN'T interest me.  We are both taking business courses, although my current classes are neither as tough or as boring or need to go into as much detail as his did.           It seems the entire time we've lived here, his business plan has always had to do with senior daycare - a service that is desperately needed in our area.  He has done some amazing research.  He has felt excitement and he has felt defeat.           There were six weeks where he had changed his plan from doing senior daycare to selling ice cream and if we opened under our own name (rather than a franchise) we would call it the Happy Hurricane. The idea of selling ice cream did not last for long as he was unable to get past the first hurdle of finding a...

Magic Hands

        I remember someone posting this cartoon to facebook.  I laughed as I read it as I relate, both to having been the child and now the mother.  But it isn't just a relationship with mothers and children when this sort of magic happens.  It happens among husbands and wives as well - at least in our family.         I remember many times mom would used to say to dad, "There is something wrong with the car"  and so he would take the problematic car to work and of course it would ride smoothly for him and give absolutely no indication of ever having any kind of behavior problem.  It seemed that way with all appliances - and it wasn't because my dad was mechanical minded.  I think electronics and mechanics just have a way of playing pranks on the female mind.         Take my computer for instance - the pop-ups, the constant threats, ...

Them Thar Hills

          Jenna loved the snow.  When she'd been spotlighted in her kindergarten class, I mentioned that winter was her favorite season.  It was at the time, but I don't know if it still is. Like me, she also likes the fall. She does love the snow, but she also became sick of it one year as there were tons of it dumped down on us;  it was so high and so long that we were glad when it finally came to an end.            Each time it snows in Oregon (which is NOT often in the area where we live) she has gotten more excited - which is kind of funny, because I think with each snowfall we've received, the amount that sticks has been more pathetic than the last (which is fine by me;  enough so it's pretty, but not so much that I have to drive in it)           When we lived in Salt Lake, Roland would point out whateve...

Whatever Happened to My Collections?

        At the time  I was enrolled in seminary, there was a program for students who had the desire to participate in afterschool programs of challenging seminary students from other schools in what came to be known as "The Seminary Bowl"         Seminary Bowl included a panel of students trained to answer questions relating to that year's gospel topic.  There was also the "scripture chase" on which team could find a certain scripture the quickest.  Each week (or however often we met) our instructors would give us ribbons featuring our school color.  On the ribbon was marked in letters that started each word of different scriptures;  one made up for a certain scripture that we should have memorized that week         I had saved them all in a scrapbook.  I think it might have been the one that grandpa had given me; one that fell apart, one that I had attempte...

Missing, Understanding and Appreciating Mom Even More

           I miss my mom.   I have missed her since before she passed.              As I start aging, there are more things that I appreciate or understand about mom that I may have taken for granted many times before.   I don’t have the exceptional hearing that my mom did, and my eyesight is no longer what it used to be.   I find that I am often blowing up the screen or font size – especially when I am trying to view two windows at once.   I will still do a spell check but am unsure if a suggested word is the one I really want to use;  I can’t see what is being suggested – not from a comfortable position anyway.           I remember going to the pool with mom – who seemed to have worse eyesidht then than I do now.   She was literally blind without her glasses.   There wold be a clock right above the pool.   She could see the clo...

Missing Valentine’s Day

                          I really did get a gem of a guy when I married Roland.   He is so thoughtful and compassionate.   For every year we were living in Utah, Roland would make or purchase valentines for my mom and my sisters.   We would drive to my mom’s house in Midvale and then my brother’s in Sandy (my sister-in-law, Sunny) and then later to the house in Kearns after Kayla and Bill were married.           Valentine’s was always something different.   A box of chocolates or homemade cookies. One year we attempted Brigham Young Doughnuts in the shape of hearts.   I could not find the individual pictures for this post so her is a scrapbook page I had made.            Another year he purchased pizzas from Papa Murphy’s. ...

Holding Hands

            Modern Technology in some aspects has made our lives easier, but at the same time has seemed to create more challenges - particularly when there is a glitch or breakage.  Last week I had both my laptop and pc on my desk.  I could seem to receive the internet on my pc so long as my laptop was near - like an insecure child unwilling to go through with it on its own.  Oh, brother.              I've been using Internet Explorer on the PC as chrome seems to provide a tremendous amount of pop-ups (even though the blocker is set to BLOCK)  which is extremely annoying when taking an exam.  But lately I've been having issues with explorer as well.  I don't know why, but I have never liked Firefox.  And I can't open Yahoo in the PC at all.               I've be...

Why Are There More Cars Than People?

          Almost every week that we drive to church, we get behind a car that isn’t going quite as fast as Roland believes it should.   He jokes about it because nine out of ten times we will follow it all the way to the Catholic Church before it turns into the parking lot.   Roland will then speed up though there is less than 20 seconds left before we arrive at the LDS church.   This morning an ambulance passed us as we were heading to town.   It did not get on the freeway but continued on past the school.   And guess where it turned?   The Catholic Church parking lot.   We left the house a bit later than usual and so the parking lot was pretty filled by the time we got to church.   Every family must have brought a car for each driver in the family.   I don’t know why the parking lot seemed so full when the chapel didn’t appear so.   It appeared that half the pews were empty – more so tha...

Scrabble Triggers

        Apparently the two classes I've been assigned both deal with criminal acts and contracts - at least this first week.  Weird.  I am actually done for the week.  Tomorrow Roland and I are going to the Riddle Library to enter a Scrabble tournament.  Roland has every ounce of confidence that I can win - even though he has beaten me several times.         It's a luck of the draw.  When all we draw is one point letters, it doesn't matter how great or long the word, it has only been worth 7-14 points at most.  The longer words give the other players more options of places to go instead of a crammed up board filled with small words because they happen to be worth more points          In addition to the Myrtle Creek Library annex, the fund raisers have included a wine walk which I did not participate in.  The latest is with selling tick...

A Fish SO FAR Out of Water . . . and other frustrations

          Thus far I have watched one lecture - a talented individual who has experience in law enforcement and can evidently carry on several conversations at once - as he was able to talk without pausing, read comments and answer them in the chat box while he spoke . . . or perhaps he has someone sitting in his live sessions with him who can /will answer his questions.   But the guy is so monotone.   Oh, my gosh.   He says something that requires a sympathetic voice, but there is absolutely no sympathy in his voice.   On the other hand, he says something riveting and really . . . how do I know he means what he says? I don't think public speaking is his strong talent.   Not if he's suppose to relate sympathy or empathy.   Nope.   Not there.           The management class I'm taking feels like a prerequisite to anyone having any desire for any kind of law.   I understand th...

Upcoming Week - I'm predicting BUSY

             I was asked to give a talk in Sacrament meeting next Sunday.   I am excited to have finally been asked to give a talk.   The subject is on family home evening which is even more exciting.   I was told to keep it at 20 minutes.   Oh, no.   That could be a problem.   Thus   far I think I have over 80 minutes worth of topic.   Lots of prayers will be said this week that I may directed to say the words that the congregation needs to hear.   Meanwhile I have this blog.   Aren't all my followers excited?             I also start new classes tomorrow.  Another Management.  Another Accounting.  I think I will be more focused on my FHE talk as it is a subject near and dear to my heart and I understand the language.  I LOVE my family.  I LOVE how I was raised.  I recognize the benefits of family home evening as ...