Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Feeling Inspired

                In April I was asked to outline the RS lessons to correspond

with Come Follow Me lessons. 

I had only my notes and the titles of the 2020 “Don’t Miss This” Episodes.

It was right after general conference and so I didn’t have the titles of

the talks we had picked,

only the speakers.

Of course I prayed for inspiration on where to put the 11 or 12 conference talks that

we had picked for our lessons. 

There were six that were definitely set in stone but wasn’t quite certain

how to place the other talks. 

This week’s theme was spot on as the reading in Come Follow Me was on the Strippling Warriors (starting here) and the RS lesson was from this talk.  

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Summer Mind Melt


               I have had ideas for posting 

but have not made the effort to 

            communicate whats in my brain to 

my fingers to type out what I thought.  

        Its usually gone before the 

computer has booted.  I am so out of it during 

                        the summer.  Either fatigued 

due to the heat or knocked into 

a coma by the wind, fan and/or air conditioning.  

            Summer came early this year.  

            It was in May.  

 And now its August, but it 

                            feels like fall.  

I have been more alert this week.  

Not so tired and in a trance. 

            This morning I got up to turn on

the heater.  What is up with that?

Friday, August 23, 2024

Perfect Weather


        It has cooled off severely. 

High today is supposed to reach 67. 

How awesome is that?   

I wish that were the high all year long.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Pool Party Cancelled

                Since moving to Oregon I have taken a fitness each summer except for 2020.  The class has averaged 10 16 people except for this year.  Mass turnouts.  Each week we have had an average of two to six people who are new to the class or havent attended for several years.  If everybody that came to class at least one time this year were to show up for a pool party, I suspect wed have between thirty and forty people (I am guessing closer to forty) Fortunately not everybody who has attended all summer long turns out every day because that is a lot of people for a workout group.

        I dont recall which year the instructor decided to introduce the pool party idea that would take place the last Saturday before the lifeguards returned to school and the pool closed.  I have only gone to two.  Last year the pool party was closed due to the hazardous amount of smoke in the air. 


        Yesterday it rained ALL day.  Poured.  I hadnt seen (or felt) rain that hard in Oregon since Easter of 2015 before we had even moved to Oregon. It was pretty apparent that we wouldnt have the pool party before it was even announced.  No big deal in my opinion.  Id much rather be rained out than smoked out.  And we really needed the rain more than the pool party.