weird weather going around
everywhere across the nation
snow, cold, storms . . . .
we have had rain off and on
weird weather going around
everywhere across the nation
snow, cold, storms . . . .
we have had rain off and on
Every once in a while I will see this message on facebook:
Wondering what in the world got removed so quickly for whatever reason. I know it happened quite frequently in 2020 when those who would share false information which facebook (along with other social media from what I understand) repeatedly removed - which is a good thing. Facebook allows millions of people to use their platform and those who work for the facebook company are allowed to monitor that which they work for but sometimes I feel that perhaps contents are taken down in error? And yet it somehow leads me to believe my privacy settings really are not.
did not get the above message on my own wall but would imagine that is what
others saw as the contents were deleted with a message that Ralph Waldo
Emmerson was not the correct source. Or
it wasn’t RWE or something to that content.
Too bad I didn’t think of screenshotting that before deleting. Hopefully I’ll never have another opportunity
to do so.
I LOVE doing cryptograms puzzles. For the most part I have loved the inspirational quotes and have decided to share them on facebook (as I rarely ever post anything on my personal page) and have been doing so since December 8. I was booted after posting something that I saw as a RWE quote. IT IS LITERALLY THE FIRST QUOTE GIVEN when looking up Ralph Waldo Emmerson. Several sites credit him for saying this quote!
did find one quote simply titled Emmerson.
that is what snowballed everybody just assuming it was Ralph Waldo. Perhaps it could have been Fred or George or
maybe Emmerson is the first name.
Emmerson Johnson. Emmerson
Mahoney. How do we know?
There is a rumor going around that Marie Antoninette had said, "Let them eat cake"
My husband said that isn’t true.
How do we know what she said or didn’t say? We weren’t there. Was it documented? Was it referenced? Was the idea borrowed from another? Because that’s how we’re supposed to
think. Borrowing ideas and referencing
sources. And what if the sources are
error happens. It’s why AI was invented. Artificial Intelligence NEVER gets it wrong.
Alexa is ALWAYS right.
We were playing a game the other day
(vintage collection probably as all the rides about questions are about the past and not the present) in which the card asked the question “Which of the three fairies wear green: Flora, Fauna or Merryweather. The card gave credit to Flora which is not accurate as Flora wears pink and Fauna wears green.
resolved. Just venting. Wondering.
I probably mentioned in a few posts that the geographical boundaries are huge in the ward where I currently reside. We don’t have snow but there are some members who woke up to snow. Some made it to church. At least one family was snowed in and unable to make it to church.
We took Jaime back to Ashland. During our drive we encountered some areas of
slow moving traffic due to snowfall. It’s
weird to think about. It does look
pretty in the hills and mountains and brushed on trees. We did not encounter any problems. Oregon snow (at least the western end) has
nothing on Utah snow.
Rained all day today.
Richard asked if I would like to
watch something with him.
I said I would rather play games.
Jaime’s last day with us as
we return her to Ashland tomorrow.
We played Sniggle –
a game put out by Amway.
In September Kevin had called Richard to ask if he would join him for a safety convention in San Diego. Kevin paid for Richard's plane ticket - but Richard had to drive to the Portland airport. They both collected trinkets from the show and brought them home to share.
Richard had brought socks and tee shirts (the tees he had purchased in San Diego) and a stuffed whale for Jaime. I remember taking pictures of the shirts and socks and asking Jai which she preferred. I placed all items in a bag and added earbuds and a deck of cards to the mix. I don't know why we missed giving it to her then - but somehow the entire bag of goodies got misplaced and was not retrieved until yesterday.
For Christmas she had asked for a letterman's jacket featuring "Five Nights at Freddy's". It had been the only thing she had asked for. There was a delay on shipment however and we were told that it would not arrive until after Christmas. Richard purchased another coat for her to wear. I wrapped it without box and she thought it was a stuffed toy. Thus we went out and purchased a squishmallow as I thought she would be disappointed by the coat (which by the way is warm and does fit her personality). There were more than two gifts under the tree for her as Ryan had sent gifts from the family. No FNAT coat.
Jaime had spent the last 8 hours of 2023 with friends. Both Richard and I were in bed when 2024 arrived. And she returned home shortly after midnight.
Angela and Sam came over on New Years Day and we played games with them for three hours. I believe all five of us really enjoyed ourselves. I know for a fact that the girls did. We continued to play a few games after they left.
Yesterday we found the San Diego treats when we were looking for something else. We presented Jaime her tote bag of goodies. She opened more gifts yesterday than she had on Christmas. Her final gift was opened just after 5:00 when Richard went out to check on the mail. She also clobbered us in Spades. I think it was a really great day for her.
We always have opportunities to serve no matter where we live – there is community service, charity organizations, shelters, Red Cross . . . the list goes on. When I lived in Salt Lake I would put in hours of service in various church projects such as the pasta plant, the dairy, the bishops storehouse, the cannery and Deseret Industries (2nd hand thrift store) to name a few. I lived within minutes of those buildings. In Oregon we are located one and a half hours south of the nearest storehouse and one and a half hours north of the pear farm which I have mentioned in a few of my posts.
When I was attending church in my son’s
ward in Utah there was an announcement made for volunteers to clean the Jordan
River Temple which I have learned is the busiest temple in the world. I felt impressed to volunteer if I could and
offered my services. I had assisted in
cleaning the temple two times before and enjoyed having that experience.
I bore my testimony in their ward and
meant to put in a plug for how fortunate the members were to have temples so
near to them but also be able to volunteer to work at a large variety of places
sponsored by the church. But when I
returned home I was reminded of a service that I don’t think most members have
the opportunity of doing and that is feeding the full time missionaries.
Missionaries in Utah are over stakes and I don’t believe are given the same opportunities for really getting to know the members the same way as those that serve in single ward boundaries as opposed to stake boundaries (see here for LDS language on what ward and stake mean) especially small wards (or branches) as missionaries are able to eat with members regularly. When Richard and I lived in Kearns Utah we did have the missionaries over more than the average as we were the ward missionaries at the time.
and Cons
Every time I look for a stamp to add to my bill I smile as I think about my mom’s comment about paying bills and having only “love” stamps to use. She didn’t enjoy adding Love stamps to her bills because she didn’t “love’ paying bills. Who does? I just found it amusing. But there are some companies I search for the ugliest stamps I can find. I don’t enjoy paying bills either.
Ron is such a great guy. He always takes out the trash and brings it in for the widows and elderly. He keeps himself fit by walking around the neighborhood and is very observant. He’ll pet Bonnie and allow her to lick him.
were walking Bonnie recently when we noticed a sheriff’s car following a white
truck – and then a second sheriff’s car.
What in the world? Evidently Ron had
reported a pervert and the police were just checking up on his concern. He is a
very good Samaritan. I am happy to call him neighbor.
I know that this title may sound facetious but in fact it is true right now. I have had a sinus infection – not my worst but still. I had gone to the doctor in hopes of a zee pack – though they haven’t seemed to work for me while I’ve been in Oregon – though I haven’t really encountered many sinus infections while in Oregon. I believe this one started in Utah. Z-packs aren’t the same as they once were. I might have well have taken sugar pills. The latest is red coated and non-working. Iburofen seems to be doing the trick. At least I feel better.
So Jai and I were playing games in
the back room when my allergies started going ballistic. I don’t know what was making my eyes itch or me
sneeze but I see it as a blessing – truthfully.
I have never been so happy to need tissue in all my life! So though the title of my post may indicate
something humorous, I really am grateful.
Means the infection is going bye-bye.
I wish permanently to never be seen again.
Jai has collected playing cards over the years.
She keeps at least one deck in her backpack or
whatever else she might tote around. She has
several decks that include vintage, Harley Quinn,
round cards, Batman, 3D dinosaurs, big foot, and
Friends to name a few. This year three more decks
were added to her collection. Uno with a twist and
Santa Clause – both of which we have played with.
It’s been so great having her home.
Jaime and I were up before 5:00. We played Phrasel on the kindle as we waited for Richard to emerge from the bedroom – possibly 45 minutes later. We opened two presents each before getting dressed. A calendar from my grandchildren I had spent Thanksgiving with! What a beautiful calendar it is!
David invited us to have dinner with
his family. We played more games before
returning home. I am very tired and need
to go to bed. Perhaps I’ll include more detail and
pictures in another post.