
Somewhere Between Eden and Gethsemane

        A garden, by definition, is either a cultivated plot of ground or a gathering place such as a park which is generally adorned with plants and trees.   I guess I have never considered the definition until quite recently.   We had our Stake Conference this weekend, and one of the speakers mentioned two specific gardens found in the scriptures and discussed the symbolic differences between them.           The Garden of Eden, as mentioned in Geneses,          is outlined as a paradise.   We see paintings of fruit and vegetation, peace and waterfalls, a beautiful place where everything is tranquil.   I guess it represents a kind of perfection.           The Garden of Gethsemane, as portrayed by each of the gospels, does not have the same appeal.   Paintings often depict a drab setting wi...

May This Tie You Over

There are many thought swimming in my head . . . some floating.  Few words are connecting into something I may post.  So let me share these two songs to tie you over until I am satisfied about posting what's on my mind.  Thank you TriumphRainbow and Jeffery Walsh for your contribution by posting to YouTube:

Keeping Halloween Safe

I think it's great to be able to go downtown and have the children move from business to business.  The city takes caution to reduce traffic situation at this time I did not take as many pictures of trick or treating this year as I had the first year that we had moved to Myrtle Creek.  The library was supposed to offer a party from 2-4 before the trick or treating even started.  I couldn't understand why it had been planned so early as the majority of school kids don't even get out of school until after 3:00 (middle school are the first to go to school, and then the high schoolers and then the elementary - and returned home in the same order) When Jenna returned home yesterday, she changed from her buttercup outfit into one that resembles Harley Quinn.  We went downtown to the annex, but the building appeared to have been abandoned for quite some time - as it had the beginning of this year. We then went to the library to enquire about said party.  I ...

Remember the Positive

Every time your children do something wonderful, write it down.   Whenever your children do something that makes you upset, refer to the list of actions you've admired. Focus on the good things.  Don't dwell on the anger or sadness.

Happy Halloween!

Jenna met a friend at a second hand store yesterday.  They were searching for costumes to wear today.  There are three of them that will be dressed as the power puff girls.  I took pictures of Jenna in various costume that she thought might work for Buttercup. This morning she left the house dressed in the 2nd outfit of the three.  One strap had broken, but she said it was because she was the tough one.  If it is cold tonight, she will be dressing up as the ghost of Christmas future.  Hot costume to wear.  I don't know what she'll wear if it is nice out.

Dr. So'n'So Needs a New Car . . . Can We Schedule You for an Appointment?

           In this post I talked about going to the doctor specifically to get a Z-pac.   I had failed to mention that as long as I was there, I mentioned a stomach rash that I hadn't noticed was there until after Labor Day.   The doctor gave me a prescription for some cream which seemed to sting at times, but did/does seem to help.               Perhaps I shouldn't have mentioned it as it became a bigger concern for her than what I was actually there for.   She said she wanted to see me within a week.   I had to postpone the appointment and perhaps should have just cancelled altogether.   I really have not been satisfied with the clinic overall.   Or this particular doctor . . . And I'm even less impressed with the pharmacy that said they'd have my order ready in less than an hour and still didn't have it when I returned SIX HOURS later . . .   and the do...

Park and Pics

These were taken at Evergreen The beds are no longer dry sad LOVE the fall!