It would have been less costly just to have her committed.

          I have two friends who are currently going through the divorce process.  One couple, though hurt, remains civil.  Their plan is to go through mediation.  The other . . . well, she sounds like she has turned into the Maleficent that Roland was married to for seven years.

          I’ve actually known him a lot longer – and have had conversations with her – but not day to day.  She seemed nice.  Perhaps a bit naïve when the two of them were married – someone a chauvinist would marry.  Someone who could be controlled.

          Of course I don’t know all the insides and outsides of their marriage.  I know that she posted to facebook that they were getting a divorce.  I think posting anything to facebook is opening a can of worms.  Her family (or friends) didn’t see it that way when the comments turned into bash and dispute.
          I’ve heard there are mental issues involved – so most of what I read sounded to me like she had turned into Maleficent – Roland’s ex – who I was told at one time had a heart.  Hard to believe.

          I always told Roland that it was too bad that he didn’t have Maleficent put away in some asylum – and certainly there would be costs – but I’m certain that it would be less expensive than what we are seeing now.

          The difference between Maleficent and my facebook friend (who actually shows up as “sister”) is her lack of family support – where as I think my facebook "sister" has family who would fight it out in court if her husband were to have her committed.  He’s got many years of financial hell ahead of him.  Too bad.

          I hope the state won’t be so doofus as they have been with Roland – though I have my doubts.  As with Maleficent (the original) they are certain to believe all the lies of my facebook "sister".  They will issue her restraining orders upon her word of mouth.  They will cater to her every need.  She will be awarded custody and use her children against my friend the way that Roland’s ex has with him.

          I get upset by the whole idea of divorce – especially when it becomes so ugly and there’s a partner who will never let go.  She seeks vengeance.  And every passing year she becomes more and more vile and her poison gets stronger and stronger and the state realizes they made a mistake but will never admit it. 

          Roland’s girls haven’t ended up like Josh Powell’s kids.  I don't know what my facebook friend's condition is. I don’t know the severity of the mental illness she refuses to face.  But hey, I doubt the state will even take that into account.  Aren't we supposed to learn from history in order not to repeat?

          Dear friend who I’ve known for over forty-five years . . . I’m sorry for your current and future situation.  At least she can’t have custody of all your kids – and it seems like the harder she tries to turn them against you, the more she turns them against herself.  I hope the road you are on doesn’t take you to the same financial or emotional hell as we have traveled.  I feel for you.  I’d like to be able to do more for you. I just don't know what.
                                                Love, LaTiesha 


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