We’ve Been Told That MuliTasking is a Myth

        Corey showed me this cartoon about five hours after Roland and I had driven to Roland’s work.  He was talking about this very subject – commenting that there’s no such thing as multitasking.  I couldn’t believe he was saying that. 

He is amazing at multitasking behind the wheel. And we have known several who fit in the “Molly Mormon” role – each with 8-14 kids.  And it seems the more children they have, the greater they are at multitasking.  Straighting the dress on one while fixing the hair on the other while cooking dinner and doing laundry, and feeding the youngest two and reading a book in order to prepare for the Relief Society lesson which actually isn’t until next month – but multitasker Molly Mormons don’t procrastinate.  They put all scouts to shame as they will never be prepared as much as Molly Mormon. (On a side note: many Molly Mormons actually do teach or at least assist with scouting)

I was convinced that there was no myth – that multitasking really does take place.  And just less than twelve hours later I was sitting in front of the boob tube watching Multiplicity. That’s when I absorbed what I’d been hearing all day.  There is truth in the saying that there’s no such thing as multi-tasking.  No such thing.  Apparently it is believable as being able to clone ourselves to fulfill all those things that we need to do.  To multitask.

I could never be a multitasker.  But I thought there were a handful of people that were.  I believed in the myth.  I have seen Molly Mormon in action.  Or was it the same trickery that is used by a magician? 


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