
Showing posts from November, 2012


So often sitcoms will portray the girl as the snuggler and the guy as the one who needs the room. I don’t have a problem snuggling when we’re both awake -  but when I’m in bed asleep (or trying to) I would rather not deal with that extra weight crushing my bones, leaving indentations in my body, actually making it hard to sleep.  Roland’s a cuddler.  He’s been extremely tired all week – and very much in the middle of the bed (note it’s NOT a king size bed) leaving enough room on his side for another person while my arm dangles over the bed.  His head like a bowling ball on my shoulder.  I could actually tolerate all of it except for the dangling arm.  It’s annoying when I look at all the room to the other side of them.  I actually wonder if there might be more room on that side.  Probably not.  If I could just take my arm off, there would be plenty of room. Jenna likes to cuddle as well.  It worked out bette...

Content With My 35 mph Route

          Every once in a while, instead of turning at my designated turn, I will continue on the road I’m on just to see where it goes.  Sometimes I have missed my designated turn.  Sometimes I have been rerouted by construction. Such was the case this summer.           Sometimes there is just no way around the construction. One is doomed to hit it sometime during his or her commute.  I still have my hang-ups with railroadtracks and crossing over bridges .  But unless I take the freeway, there is just no way to avoid the train tracks.            I can’t take the freeway, though.  For one thing, I truly believe my car will fall apart if I attempt to make it go more than 50.  And that would have not helped with the construction situation at all – as I would still have to get off to get to mom’s street and ...

Thoughts for Today’s Post

          I took Highness for a walk for the first time this month.  Poor dog.  (I've been going to mom's, trying to assist at Jenna's school or the cannery and Biff has taken on two full time jobs leaving Highness somewhat neglected)           The weather has been awesomely beautiful once the sun is out.  When it’s down, it can get quite cold. But during the day – I often get hot and will turn the heat off and open a window.                                                                I don’t recall a November ever where I could get away with wearing just a sweatshirt over my clothes.  But then we had wonderful weather last Christmas.  I took a picture of Jenna in some new clothes that had been sent – she was outsid...

It is Okay to Dismiss Early . . . at least in My Opinion

                     Whenever Roland and I were asked to speak in our last ward , l the subject was often missionary themed.  A couple of talks we’d given were in reference to Mothers’ Day, but I think for the most part it was missionary work.            Roland and I were the ward mission leaders for four years – and must have been called to speak at least twice during the time we were serving in that calling.  And also after our boys were out in the mission field we had been called to speak.           With each talk I prepared, I tried a new approach from the previous talk.  One of the talks that I’d given I have posted here .   But the first time I was called to speak was before we had gone to see “ The Guardian ”  which seemed to speak to me with the analogy of comparing mi...

Chatter Matters . . . especially for Jenna

          In 2000 Mattel distributed a game called Chatter Matters.  I don’t know how the game happened to fall into the hands of Sunny’s family, or if it had been given to a specific child.  But they didn’t seem to enjoy it.           They left it at my mom’s house without directions.  It’s pretty self explanatory, but I printed the directions anyway.  Jenna absolutely LOVES this game.  We started playing it just this year.           We must have started in summer when Jenna was off from school.  The game continued to live at Grandma’s house, and that is where we would play it.  Jenna wanted to take the game home.  I told her that it wasn’t ours to take.  But Corey said he thought it would be okay if we did.  But I know Jenna and her lack of ability to clean up after herself and how many game pieces tu...

Yesterday's Turkey Dinner

          I started this blog on New Years of this year.  I was faithful to write every single day – or almost every day.  But when school ended, so did my once-a-day posts.  My focus had to be on Jenna.  And when school started back up, mom’s memory had deteriorated and so I seemingly started spending more time with her (especially when Corey had gone back to Las Vegas – where he is now registered as a permanent resident in the state of Nevada) and so I still haven’t gotten back to one a day. Perhaps I never will.           Kayla and her two children met Jenna and me at my mom’s on the Thursday of Thanksgiving.  I had gone because it was my day and we had already celebrated Thanksgiving dinner with the family on the Saturday prior.  Kayla brought her kids because Bill wanted to clean the carpets.           They had left the hous...

Being Grateful

On January 3 rd I created a post called “What I’m Grateful for A-Z” There have been oodles of posts on facebook by a number of people expressing gratitude on a daily basis.  I put these in alphabetical order as well.  Some are the same as my answers given three days after I created this post.  I admire so many of the statements given: Agency: “I can’t always choose what happens to me, but I can always choose how I’m going to react to it” “A great sacrifice was made and a divine price was paid.” “I’m thankful for all the veterans in my life and for all those who have served and continue to serve this great country.” “passion for our freedoms” Education: “this also goes for choice in elementary and secondary schools” “the ability to learn” Guidance: “I am thankful for a living prophet to lead, guide, and direct me” Health: “It may not be the best, but I am grateful I’m not a slave to bad health” Employment: “I’m gra...

Another Visit with Mom

She had just finished eating when I arrive. I don’t bother to ask if she has checked her blood. We go for a walk. I point to a house where a family had lived Many years ago. I asked if she remembers. She says that she does.  That’s good. She didn’t have a clue on Saturday. I take her to my house to eat lunch. I put her at the computer while I prepare the food. She enjoys viewing the pictures that Kayla had taken And had posted to facebook. I make some suggestions on how to complete the day I ask if there is anywhere in particular where she would like to go. She says she wants to go home. Just home. Her mother was a homebody, too. I take her back home with a reminder that I will have to leave again. I have to go pick Jenna up from school.  I’d like her to go with me. She doesn’t want to go. Just as I’m about to leave, I decide I will call Nate and ask if he could pick up Jenna. Nate married my niece.  They live in mom’s basement. ...

“Brave” and the Liahona

         Roland and I took mom to the movies after our Saturday Thanksgiving dinner.  We chose “Brave” because it was the shortest wait.  Mom enjoyed it which in itself made it worth it.   I felt intrigued by the parallels that seemed unfold – for me anyway.           Merida is typical of many teens – many who have gone beyond teen hood but still place more faith in self than  a higher being.           Merida’s mother attempts to prepare Merida for the role of princess and what expectations are included and what the future holds – none of which fit into Merida’s own plans of “freedom” of expressing herself, of taking on adventures without the hassles of trying to please everyone by fulfilling a role that is clearly NOT the fate she would choose for herself.           The story incorpor...

Untraditional Thanksgiving

The thing I enjoyed most about Thanksgiving was that each year was spent with a different group of people than the year before – not always.  For the most part our Thanksgiving dinners were intimate.  10 -12 people.  Nothing overwhelming like the 30+ number that my neighbor from across the street likes to have.  The more, the merrier – or so is her opinion.  I prefer less people.           Sometimes we would enjoy the Thanksgiving holidays with various neighbors.  Sometimes extended family.  Sometimes just us.  Each one different.  Each one with positive memories.           I recall one year spending it with a couple who had two children.  I think mom and dad had only three at the time.  The movie, The Jazz Singer (the version with Neal Diamond as Jess Robin), had just gone to the dollar theatre.  It was part of a double feat...