I was Hoping to make a Liar of Myself - SERIOUSLY

          On November 1 I created a post called Unwelcome November – because the first was typical of a November Day – windy, gloomy – no snow however.

          Yesterday I created a post about the week of glorious days that fell between that post and this one.  Even though it was windy yesterday, the sun still shown.  I unrolled my car windows.  I opened the windows in the house.  Yesterday was not all bad.  It must have started this morning.  Very EARLY this morning.

          A wet rain.  Wind.  I think I heard it hailing.  It sounded nasty.  When the noise stopped, the snow started lightly falling.  It’s still not a heavy fall.  However it hasn’t stopped ALL day.  The snow is going to bury the roads.  That doesn’t excite me.

          And I read a post on facebook from one who is grateful for the snow.  I should be grateful.  I am grateful for snowplows and neighbors who have cleared my sidewalk along with their own.  How awesome is that? 


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