If You Leave Your Note Book Out – It Becomes Up For Grabs
was raised in a household in which we respected not only one another – but
property belonging to someone else. We’d
always ask one another if we could borrow or have – we didn’t just take and
keep or disregard without considering the emotions of another.
has always grabbed at envelopes or statements or even receipts – if there is a
blank space he would document information from the caller – and leave it. I at least make the effort to transfer the
information rather than telephone my spouse and expect miracles to happen as I
describe the notes I took and the possible appearance of what it might have
been written on.
his “note” detail much more space than even a totally blank envelope will
provide. If I should leave out a
notebook which I have written, be it journaling, lesson preparation, or
whatever, he ignores the fact that the notebook may belong to somebody else and
starts in at exactly where I left off.
at least has the decency to turn the page – problem is he has a college algebra
class and uses up several pages for just one problem. Give me a break! Not fond of that algebra. But then neither is he.
isn’t just the notebook –it’s whatever happens to be lying around or - in
Jenna’s case – just happens to exist.
Who cares if you had to open a drawer or cupboard and move things around
just to get to it? Pencils? Pens? Once they enter our house, they are good as
forever vanished. It is best that one NOT develop an attachment to anything as
most items that come into our house grow legs and walk away or are forever
things may be marked with names – but if they are kept in a public place (like
the refrigerator) it is still up for grabs.
Tony is the only one of my three boys who ever asked if he could have
different foods – but that was just while I was at home. But Randy has always overlooked any personal
belongings and still helps himself to whatever (and he doesn’t even live here
nice it would be to experience the same respect that I grew up with.
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