Omigosh Mishaps in the Garden
By no means am I a gardener. Don’t know as I ever had the desire to be. If I did, it was when I was younger. Like grammar school younger. And the sun didn’t seem to faze me as its heat wrapped itself around my body like an unwanted blanket – suffocating me. I’d rather be indoors with the air conditioning and not pulling weeds in the garden.
It seems the wind has blown some grass seed into our garden. And the miracle grow is doing wonders on the grass and the beans and peppers. But the grass is not a part of our garden and so I have been pulling up blades. I can dig up the roots (well, some of them) if they are in the isle of the garden, but if they are sprouting in the same row as the plants (or some still seeds) they can’t be dug up as well.
Every day there are blades of grass. Everyday I tug at the blades and dig and rake. I am frustrated when they are still attached to the earth with roots so long they must reach to the center of the earth. We need the plants to spread their roots. How can they if the grass blades have such long roots?
The pigweed pulls out easily. When I am done pulling and tugging and digging, I will rake the area over. It is then when I learn how well my digging has (or has not paid) I can tell the blades and weeds from the beans and peppers. But I am still having a problem telling the onions apart from the grass blades. So I know that I am not getting it all on that particular end of the garden.
But the weeds are not my biggest obstacle. I learned that fighting with the net has become my biggest challenge. We put two up over the garden and one over the sad looking cantaloupe to keep the birds and dogs out. Don’t know about the birds and the dog, but I’m thinking that if I trip over or rip the nets any further, they will keep me out. Gardening is such an incredible pain. May our produce be worth it.
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