Change for November
Tomorrow is December 1st. I am truly amazed at what an awesome November we've had. Awesome in Salt Lake City, Utah, that is. I understand they've had their fair share of snow in the southern part of the state - or windy or stormy weather. But in my little corner of the world it's been a great November as far as the weather goes. Oh, there have been a couple of days that have chilled to the bone. Just a couple is odd for November. Usually seems filled with darkened skies and dry moisture - I realize that is an oxymoron on my part. But the winters in Utah are harsh with a dry air quality - much drier than in the summer - and yet November is usually always filled with rain or snow or sleet or hail. I don't understand why when the elements are wet the air is dry - but it is. My skin and my mouth are always thirsty. Most all of the trees have lost their leaves by now. There are still leaves crunching on the ground. Only a ...