First Snow

         The first two days of December were rather bleak and cold – and I seemed to possess a personality to match the bitterness.  For that I am sorry.  I haven’t been feeling well this morning.  In addition I think the weather has been making me feel somewhat arthritic – although the size of my person has not been a tremendous help

      It had started snowing sometime between 1:30 and 3:00 this morning and hasn’t stopped.  I gave Jenna the option of taking an earlier bus in case they were running late.  She opted for the earlier route which was running behind – as the well as the one behind that we normally take.  I know because it passed me as I was waiting for my return.

         Going southbound was not an issue this morning.  Unfortunately northbound seems to be getting slower – thus when they get to the end of the line and make their return, all of the southbound busses will be behind also. 

So while we were able to get Jenna to school on time (actually long before it started) the return home didn’t save much in the way of time before.  I got home only five or ten minutes sooner than usual.  I’m wondering how early I should be leaving the house today so that she doesn’t freak out if I’m not there due to busses running behind. Don’t imagine we will be getting home until after dark.  Oh, joy!  At least the snow does provide some shine to it.

I just heard the weather forecast for falling snow between 3:00 and 5:00 tonight.  Does this reporter not have a window to see it is already taking place?  I wonder if he meant heavier snow.  I really don’t see the purpose for snow in the valley.  I hope the tremendous outpour he was talking about will take place in the mountains and not on the floor.  Snow’s pretty when it’s fresh, but the city can make it ugly rather quickly. Snow’s not welcome! (on our roads and sidewalks I mean)


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