Mommy, Take My Picture!
She seemed fascinated
with the toilet.
I thought
she’d train early.
She didn’t.
She took off
after she turned one.
How cool to
move herself
with her feet, to go
from room to room.
To explore.
She collected balls and rocks.
Whenever we’d go
out walking she would climb
on fire hydrants and
pick up anything
she found in her path.
She loved roly-polys.
They resembled small balls.
She did attempt
to put one in her mouth.
She collected whatever she could carry.
She started preschool
when she was three.
We’d walk to school.
She would balance
on the way, walking over walls
as though she was on a tightrope.
I would entertain her
with imitations of circus music
and emcee her “daring moves”
and I would take her picture
She dawdled
as she explored every yard
between our house and the school.
She collected rocks and pinecones.
She loved each season
and enthusiastically greeted
anything that was new.
The wind,
crunching leaves,
snow banks,
every part of nature.
She collected rocks and leaves.
Today she dawdles
much as she did when
she was three.
She explores
whatever God has created.
She climbs trees and
snow banks and continues
to make snow angels.
She continues to
balance on walls as she did
when she was three
and asks for me to make the sounds
of the circus as she performs
on her “tightrope” and ask
"Mommy, Will you take my picture?"
She collects Pokémon cards and rocks
She will stand on top of
rocks and
stumps and ask me
to take her picture
lying on balls and
fire hydrants still exploring
as she had when
she was three
She now gives her rocks faces.
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