Same Name, Different Style

Have you ever had your mind (or heart) set on a specific food or dish – which you have had several times – only to have your server put something entirely different in front of your face.  Well, perhaps not entirely different, but noticeably different.  The name is the same, but the taste and appearance is off.

Take corn bread for instance.  Here in the west it is light and yellow and fluffy.  It crumbles as you eat it and has a sweetness to it – even before you drench it in gooey honey.  It is delicious.

When I was on my mission and had learned from one of the sisters that we’d be having corn bread with our dinner, I got excited (as it had been a while since I had it)  I didn’t dislike the flat and heavy white no-sweet-to-it-whatsoever southern version of corn bread – but I must say I was disappointed.  I think adding honey to that particular batch would have tasted gross.

There are many of varieties of food that have the same name.  Here are some examples:


  1. In west valley, the water looks like it does coming out of the faucet, but tastes like the example next to it


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