Rambeling thoughts

We have not ridden the bus this week as Roland has taken a use-it-or-lose-it vacation.  He has been driving Jenna to school each morning.

He had wanted to go see a movie on Monday.  We went to the 12:00 showing and sat through the previews.
  The projector (or whatever device they use now) was not working correctly. 
We had a choice to wait for the 1:00 or return at a later time.  We learned that it was a three-hour movie. 
Three hour movie!  I didn’t want to sit through a three-hour movie! 
We couldn’t wait for the 1:00 showing because Jenna gets out of school at 3:20. 
But Roland still wanted to see it.  So we returned the next day. 
He kept telling me that the movie was only 2 hours and 49 minutes.  That’s more than three hours when sitting through 20 minutes worth of ads and previews.

The movie is LOOOOONNNG – I think there is much that could have been edited. 
I also thought the film crew could have used better lighting. 
I really didn’t enjoy it overall.
I did enjoy the ending.  Well, near the end anyway.
When Murph and Cooper both make the discovery of what had taken place
and what the ghost/poltergeist – whatever-it-was represents. 
I didn’t make it to the very very end.
I just couldn’t hold my liquids anymore.

Tonight we had our Relief Society dinner.
I was supposedly in charge – but I am a flake and would be so lost without the presidency
or my committee
It will be the last activity this year.
My committee and I will be off in December.
We’ll meet back up in January to create an agenda.

It is cold now.  Unlike last week when it was cool, but nice.
It did get cold when sun dropped out of the sky – or at least started to.
About 3:30 – 4:00 the air went from cool to cold.
Now the entire day is cold.
It’s no longer just jacket weather.
It is heavy coat cold.

I took a Zyrtec – though cold medicine might have been better.
I’m certain I caught a cold in the theatre.  It was like sitting in a refrigerator
For three hours!
I had on my sweatshirt, my hat and Roland’s coat.
I’m wondering what in the world is wrong with me that I was colder than him.

I haven’t been out to my sister’s house for two weeks now.  It seems longer.
I feel like I haven’t seen her or my niece or nephews forever.
I am getting tired.


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