I did NOT Sleep Well This Morning

I fell asleep
on the couch
Roland left me there

12:30 a m
"Hi, Mom!"
Jenna is standing
across the  room

She then plops herself
on the couch
next to me.

"It's 12:30 in the morning!"
I say
not too nicely.

She returns to her bed

I think
maybe I should get up
turn down the heat
I'm not really hot though
I am glued to the chair
I go back to sleep

1:30 a m
cats in the yard
they have woken me up before
The neighbor's dog is barking

Cats deserved to be barked at
Why are they doing it in our yard anyway
We certainly did not invite them

I think
maybe I should get up
turn down the heat
I'm not really hot though
I am glued to the chair
I go back to sleep

2:00 a m
neighbor's dog continues to bark
is there trouble outside
perhaps he's just cold
why do they have their dog outside anyway
I don't remember ever
having have heard him
disturb my sleep before
I do think that
he is a lonely dog

I think
maybe I should get up
turn down the heat
I'm not really hot though
I am glued to the chair
I go back to sleep

2:30 a m
covers off
I am boiling
I have to get up
I turn down the heat
and return to the couch.

I don't know how many more times
I got up
or for what reasons
Somehow I ended up
on the opposite side of the room
in my dream

For in real life
the only furniture
across the room
is a small book case
which I would break
in reality
if I were to sit
or lye on it.

But I can see Jenna
 sitting on the couch
I see the time on the clock
says 8:00 a m
which means she has missed
her bus

"Jenna!  Get your shoes on!"
In my dream
I'll have to drive her
In my dream
I have another engagement
It takes me too long to get dressed

"You'll have to ask
somebody else to drive you"
In real life
Roland is the only other person
But in my dream
are all three of her brothers
and my youngest brother
She can get a ride
with one of them

I am still getting dressed
when Roland returns
from taking her to school
In real life
I look at the clock again
It is 5:15 a m
It is almost time for Roland
to get up to go to work

I am so tired
but cannot return to sleep
until Jenna leaves
to go catch the bus
I need to wrap up
this post
and go fix breakfast
for Roland and Jenna

I will return to sleep

later on.


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